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Not all automatics are scooters
The V-8 Boss Hoss also has a reverse gear (since one person can't push the thing) and weighs in at over half a ton. You need three football players to get it back up if you drop it. It is a mutant of a bike IMO for guys with cheese for brains.
I take it you've never ridden one. Yeah, it's heavy, and if you drop it you'll definately need help, but if you know how to ride it is not easy to drop, the center of gravity is so low with an 8.5 gal tank full there is absolutely no top heaviness.

From another board and another Mike:

"Lamont, Gary and myself went for a beautiful ride today, The Tail Of The Dragon, and then took in the Cherohala Skyway. It was a beautiful day, companionship of 2 super nice guys, 3 Boss Hosses, MANY bikes, lots of questions from people, but most of all..a GREAT TIME!

Let me tell you guys something (as if you didn't already know it). Lamont is a WHIZ when it comes to being a mechanic and any type of troubleshooting. Something else....Gary and I rode the Dragon..Lamont TAMED it!! This guy can really ride! Ask him why the guys on the crotch rockets wanted to shake his hand at the end of the Dragon."

" To explain what Mike is talking about, I had a couple of CBR's run with me up Deals Gap and the guys was so pumped up that both came and shook my hand and told me they had totally changed their opinion about the Boss Hoss and it was because of that ride. They never thought that a 1200 lb bike could run like that on the Gap. We were hammering pretty good and I don't think I was slowing anyone down, as a matter of fact we passed a bunch of guys going up. It was one of those days that when you pitched it into the turn and started scrapping that you didn't pucker up at all and just ran right through scrapping all the way. I would then whack it out of the turns and there was no way these guys were going to pass me. When we got to the top of the hill it took me a while to get my kickstand down because it was all jammed up under the frame. A guy saw I was have trouble and was going to help me but I gave it one last kick and got it loose. The one thing nice about the Boss is there is always a crowd around to give you a hand. "


One of my first rides as a kid was a 3 wheeler that you shifted with your foot but had an automatic clutch. No different only now with the fjr it will have an automatic clutch and a button to push for shifting up or down.

It is pretty cool that when you come to a stop you don't have to go to neutral you can stay in first and apparently the clutch doesn't engage until you give it a little throttle.

You guys may have said this but I stopped reading at about page 3. :D

I think it was my doctor that suggested the purchase of the 06 "AE" model. I think he said:

1. You won't experience any discomfort in your clutch hand. Reserving more strength for chicken-choaking!

2. All upper and lower back pain on long rides will be absent.

3. No heat problems.

4. Your wife will find it easy to master riding this scooter solo.

5. Your legs will either be longer or shorter at your option. For the guys that see the glass "half full".

6. You'll look like a stud in those sexy mirrors.

7. Your privates won't be toasty unless you light them on fire!

8. The extra weight of the bike will give it a lower CG, thus better handling, and of course no more bike dropping.

9. The color will more than likely match that of your hair!

10. The ground will be either closer or farther from your feet at riders option. That's for the guys that see the glass "half empty".

11. The traditional butt fatigue and discomfort on long rides is eliminated with those plush full seats.

12. You'll be ready to farkle once again!

13. You'll get Scooter rates at the local drive-in movie.

14. The vision of on-lookers will improve with this impressive scooter bike.

15. Flea's and ticks have been removed for ever!

Now BrunDog, how can you still say no to this allegedly medically approved modern marvel!

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I take it you've never ridden one. Yeah, it's heavy, and if you drop it you'll definately need help, but if you know how to ride it is not easy to drop, the center of gravity is so low with an 8.5 gal tank full there is absolutely no top heaviness.
You're right - I haven't ridden one. To be honest, I've just read a few of negative reviews. I must ask though, what kind of mileage these things get? 10 mpg? I guess some of things I want from a bike is being able to throw it back and forth in the twisties, get the front wheel up occasionally, and for extra credit - get get 2-3 times the mileage a typical car gets. To each their own. At least there's little question who would win the bike vs. deer competition. Enjoy the beast!

I like the looks of that scooter, nice if it gets lots of miles to just jaunt to work and back.

I like the apes on the razor, just needs aftermarket pipes. :agent:


Actually I'd like to see kick-starters come back too! Nice back-up!

