EOM 2018 - Maggie Valley, NC - September 20-23, 2018

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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sullivan posted: THAT is a great photo! Problem with a helmet is they can't see the gray hair (free pass) until you have been stopped.
And that's why I have my AARP sticker on the back.

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Real name = Craig. I was either on an '03 or an 05' back then.........forget when I purchased the 05. I remember getting the '03 and it was pretty rare to see another FJR on the road in those days :)

It's amazing how AARP flyers show up in the mail exactly ONE day after your 50th birthday..........

I'm not sure that I remember you. Anyhow, I'm still riding my '04. She's been a good girl! Enjoyed her very much. And.... about that AARP crap. I started getting it a couple of years b4 I turned 50.

My wife just got her knee replaced on Monday and I can't be gone for the six days it will take for the trip to MV from little Rhody so I'm going to have to bail out this year. I'm really going to miss heading south this fall. Fortunately I did get to the SEOhio Ramble this year so I did get a little riding in. I will be cancelling my hotel reservation tomorrow so if anybody needs it PM me. Have a great time guys... George

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My wife just got her knee replaced on Monday and I can't be gone for the six days it will take for the trip to MV from little Rhody so I'm going to have to bail out this year. I'm really going to miss heading south this fall. Fortunately I did get to the SEOhio Ramble this year so I did get a little riding in. I will be cancelling my hotel reservation tomorrow so if anybody needs it PM me. Have a great time guys... George
Sorry to hear that George. Hope your wife heals well!

My wife just got her knee replaced on Monday and I can't be gone for the six days it will take for the trip to MV from little Rhody so I'm going to have to bail out this year. I'm really going to miss heading south this fall. Fortunately I did get to the SEOhio Ramble this year so I did get a little riding in. I will be cancelling my hotel reservation tomorrow so if anybody needs it PM me. Have a great time guys... George
Sorry to hear that George. Hope your wife heals well!
Gonna miss seeing you folks this year! Don't forget the ride to the rock!

Just found out about this event and I'm in! Room booked. Riding over from Memphis.

Planning to ride on Sunday and perhaps Monday. Anyone else staying around?

I put my forum handle as "Memphomaniac" in the event registration - from a different forum. Been a while since I've been here.

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Must admit, I haven't been posting on the forum much, but I'm still reading it each week. Bought some new fairing pieces from my buddy Tony about 18 months ago and just haven't been able to get to fixing the bike... until today. As some of you may recall, I layed my beautiful 05 galaxy blue down... doing a slow left hander at perhaps 10 mph thanks to a faulty gen 1 rear ABS system and too much right foot. She got some scratches and a couple torn fairing pieces out of it, but thanks to a great helmet and a good riding jacket, my bruises healed up in a couple weeks.

However, Big Blue has been sitting in the workshop all this time patiently waiting for me to figure out a way to replace some parts and repair a bent fairing bracket... right where the mirror attaches. Well today was the day: I finally got some help from my son-in-law and we straightened and re-aligned the fairing stay. So now the race is on to get all the fluids changed, including some very old gas, a new battery and get Big Blue up and running again. 18 months is a long time to be sitting on the center stand. Time to breathe some new life back into her, and get her back on the road to stretch her legs once more.

With a little luck and a lot of elbow grease, I hope to have it ready for the trip to EOM this year.

Big Blue rides again !!

Well, hopefully. I just signed up and I'm looking forward to the trip.


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I will look forward to it. But at the moment, I have a lot of work to do and there are a lot of unknowns. Going to need a small miracle to get this all done in time.

Speaking of unknowns, is anybody watching the weather forecasts?

We have a hurricane bearing down on Maggie Valley...

right around Thursday and Friday next week. This is serious folks. Am I missing something? Why is nobody talking about it on this thread?

EDIT: Oops that's THIS WEEK. Happy for us that I'm wrong, but sad for the folks who live up along the east coast this week. Being a Florida resident, I always go into panic mode when I hear the H word.

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I'm too busy figuring on which way to go and when to leave. This is not going to be pretty, just hoping it makes a turn back into the Atlantic. I may be well inland but worked in Mississippi after Katrina and figured may be time to go see my dad in Tennessee.

Gary - you might want to recheck the forecast. TWC and NOAA are calling for landfall late Wednesday / early Thursday this week. Maggie Valley is 350-ish miles inland from Wilmington. I doubt hurricane force weather will reach Maggie Valley, but that's my .02 cents. I'm packing rain gear just in case...


BCI will look forward to it. But at the moment, I have a lot of work to do and there are a lot of unknowns. Going to need a small miracle to get this all done in time.

Speaking of unknowns, is anybody watching the weather forecasts?

We have a hurricane bearing down on Maggie Valley...

right around Thursday and Friday next week. This is serious folks. Am I missing something? Why is nobody talking about it on this thread?
extrememarine posted: <snip> I doubt hurricane force weather will reach Maggie Valley, but that's my .02 cents. I'm packing rain gear just in case...
What he said. Western NC should get a nice dose of rainfall, but it will all be gone by this Saturday (Sept 15). Hurricanes are not to be trifled with, but they don't have a lot of impact 75 miles inland.

Western NC has some really steep slopes that could give way under heavy rains, however. They could slop over a highway, or undermine one. Keep an eye out for highway closures on the NCDOT website.

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Thanks for the link Uncle Hud. Highway closures could be an issue, especially on highways east of Maggie Valley. And even more so, at least for motorcyclists, is the highway debris that is lying about for days after a hurricane. This could be the one issue that we do need to pay attention to. Glad I was wrong about the timing and Hurricane Florence is not arriving the same time we do.

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We are not sweating the Hurricane This Coming Weekend, here at the Reuben Run.....see y'all next weekend - BigjohnSD & Festar

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Debbie Downer checking in
... I hope this doesn't hold but it looks like chances just shot up we could have some weather issues in western NC next week. Things have just

this evening. Video summary: the weather models are shifting to put the track right over Asheville/Maggie Valley Sunday and calling it a slow mover" so it will likely be raining there Monday as well (3 days before our event). They're saying the heaviest rainfalls might be in the southern Appalachians. They're predicting this to be "a long duration event" meaning it could track slower bringing with it longer sustained high winds and flooding. This hitting the area just 3 to 4 days beforehand would likely have a significant impact on area roads so keep an eye on Flo.

Heaviest Rainfall Expected 09-11-18 9 PM EST:




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