Due to my experience on Hwy 34, US421, I wrote the State DOT regarding a couple items. Below is my letter and TNDOT email response. Please join in to help solve these issues. As I said to them, it may stop the accidents on this curve and stop deaths.
Oct. 22, 2017
Jennifer Lloyd, Director,
[email protected]
Tennessee Department of Transportation
James K Polk Building, Suite 1300
505 Deaderick Street
Nashville, TN 37243
Problem spot on US 421N, TN34. Latitude: 36.533150, Longitude: -81.940080
My Accident Report No: 101778410
To Whom it may concern,
On September 29th I had an accident on the above noted highway. It most likely was driver/rider error. If I had just ridden off the road and back on to the paved surface, I wouldn't have thought anything about it, but more happened than me just leaving the paved surface. The rider in front of me left the road surface too and died.
I managed to hit a reflector pole, where the solid metal foundation came in contact with my tires and thus caused the steering to be erratic and the bike became impossible to control. I ended up back on the asphalt with the motorcycle on top of me. I broke my ankle and therefore needed transportation to a medical facility. I was picked up by the Johnson City EMS, out of Mountain City. The two paramedics were: J. R. Reece and Michelle Blevins. I received excellent attention from these two and we had a discussion on the way to the hospital in Johnson City. This is what I learned: First, that they had been to this exact site
many times, and second, that the property owner where the crash occurred was antagonist to all the emergency workers. I can verify that the property owner was being rude, but I was trying to focus on the paramedics rather than his rant so I can't speak to the content.
Just the fact that the paramedics had been to this exact bend in the road more than a few times tells me that something can be done to help prevent or eliminate this ever happening again. The situation is that this bend in the road is what is called a decreasing radius turn. The rider/driver cant see the change due to the road going slightly up hill and therefore has to all of sudden make a sharper turn. Here is my suggestion: Install a Yellow/Orange Cautionary XX MPH sign before the sharpening curve. I could not find any while driving Google Earth. This alone would most likely stop these accidents from occurring so often at this location.
The second issue I must bring up is very important. My friend died due to striking a mail box post. Now this may seam unlikely, but it is true. I was informed by the tow truck driver that the owner of that piece of property, had installed a utility pole as his mail box posts because he got tired of motorcycles taking out his mail box. Whether true or not doesn't matter as the death was caused by blunt force trauma and the mailbox posts was what was struck. I know it is common practice to keep fixed immovable objects out of the Right A Way, and if they must exist to install cushions to help eliminate fatalities. I would like to see the State take action to have those two + or - 12” round utility pole/mailbox post removed.
Thank you for your consideration. Taking action on either of these suggestions could save a life, both will surely save another life.
Kenneth R. Hattan,
[email protected]
TDOT Response:
Dear Mr. Hattan:
Thank you for your email concerning State Route 34. Your e-mail has been forwarded to the TDOT Region 1 Office in Knoxville for review and a response.
The location on State Route 34 you referenced in your e-mail, is within the limits of a Road Safety Audit Review (RSAR) project currently scheduled for a spring 2018 construction letting. This project’s proposed improvements include pavement appurtenances, signing, pavement markings, and guardrail. The signage you requested is included in this project as well. If you have further questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Eric Wilson, the Project Development Manager for this area, at (865)594-0742 or
[email protected].
The Regional Traffic Office and District Operations Office will review this route for potential safety and sign improvements prior to the letting of the RSAR project. The safety of the motoring public is of the utmost importance and is our number one concern. For additional information, you may contact the Regional Traffic Office at (865) 594-2456 or the District Operations Office at (865) 594-2408 for additional information.
Steven M. Borden, P.E.
Director/Assistant Chief Engineer
TDOT – Region 1