El Cheapo home-made Smuggler?

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Oh, no! Your wife put Buddy down? Say it isn't so.
Fred, I still have Buddy here with me & he is fine!

When my wife paid our vet to put him down, it was obvious to the vet that Buddy was in his prime, which caused him to inquire about her reasons for this. She replied that Buddy was a "Vicious Biter", and she didn't want him adopted out as someone could be attacked.

The vet put Buddy in for observation as a vicious dog for 14 days, as is his policy. I located Buddy at our vet's and took the necessary steps to get him returned to me...a story in itself. The problem was my bat-shit crazy wife...and she is history now.


Buddy and I had one of the best summers ever, as every weekend we were on the road!


We met a ton of great folks in Washington @ Mt St Helens... this guy & his wife were visiting from France.


I am looking for some of the pix I took of the monitor mount I made for his "Buddy-cam", and will post them for inspection.

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I was so hoping for a different outcome than the one I imagined.

Perhaps your ex could be placed under observation as a "Vicious Bitch". I think we all know what the results of that study would be.https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/****.gif Say hi to her for me.

The Buddy Bus rocks. May you and the li'l feller share many a happy trail!

Ok, Mr. DenCouch, you HAVE to bring Buddy to the Rueben Run, La Pine Oregon, this year!

..and good on you, from DoggieLovers everywhere, for saving Buddy.

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I had one of those. She was an angel for the 4 years we were going steady. I thought God had sent her down from heaven just for me. A reward, if you will for being a good lilttle boy my whole life. Then, all of a sudden she turned into Broomhilda, Broomhilda from Hell. I couldn't believe it. It was like Whiplash! I couldn't figure out where the hell it came from.

Then I started doing the math and finally figured out that it all started right about 90 minutes after I put a wedding ring on her! :)))

Buddy is a lucky Dog! And so are you! Enjoy. :) and Yes, Chuck! She had wonderful tits!

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I'll offer anecdotal evidence. I was married twice.

Wife 1 Great tits. Batshit crazy

Wife 2 average tits. Mildly nuts.

As you can see, my experience shows a direct proportion between tits and crazy.

Wife 2 was also a better cook...hmmmm

I'm extremely sorry for the high jack, DENCOUCH, You touched on a very sensitive subject. Bounce, we're going back to Buddy now! :))
No apologies, I can relate & want to dive right in!

...and don't get me started on "Spousal Support"!

I'm extremely sorry for the high jack, DENCOUCH, You touched on a very sensitive subject. Bounce, we're going back to Buddy now! :))
No apologies, I can relate & want to dive right in!

...and don't get me started on "Spousal Support"!
Ouch! No spousal support for me. They were crazy bitches but, in the end they were Ladies. They knew what they did was unfair. They walked away with dignity. Gotta give them points for that. If I were to call any of them today, they'd jump on it in a second. But, I won't do that. I am the happiest guy I know! :))
I needed some place on the dash to mount the Monitor for Buddy's Cam. Allows me to keep my eye on how he is doing.


I removed this panel and layed-up fiberglass & cloth to make a base. The base mounted with the upper left corner fastener, and a Plastic button fastener where the left head light knob was. I don't honestly use this feature, so allowed the penetration another use.


During the build process. I pre-formed a mounting shell for the monitor, as well as a pod for the volt meter & ammeter digital displays.

All of the wiring is tucked inside. Since I wired to the battery for fused power, I later added an On/Off switch to shut this circuit down when not in use.

Forming around the glove box required attention as I wanted to continue using the glove box without interference from the mount.

Looks better with paint. Works great from the seat.
