Carrying a thumb-stick or SD chip is cool and starting to be watched for, but most really don't do what is needed when you need it. Responders are trained and typically will look for ICE contact info on your cell phone, but most phones just have a contact phone #. Got a medic alert bracelet or necklace? That they will probably look for and find. Laminated card with your name, contact info, meds, and vitals? If it's conspicuous that you have one, it's gold.
Take your memory device and look for something to run it on? At best, this will happen at the ER. The devices that integrate the written info with a chip are kind of the best of both worlds. Affluent areas may have laptops, but have you ever looked for a computer in the back of an ambulance on the roads we tend to ride motorcycles on?
If you have a risk of being unresponsive (face it, that's all of us on bikes), if you want people to know you're diabetic, epilectic, have a heart history, need a med, whatever, have your info where responders are going to look - with your driver's license. And have it ready for them to use immediately. If you ride where a local may take your wallet & cellphone before the ambulance arrives (this isn't just the heart of the city), consider carrying a second card and conspicuously marking the location like the photo of the Aerostitch pocket that "Go Far" posted earlier in this thread.
Here's a repeat of the free card generator posted earlier in this thread. It'll prompt you for everything needed and let you print your own card out. Laminate it at the local Staple's or Walmart and put it behind your driver's license, because the D/L is universally what responders will look for right away.