My Indian name is "Pants On Fire"
As you probably already know from another thread, GregE had to step down from this task for personal reasons.
Up in the air is the matter of the EOM t-shirts. Once again, I'm asking if someone would be nice enough to take on the responsibility of shirts for EOM participants. Please know that the responsibility would entail taking orders, collecting moneys, ordering & distribution at the meet.
If no takers, I'm emailing a design to & everyone can be responsible for their own order personally. EOM people have used zazzle before a couple of years ago. The shirts are higher priced than if we had someone step up to take the shirt order & order locally. Also of importance... the quality of shirts & printing being questionable.
I believe there were a couple of other folks who had kicked around the idea of taking this on when I originally posted. I'm hopeful that they'd still be willing to participate.
Anyway, I hope that everyone had a nice weekend. Peace,
Up in the air is the matter of the EOM t-shirts. Once again, I'm asking if someone would be nice enough to take on the responsibility of shirts for EOM participants. Please know that the responsibility would entail taking orders, collecting moneys, ordering & distribution at the meet.
If no takers, I'm emailing a design to & everyone can be responsible for their own order personally. EOM people have used zazzle before a couple of years ago. The shirts are higher priced than if we had someone step up to take the shirt order & order locally. Also of importance... the quality of shirts & printing being questionable.
I believe there were a couple of other folks who had kicked around the idea of taking this on when I originally posted. I'm hopeful that they'd still be willing to participate.
Anyway, I hope that everyone had a nice weekend. Peace,