Engineers or Mechanics?

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Aerospace Engineer (AKA, "Rocket Scientist")

Have you seen the movie, "The World's Fastest Indian?" The part where Munro is talking about keeping the Center of Pressure behind the Center of Gravity to keep his bike stable? I dig that.

I helped design the car (in the background of the following picture) for a run at a speed record at Bonneville in the mid-90's.


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Aerospace Engineer (AKA, "Rocket Scientist")
Have you seen the movie, "The World's Fastest Indian?" The part where Munro is talking about keeping the Center of Pressure behind the Center of Gravity to keep his bike stable? I dig that.
No -- but I did see "Falling Down" -- that was also a rocket scientist :D :D

Hi, I'm jestal and I am an engineer.....ME Automotive in nature.....

I'm no engineer but I gots me one of dem neat hats they wear!

As a kid I used to put coins on the track and wait for the engineers to go by.

Here is one that should at least get honorable mention, note his home town:



Mechanicsburg, PA

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Holy crap! No wonder I can't find any pocket protectors - you guys scarfed 'em all.


Well, certainly I'm no engineer or mechanic, but I can bullshit really well and I design, 'engineer' and craft some hella bitchin' kitchens!


I was a Machinist Mate in the Navy way back when...a pit snipe, Which is part of the Engineering Dept. Funny thing was, we didnt design anything, just fixed what was wrong with everything else.

Aerospace Engineer, GE - Aircraft Engines. Formerly Pratt & Whitney. GE pays OT, Pratt didn't.

I'm also an Instrument rated pilot with three hours ME time in a 747SP (I was in flight test for a time).

As a kid I used to put coins on the track and wait for the engineers to go by.
We did the same, but found the whoa factor went up exponentially when they were accompanied by a train.

(note I used some big engineer type woids, as well as noting the fatal flaw in the original post. I is smarterer)

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Mechanic in a former life...a gun mechanic of sorts in the Marine Corps (both green suit and Civ). Now I'm a Systems Analyst / DB Admin / Programmer.

Hey T, don't hog the pocket protectors. I guess I need a camouflage pocket protector.

Define engineer...
Well, my job title is Apparatus Engineer, but I'm really more of a glorified janitor. Not glorified as in making money, but more like admired by small children. We clean up messes that are usually created by stupidity. No lack of job security in my field.
Software Engineer. Used to work for Sandia National Labs so I was sort of a LockMart employee when they started running it.

The scene is a volunteer fire station near Livermore, CA. County training officer: "You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand this." Response: "But... we are rocket scientists."
