Ethics in shopping? Helmets

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Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Shingle Springs, California
What might be the general consensus out there? Supporting the local guy is noble, especially in smaller towns, but it's hard to spend 20-40% more on something when it's YOUR hard earned dollar too. I'm speaking specifically about helmets. Is it improper to go to the local dealer, try on different lids for fit and sizing, and then go home and order from Helmetsonthecheap? I know about overhead, and convenience and all and I just feel kinda dirty doing it. Especially when I know that some of the local places pay these sales guys on commission only, and they're showing you helmets and grabbing another size from the back and just trying to make a sale. I don't want to hate myself for saving money.

Unless the gouging is huge, I am happy to pay my local vendor a fair markup on his wares. I would hate to see a future world where all goods are bought online because the sticks and bricks guys can no longer compete.

Yeah, I agree with bikerskier. Unless I'm getting particularly gouged, and taking into consederation what shipping might be added, I support the local vendor. If we don't support them, they won't be there for us to "try on" the particular wares. As one who once worked in retail, many times the local guys are paying almost what the internet prices are.

OTH, there are a couple of dealers I won't buy anything from.......put that's another, and very personal, matter.

BUT, you must deal with your own conscience.

ok, speaking as a dealer now.....i have no problem competing with my product online

but then i again, all i really sell is lumber :drinks: :p

As I stated on a different thread, I'll find helmets locally to try on and get sizing information... and at the same time, evaluate the local costs. If I need the helmet immediately, best local price will win. If I'm not in any hurry, but after taxes versus shipping costs it's still in the ballpark, local guy wins again. If I can save 30-50% over the best I can find locally through the internet, then someplace like University Motors will probably get the eventual sale (and I know they're good guys with a brick/mortar location too).

In the past I have had to spend a great deal of time going shop to shop looking for gear I have seen on the 'net, problem is that most dealers stock the same thing in terms of gear - not much. :( I feel fortunate now to live near (60 miles) of a shop that sells only gear. They have a great selection of helmets and other apparel, but they are not cheap. I buy my stuff there anyways to keep them in business. It's worth it to having a local shop with the gear I want.

Keep in mind that the average motorcyclist does not spend as much time sorting out gear as the average FJR owner does. For a cycle shop that means that they have to invest a substantial amount in an investment that is not going to move anytime soon. Now tires, that's another story.

Are there morals on capitalism?

Maybe back in the 70's, but today's market has taught me that businesses are like leaches, if they can't coax you into it, they'll try and guilt you into it.

I personally find the best deal possible as it is MY hard earned money.

In the past I have had to spend a great deal of time going shop to shop looking for gear I have seen on the 'net, problem is that most dealers stock the same thing in terms of gear - not much. :( I feel fortunate now to live near (60 miles) of a shop that sells only gear. They have a great selection of helmets and other apparel, but they are not cheap. I buy my stuff there anyways to keep them in business. It's worth it to having a local shop with the gear I want.
Keep in mind that the average motorcyclist does not spend as much time sorting out gear as the average FJR owner does. For a cycle shop that means that they have to invest a substantial amount in an investment that is not going to move anytime soon. Now tires, that's another story.

i know what ya mean..... around here everybody stocks stuff for the cruiser set

I don't have an ethical issue with checking at the local dealer, then purchasing elsewhere. Of course, my local dealer has worked very hard for me to have this opinion. When prices are cleary gouging and service is clearly self-serving, then I tend to get very defensive with my dollar. I still put a lot of stock in the philosophy of "earning business" by retailers. And in that light, by frequenting a retailer, for whatever reason, you are granting them the opportunity to "earn" your business. What they do with that opportunity is entirely up to them.

"Now tires, that's another story. "v65, why?
Don't even get me started on tires. The local dealer will eagerly and without guilt charge MORE for one rear tire than you can purchase the set for online. And then, charge you $80 to mount the same! Man, please. If they can't purchase any better than that, they aren't very good businessmen. And if they DID purchase better than that, they aren't very good businessmen because most of us customers ain't coming back.

I don't mind a company making money. That's what they're in business for, but I totally despise feeling like I have been raped for doing business with them.

Case in point: I have willingly driven 2 hours for the last THREE bikes I have purchased. The local ain't getting my bike money.

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"Now tires, that's another story. "v65, why?
Don't even get me started on tires. The local dealer will eagerly and without guilt charge MORE for one rear tire than you can purchase the set for online. And then, charge you $80 to mount the same! Man, please. If they can't purchase any better than that, they aren't very good businessmen. And if they DID purchase better than that, they aren't very good businessmen because most of us customers ain't coming back.

I don't mind a company making money. That's what they're in business for, but I totally despise feeling like I have been raped for doing business with them.

i'm lucky, my dealer is also a customer of mine.....we work well together on this stuff :)

Cripes, I just posted this three minutes ago and there are three replies, don't you guys have some beer to drink? :lol:

"Now tires, that's another story. "v65, why?
\begin hijack

Just a matter of opinion. A helmet could sit on a shelf for a long time, that costs the dealer money, but tires are a wear item and move more quickly. Dealers just don't have the overhead in tires that they do in gear, so they should be more competitive. The local dealer wanted $140 for a tire plus $20 mounting and balancing when I could buy the tire online for less than $100 shipped. I can't believe it costs them that much shipping, the truck is coming there anyways. Like I said, one man's opinion.

\end hijack

"Now tires, that's another story. "v65, why?
Don't even get me started on tires. The local dealer will eagerly and without guilt charge MORE for one rear tire than you can purchase the set for online. And then, charge you $80 to mount the same! Man, please. If they can't purchase any better than that, they aren't very good businessmen. And if they DID purchase better than that, they aren't very good businessmen because most of us customers ain't coming back.

I don't mind a company making money. That's what they're in business for, but I totally despise feeling like I have been raped for doing business with them.

i'm lucky, my dealer is also a customer of mine.....we work well together on this stuff :)
Yes, you are lucky.

Scab, ol' buddy, THAT is the reason I bought a tire machine this year and change my own. I've had the same issues on tire prices (I normally go through 2-3 sets a year), expensive fees when I carry my rims in and they mount and balance ONLY, then having a wheel/tire assembly out-of-balance when I reinstalled them on the bike. They've driven me out of their service areas.

BUT I still by other things from local places...if they're reasonable, because I LIKE being able to ride to their establishment and shop.

Sport is wrong. Morality in a capitolistic society is to act as selfishly as you can!

That said, I price out the helmet (or anything i want) online, delivered. I take that to my local dealer and see how i like the fit, quality, look, etc. The in store price is always higher. I tell them. look here, this is what I can get it for shipped to my home. I perfer to spend my money local but I wont over pay. What are you willing to do to get my business today?

I have to be honest, sometimes it works sometimes it dont.
