We may be at the finale.
The test riding on Wednesday was uneventful and ended with a call to me to say that the bike appeared to be fixed.
They needed Thursday to put the tupperware back on

. I guess they weren't making flat rate.
I drove down there today and the bike emerged from the trailer at my house around 3 pm. No, it was not going to be a fly 'n ride ... or even a drive 'n ride. I was not trusting the bike for primary transportation with a route that started 180 miles from my house.
So ... out of the trailer and onto I-40 into the westering sun.
I rode to a bit past sunset without incident.
Except ... it appears that the ambient air temperature sensor may not have been hooked up as part of the button up.
It was cold today, but it was not a perpetual 16 F.
In any event, everything else works as intended. All of the other display reports appear to be either correct, or at least plausible.
Power was good. Handling was good. Gas mileage was good.
And I continue my love affair with the YCC-S feature. My left hand has improved dramatically, but on the return part of the loop, I rode through heavy State Championship High School Football traffic, and not having to test my hand was quite a joy.
So ... the '09 AE will be the keeper. The '08 is probably going to be trade fodder when the 2016 FJR1300ES arrives.