Error Codes on 2001 FJR

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Wheels 44

Feb 17, 2025
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Gidday. I am new to this, and do not know just what to do. I need advice on error codes in my 2001 FJR1300 dashboard. I have 4 codes that I cannot remove. The motor will not start, and I do not know if the codes are old ones from the replacement ECU, or new ones from my attempts to start it now. I have tried the instructions on the forum but my system seems to not be the same as newer models.
Is there someone who can help me.
The 2001 is the first year of production, but the ECU and codes are the same as the 2002 (just minor differences elsewhere like the length of the front fender). The '02 was called an '03 in North America but that was a farce.

Now that the history is out of the way, we need to know what the codes are before we can help! It could be as simple as resetting a tip-over sensor code to get the bike started.
Gidday to you all. I realise that my enquiry is not simple, but quite complicated. I will try to explain.
When I turned on the ignition I got 4 different numbers cycling through the dashboard on right hand side. I believed they were error codes. They are :- 13 (Intake Air Pressure), 15 (Throttle Position sensor), 21 (Water Temperature Sensor), and 41 (Lean Angle Sensor). I used the instructions that I had gleaned from other posts to clear these codes - I got through to the "diA6" screen OK, then pressed SELECT till I got 62 in the upper screen. Then I switched ignition off, then on.
Error codes still there. So I went through the sequence again, and this time held SELECT and RESET down while I switched off and then on. All 4 error codes still there. The instructions in my Workshop Manual are not clear about just how to do these final steps. It is the typical thing of a Guru writing instructions on how to do something, but only gurus can understand - not dummies.
The problems are compounded by my not knowing if these error codes are from the major crash 4 years ago, or from my just completed rebuild. Also the ECU is not the original one for the engine, but a second hand unit from another 2001 FJR. The dashboard is not original for this motor, but also a second hand unit. The reason for the 41 code (Lean Angle Sensor malfunction or shorted) could be from the damage done to it from 4 years ago when a piece of steel sliced through the belly of the LAS, and jammed there - possibly shorting it out. I bought the only 2001 LAS I could find on the web, and when it finally arrived from America, it was not a LAS, but an Atmospheric Air Pressure Sensor. They had grabbed the wrong part off the shelf. I then bought a LAS from a 2003 FJR, but it has a different female plug connector. So I had to design and 3D print an adaptor to go from my male connector to the 2003 female connector. I have now way at the moment to check whether this adaptor is doing the job correctly.
So my problem is that I cannot get the error codes out of the system, and the engine will not start. Can someone please explain how a dummy like me can actually follow precise instructions on how to delete the codes. Are the smaller numbers in the bottom of the screen the ones I need to take notice of? Do I use 61 or 62 to clear the codes.
Please help.
Gidday to you all. I realise that my enquiry is not simple, but quite complicated. I will try to explain.
When I turned on the ignition I got 4 different numbers cycling through the dashboard on right hand side. I believed they were error codes. They are :- 13 (Intake Air Pressure), 15 (Throttle Position sensor), 21 (Water Temperature Sensor), and 41 (Lean Angle Sensor). I used the instructions that I had gleaned from other posts to clear these codes - I got through to the "diA6" screen OK, then pressed SELECT till I got 62 in the upper screen. Then I switched ignition off, then on.
Error codes still there. So I went through the sequence again, and this time held SELECT and RESET down while I switched off and then on. All 4 error codes still there. The instructions in my Workshop Manual are not clear about just how to do these final steps. It is the typical thing of a Guru writing instructions on how to do something, but only gurus can understand - not dummies.
The problems are compounded by my not knowing if these error codes are from the major crash 4 years ago, or from my just completed rebuild. Also the ECU is not the original one for the engine, but a second hand unit from another 2001 FJR. The dashboard is not original for this motor, but also a second hand unit. The reason for the 41 code (Lean Angle Sensor malfunction or shorted) could be from the damage done to it from 4 years ago when a piece of steel sliced through the belly of the LAS, and jammed there - possibly shorting it out. I bought the only 2001 LAS I could find on the web, and when it finally arrived from America, it was not a LAS, but an Atmospheric Air Pressure Sensor. They had grabbed the wrong part off the shelf. I then bought a LAS from a 2003 FJR, but it has a different female plug connector. So I had to design and 3D print an adaptor to go from my male connector to the 2003 female connector. I have now way at the moment to check whether this adaptor is doing the job correctly.
So my problem is that I cannot get the error codes out of the system, and the engine will not start. Can someone please explain how a dummy like me can actually follow precise instructions on how to delete the codes. Are the smaller numbers in the bottom of the screen the ones I need to take notice of? Do I use 61 or 62 to clear the codes.
Please help.

Just a small FSM to Aussie English translation problem.
When in the Diag Mode and looking at the Code 62 screen the proper action to clear the Fault Codes is to toggle the Stop/Run switch, most of us refer to that switch as the "Kill" switch.
Switching the ignition switch off exits the Diag Mode without changes, so don't switch the ignition off until after the codes have been erased.


Oh, and welcome to the circus. Watch out for the clowns!
They are :- 13 (Intake Air Pressure), 15 (Throttle Position sensor), 21 (Water Temperature Sensor), and 41 (Lean Angle Sensor). I used the instructions that I had gleaned from other posts to clear these codes - I got through to the "diA6" screen

13, 15 and 21 will not prevent starting. 41 will prevent starting, so that has to be cleared at minimum. However, the two tip-over sensor codes WILL allow a restart on cycling the key switch even though the code is still stored in memory provided the bike is restored to the upright position and wiring repaired. So I suspect you may still have an issue with the switch or wiring.

OK, then pressed SELECT till I got 62 in the upper screen. Then I switched ignition off, then on.

You need to toggle the emergency kill switch on the right handlebar, not the key switch. The codes are stored in the ECU and could just be from powering up the ECU while you were in the process of rebuilding. If they return after clearing, then there is still a problem with those circuits.

I then bought a LAS from a 2003 FJR, but it has a different female plug connector. So I had to design and 3D print an adaptor to go from my male connector to the 2003 female connector. I have now way at the moment to check whether this adaptor is doing the job correctly.

To clarify: An Aussie 2003 or a North American 2003? According to the respective wiring diagrams I have, an Aussie 2001 LAS should have the same connector as a 2003 NA model: Grey, 3 pins. Red/white to ECU pin 8, Yellow/Green to ECU 26 and Black/Blue to ECU 33. Part No. 5JW-82576-00.

However, Yamaha made changes starting in the Aussie 2003/NA 2004 model year. The ECU connector pinout was different (at least on the NA version) and the LAS was changed to Part No. 5PS-82576-01. This was used throughout the Gen II and well into the Gen III models. The wire colours changed slightly: Blue to ECU pin 13, Yellow/Green to ECU pin 26 and Black/Blue to ECU pin 33. From the schematic the connector looks the same, but that's just an artist's rendering so it could be a different connector. From the order of the wires it appears that the only change was the R/W wire colour became Blue, but there's no internal wiring shown.

Both service manuals indicate the only way to test the switch is by monitoring the value using the on-board diagnostic. Upright, the voltage shown should be 0.4 to 1.4v. It varies as the bike tilts and the ECU trips at between 3.8 to 4.2v. So it sounds like a potentiometer. Probably supplied with 5v from the ECU on one of the wires (R/W would be my guess) with the other two being the return signal. If any wire is broken or shorted the ECU does not get an expected value and sets a code 41. If the wiring is OK but sensor tips sufficiently, one of the sensor wire voltages rises, the other drops and the ECU sets a code 30.

So my problem is that I cannot get the error codes out of the system, and the engine will not start. Can someone please explain how a dummy like me can actually follow precise instructions on how to delete the codes. Are the smaller numbers in the bottom of the screen the ones I need to take notice of? Do I use 61 or 62 to clear the codes.
Please help.
As noted, use 62. The smaller numbers in the trip meter space display values according to the associated sensor. This is were you will see the voltage from the LAS, for example. If you are looking at the throttle position sensor, the value will change as you twist the throttle. Etc.
Gidday again.
Thanks Dan for sorting me out with the difference between the use of the "Kill" switch and the Ignition Switch. I will have to get myself a new kill switch and wire it into the circuit at ECU27 as the wiring diagram shows. Then I can work your advice into getting rid of the error codes.
Thanks Torch for the info on the difference between the Aussie 2001 FJR Lean Angle Sensor and the 2003 version. I may have shorted it out with my attempts to start the engine, so I will devise a testing circuit to record the resistance in the three terminals to see if it is still OK.
I will get back to you to give you the results of the necessary modifications.
Gidday again.
Thanks Dan for sorting me out with the difference between the use of the "Kill" switch and the Ignition Switch. I will have to get myself a new kill switch and wire it into the circuit at ECU27 as the wiring diagram shows. Then I can work your advice into getting rid of the error codes.
New kill switch? Why? It should be a simple on-off switch, did you test it with an ohmmeter?
Thanks Torch for the info on the difference between the Aussie 2001 FJR Lean Angle Sensor and the 2003 version. I may have shorted it out with my attempts to start the engine, so I will devise a testing circuit to record the resistance in the three terminals to see if it is still OK.
Assuming it's a simple potentiometer you are probably OK so long as you didn't do something silly like connect the battery directly to the contacts. Of course, if it's some sort of electronic accelerometer then it could be damaged but such things were less common back at the turn of the century when this was designed.

One thought that occurred to me: Your codes are 13 (Intake Air Pressure), 15 (Throttle Position sensor), 21 (Water Temperature Sensor), and 41 (Lean Angle Sensor). All four of those have a Black/Blue wire that shares a common connection to the ECU with the others.

So do the Atmospheric Temp, Crankshaft Position, Cylinder ID, Speed and Intake Air Temp sensors. But so far as I can see from the fault codes table there's no monitoring of the wiring to those others. So maybe the problem is a break or short in the B/L wire to the ECU or a defective ECU.
Gidday again.
Thanks Torch for sorting me out again. I had not thought about the common Black / Blue wires for those 4 sensors, and it seems like the obvious problem. So I have made myself a continuity tester from a little buzzer, a 9V battery, and some long leads to insulated alligator clips. So instead of having to look at the front panel of my multimeter, I can just listen for the buzzer to know the wire is not broken somewhere along its length.
Also the reason for the new kill switch is that the 2001 FJR motor is not in a bike, but in a small competition car that I built. The standard switch that is normally on the handlebar was too bulky for my dashboard, so I have automotive switches mounted on it. Also the bike Start Cutout Relay has been discarded because I no longer need a sensor for the sidestand, clutch lever, neutral position etc, so I just earthed all of those components to trick the ECU into allowing me to start the engine. I had to modify the standard wiring diagram with regards to starting etc, because if you stall the engine in the middle of a test, you do not want to have to go back to neutral, and then hit the starter, then go back into gear to continue. Everything was working perfectly in the car till the big crash 4 years ago, when a suspension arm broke, sending me almost head first into a concrete wall at around 100 KPH (60mph). That was when the lean angle sensor got shorted out, as well as lots of other damage. I will get out a photo and attach it to the next post.
Goodday mate
alan, if you wanted to build a car, should have bought a Suzuki or Honda :)
i read this post with growing interest, but you got me at the end.
as the only thing i do myself is clean the bike 3 times a year, i admire anybody that start taking of a piece of the bike.
You won my eternal respect
continue having fun and i am really looking forward for some pictures of your project
Gidday again.
I found the photo of the car that a mate took. I titled the photo "0.5 seconds to impact", because it was just about to hit the wall. It is attached. After that major rebuild, another mate took a photo of it in its best form, slightly hazing the rear tyres on its way to the next marker pole. Then you get the experience that you really enjoy.
I am about to replace the starter motor, then I can put it all back together and see if it starts.


  • 0.5 seconds to impact.jpg
    0.5 seconds to impact.jpg
    4.7 MB
  • Geococcyx in typical pose.jpg
    Geococcyx in typical pose.jpg
    2.6 MB

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