Engine Noise In My Head-set

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I have this sometimes as well...

I have the J&M integrtor IV with escort 8500, Ipod, rider and passenger intercom, with more to come later. I am using power from the existing power source in the glove box rerouted to my tank bag.

I get an occasional motor noise, but when I pull in the clutch it goes away and may or may not come back in a little while. I adjust the volume slightly and that seems to help sometimes. I am thinking I need to check the connections for the ground in the 12 Volt adaptor, because I cna play with that sometimes and make it go away as well.

There are two issues described by the OP and the various contributors to this thread.

The first is engine noise with the Starcom turned on, but no other accessories turned on. This is very likely NOT a Ground Loop Interference issue. More likely, it is an inductance issue. Some of the FJR's electronics are bleeding RF and some of the wires in the Starcom/accessory setup are inducting it and feeding it into the Starcom.

The second is engine noise with the intercom and accessories turned on. This is often a Ground Loop issue and can be rectified with a proper isolated lead. Whenever your intercom and any of your accessories are both powered by the bike, they share a common ground, i.e. the bike's electrical system. And that can set up a "ground loop." This can be minimized by grounding both the intercom and all accessories directly to the battery. But it doesn't guarantee total elimination of the noise. If it is GLI, then you do need the correct isolated lead as provided by your intercom's manufacturer.

As for inductance, if you get this noise with the engine running and the intercom on, but none of the accessories on, unplug them all from your intercom. Then, one-by-one, plug them back in. This should show you which connecting wire is the offending one. If you have the engine noise when all of the accessories are unplugged, then the noise is likely being inducted into the intercom's power leads, or the intercom box itself. Move them/it away from powerful electronics like your engine management computer, EFI computer, high-tension coils, spark plug leads, and the main wiring harness. Sometimes it requires relocating wires. Sometimes it only requires rotating wires to the other side of a frame tube, thus using that tube as a shield. It's gonna take a bit of experimenting, but it's not rocket science. Just dilligent step-by-step diagnostics. Keep good notes.

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