FJRPilot1945 - For your sake, I hope you're right, as you haven't driven one yet either! :blink: Of course once you sink $14K or $15K in one, then find out it feels a bit on the "scooter'ish" side, it'll be kinda tough to come out and say you've made a mistake, eh? In any case... Good Luck!

FJR rider

I don't know about you but I ordered my FJR without a test ride and had only seen pictures of it. After I ordered the FJR about 2 months later I got to sit on one. My test ride was on my bike.





My first sighting and test ride was on my own 04 FJR also. Bought it used in May- June ? 04 the same day I saw it at the dealers on consignment.

BUT..I had already ordered an 05 based on ride reports from many of the members here and on other sites as well as magazine reviews. I had a few years worth of research and ride reports pretty much guaranteeing I was in for a sweet ride along with a few fixable warts.

For those pioneers willing to jump in here and take the risk - I salute you ! However I've got no problem holding my enthusiaism for the AE in check until the same data exists.

I genuinely wish you AE pioneers receive all you are hoping for., Trying to convince the world its the greatest thing since sliced bread until someone has actually experienced it is greatly premature IMHO.

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Actually I'd like to see kick-starters come back too!  Nice back-up!
FJRPilot1945 - For your sake, I hope you're right, as you haven't driven one yet either!   :blink:    Of course once you sink $14K or $15K in one, then find out it feels a bit on the "scooter'ish" side, it'll be kinda tough to come out and say you've made a mistake, eh?  In any case... Good Luck!
I think ol fjrpilot 1945 will be ok as I checked out the November issue of "Rider" magazine. Page 38 is titled "Super Scooters that scoot"! The FJR1300AE wasn't listed. Think they know something BrunDog doesn't? :D

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I still have the 05 with one hell of a great clutch. I'll tell it straight after I ride the "AE" and give an honest report. If I don't like the "AE", I'll give it to my lady friend.
If I wear a dress, will you give it to me?!?!?!

I still have the 05 with one hell of a great clutch.  I'll tell it straight after I ride the "AE" and give an honest report.  If I don't like the "AE", I'll give it to my lady friend.
If I wear a dress, will you give it to me?!?!?!
ScooterG, I thought you already had and "AE" on order!! Keep your pants on!!!

I still have the 05 with one hell of a great clutch.  I'll tell it straight after I ride the "AE" and give an honest report.  If I don't like the "AE", I'll give it to my lady friend.
If I wear a dress, will you give it to me?!?!?!
ScooterG, I thought you already had and "AE" on order!! Keep your pants on!!!
No, no AE on order. As much as I would like one, don't think I have the funding available right now.

But I could go out shopping for a dress......... ;)

BrunDog. Mileage check? :D

You been getting out?

Can't wait for that big Scooter to arrive! Ever since I ordered my 06 "AE" model my clutch hand has bothered me.

Bottom line - like shifting my bike. Most all vehicles have autos now, think it's a refreshing change to bang the gears on the FJR. I'm not against the auto, just think it would have a better place on a bike like the Wing w/ the airbag. With all the great bikes on the market, can't believe anyone would want two of the same even if one has an auto shifter.
And you think the "air bag" is on the Wing!! :D :D


It may have only been his third post, but I got more out of it than I did from yours.


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Wow .... sounds like ol' Mr. 1945 may have inside info on this subject. He talks like he has already ridden, or better yet, designed, this system. See, that is why I love this place, only 3 posts to his credit and he just oozzes information.  :rolleyes:
Wow, you must be a pretty smart guy having 129 posts. I bow to your superior knowledge and experience! I see you have 2000 miles on your 05 with 129 posts. I have 26,000 on my 05 and only 3 posts. That's what I love about this place!!: :D )
1945, are you saying ock913 is 90% mouth????

BINGO! :chatty: :chatty: :chatty:
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Whoa! Stop your '06 AE order quick! Why push buttons?! Rumor has it Yam is coming out with a fully automatic trany in '07, with optional retractable training wheels, and laser controlled braking system (no brake controls!).

True, no one has ridden one yet, but its new, so it has got to be great! :rolleyes:

Whoa!  Stop your '06 AE order quick!  Why push buttons?!  Rumor has it  Yam is coming out with a fully automatic trany in '07, with optional retractable training wheels, and laser controlled braking system (no brake controls!). 
True, no one has ridden one yet, but its new, so it has got to be great!  :rolleyes:

