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Why yes, I am a Smart ASS
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Alabaster, AL
Made even more friends this year. Great to have met you all (again)

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Scott and Donna and I went down a 2lane that turned into a single lane then turned into a gravel road then into a dusty trail for about 7-8 miles.

Wow is there anything this bike can't do!


Scott and Donna and I went down a 2lane that turned into a single lane then turned into a gravel road then into a dusty trail for about 7-8 miles. Wow is there anything this bike can't do!

It doesn't fly so well, ask Old Michael :p

Scott and Donna and I went down a 2lane that turned into a single lane then turned into a gravel road then into a dusty trail for about 7-8 miles. Wow is there anything this bike can't do!

It doesn't fly so well, ask Old Michael :p
Good point. But sometimes it sure feels like you're flying!

So I never did really figure out where the goat trail was.

Then on the way home on 33 with rather steep inclines on both sides of the road I see movement in the brush and start slowing rapidly anticipating the deer. Nope is was a gaggle of goats, well three of them. They just kept moving up the sides away from the road.

Still don't think that was the goat trail.

Great time!

I don't think I had cancer, but if I did, I can't imagine a better chemotherapy than those damnable strawberries!!



Thanks, btw, Good to meet you, too, Fencer.

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Buzzz and Gasportrider and I went down some local backroad near the New River Gorge Visitor center thinking we were on the scenic 10 foot wide road (82) that goes down to the bridge on the bottom. We wound up on a gravel road that got narrower and narrower until we clearly had to go back and couldnt. I parked mine and pushed Buzzz and Gasportrider backwards to turn around. Some lady shows up on the goatpath in her car and she was laughing her ass off and we all wound up laughing our ass off. I told the guys this was the Three Stooges Tour the New River Gorge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yahoo:

Make fun of those strawberries all you want. I showed up with some bad sinuses. Just two strawberries later, I could breathe! Well, after I cought my breath anyway. :blink: Not to mention that nasty little rash is gone, and that embarassing incontinence problem appears to have been cured! Anybody want to buy some diapers? Mens, size LG.

I missed out on the strawberries, and managed to avoid any performance award, even though on the trip back I managed to spend some time in the triple digit ether. But did anyone else get a parking ticket at the hotel? :unsure:

Looking forward to next year already (in Lewsiburg, natch).

I missed out on the strawberries, and managed to avoid any performance award, even though on the trip back I managed to spend some time in the triple digit ether. But did anyone else get a parking ticket at the hotel? :unsure:
Looking forward to next year already (in Lewsiburg, natch).
Ya, I think everybody got parking tickets on Monday morning. Gotta tell you, my first reaction was "oh fer facks sakes!"

Buzzz and Gasportrider and I went down some local backroad near the New River Gorge Visitor center thinking we were on the scenic 10 foot wide road (82) that goes down to the bridge on the bottom. We wound up on a gravel road that got narrower and narrower until we clearly had to go back and couldnt. I parked mine and pushed Buzzz and Gasportrider backwards to turn around. Some lady shows up on the goatpath in her car and she was laughing her ass off and we all wound up laughing our ass off. I told the guys this was the Three Stooges Tour the New River Gorge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yahoo:

Ed, Im still laughing my ass off.

The look on that ladies face was priceless

Hmmm...I left Monday AM, but didn't get a ticket :huh: But I left around 7:45am. Maybe they wanted us out of there!

Dang ticket on Monday! Good thing they got my license plate wrong--won't be paying dat sucka! :lol:
