Electrical connector broken

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Creston, CA
After a burned wiring loom, and subsequent main harness replacement, KrZy8 had an intermittent high beam, and by association, HID Soltek lights.

Curious, some times the high beams would work, other times not. Hit a bump, On. Bump again, off. Clearly a loose connection. Logical to assume the tech who installed the main wiring harness was at fault.

Take CrZy8 back to dealer for new front tire and hi beam headlight fix.

Pick up CrZy8 a day later, check hi beam and it no workie! Phook! SM calls tech to front desk, he wiggles wires under left front inner cowl, hi beams work, don't work. Hmmm. Tech states he did not remove center, left, or right plastic... so must be an existing problem.

Here's the thing. I trust this guy. My age, we've talked, he knows I'm not full o'Shit like ya'll do, and is genuinely concerned. It's Friday late afternoon, he won't be back until Tuesday, and I've already traveled in truck+trailer 35 miles and have Sat, Sun, Mon to play. So load up CrZy8 to take home and see what I can do.

Here is what I find, after removing the left lower fairing... a broken connector.

I think this most likely happened during my deer strike, and the tech missed it..


Here is the connector.. obviously broken, with the a reddish wire halfway out.. the high beam wire..






So then.. Questions are - What's the best option based upon the cheap factor? I don't feel this is the dealer's issue, this wiring was not part of the main harness replacement. And I don't want to pay for a new sub-harness..

  1. Is the plastic connector available via other sources, then stuff the wires back in?
  2. Use PosiLock connectors and individually connect the wires?
  3. Other ideas?
Damn.. Karma bites my ass for posting used oil, filter, and tire threads. :****:

That karma thing is just like you - a Be-otch!

Thats what you get for bad-mouthing Azaros!

And peeps think I am hard on MY FJR.

That karma thing is just like you - a Be-otch!
Thats what you get for bad-mouthing Azaros!

And peeps think I am hard on MY FJR.
Dang Skooter, ride hard, play hard, CRASH hard, that's your motto! (you playa, you) :eek:

I just need help with a simple ol' connector...

[SIZE=8pt](and at least I got deer steak after my little incident) [/SIZE]

Didn't you have to splice a bunch of wires? What did you use?

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I think I'd go with this - Molex connectors

Or you could really go low end trailer park and use a flat trailer hitch wiring connector. :dribble:

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Ya damn Ham Fisted bastie! First ya wreck your dryer now this?

Stay away from small electrical connectors and such till you tone down your grip.. See what all that jerkin' off got ya :dribble:

Take the crazy tire guys advice and go the Molex route.


You should be able to pull the pins out of the old connector if you are careful to not bend the little springy thingy that holds it in the connector. A 2-way radio shop might have to tool used to remove pins and might have a new connector body. Or maybe break the connector so the pins are removable. Then maybe the pins will fit into a molex connector body or something, depending on the diameter of the pin and the design of the springy thingy. Or maybe push the pins together and heat shrink them. That would make it a bitch to pull apart if you need too, though.



Actually bud, I've got a couple old XS11 harness bits that I recently aquired. How many pins are there? I can see if I might have something you can use as a replacement. Should be able to pop the wires out of the old plug and pop them into the new.

Carver: I use some yamaha OEM connectors at work. I'll see if I can find this one for you, if my source has them available.

Can you give me a photo head on from the front that shows the pins, and a shot from the back showing the wires going in. Also some shots of the mating connector would be good for comparison.

All the wires and terminals look in good shape. You should be able to take a *very* small flat blade screw driver and release the terminals one by one. There's a little clip lock accessible from the non-wire mating side. You can then clip them into the new plastic mate.


After a quick look, this may be a match. Check the dimensions:


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I would put a heat shrink aroound the broken connector, and use a zip tie after to hold both connector together, I should do the job

Carver: I use some yamaha OEM connectors at work. I'll see if I can find this one for you, if my source has them available.
Can you give me a photo head on from the front that shows the pins, and a shot from the back showing the wires going in. Also some shots of the mating connector would be good for comparison.

All the wires and terminals look in good shape. You should be able to take a *very* small flat blade screw driver and release the terminals one by one. There's a little clip lock accessible from the non-wire mating side. You can then clip them into the new plastic mate.


After a quick look, this may be a match. Check the dimensions:

Hey Slappie, Thank You! Damn doode, another guy on the 'buy him dinner or a hooker' list! :eek:

Do these pix help?













Call me a purist, but I'd rather use an OEM connector or EQ than to splice and dice..

Thanks again for helping...


A connector is your main concern? Well you can pick up connectors and pins from radio shack and it will look and act like a factory connection.

I agree with Pierre - but my suggestion would be to tie-wrap the rear of the connector before installing the shrink wrap to provide the support for the loose connections to keep anything from moving.

I wouldn't feel right stripping and connecting wiring in a non-standard way - if yours is an '06, the harness prices out at $166 from Ronayers - doesn't seem too bad considering what it is. And, if you contact your insurance company, they ought to stand the price, since it IS a result of an otherwise hidden damage from the deer strike.

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I think ya missed a shot somewhere Don.. :p

Ya know, you could contact your brother Howie... He ain't ever gonna get silver up and running, to busy chasing carnies looking for the one that ran off with his love child. :(

Just a thought...


In a quick online glance, they weren't in my supplier's online catalog.

This source who I'm not familiar with, just found with google seems to have the same series of connectors, they show an 8 pin. 13 pin is kinda rare.

I do have a some 6 pin connectors, both male and female. I could send you a pair of each on Monday. I'll also check the paper catalogs just to be sure.
