Evaporative cooler vest

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Feb 11, 2007
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Carson City, NV
I was reading the Warm weather gear post from J.P. and saw a post which link to an evaporative cooler vest by Joe Rocket. I was not sure I wanted to $70 - $80 for the Joe Rocket vest. However, my local accessory shop had one of the same type vest from another brand for $40. I went over, picked it up, and used it on my ride home last night.

I soaked it in water for 3 minutes then gentle squeezed out the extra water so it was not dripping. The vest picked up somewhere around 3-4 lbs of water. The weight was not an issue at all. I headed outside to make my 45-minute home. It was about 90 degrees on my drive home. I felt noticeable more comfortable on the ride home. It felt like I was riding in 60 to 65 degree weather, which is what I come to work in the morning in.

This time of year I wear a Joe Rocket mesh jacket to help keep cool. However, I have been suffering with my TourMaster Caliber pants. They are not mesh and my legs tend to stick to the inside of the pants legs while I am in shorts, which most of the time. By the time I get home on an average day I am beginning to get irritable from the heat and cannot wait to get out of the sweaty pants.

Yesterday when I got home my legs had stuck to the pants a bit, but I was not irritable in anyway. I felt very comfortable. The shirt was however damp. It was not wet to the point I could squeeze any water out of it, just damp. Michelle, being the loving wife she is, decided to hug me when I was at home and trying to get water out of the shirt. She jumped back and told me my sides and back felt like I was out side during the winter with out a shirt. I do admit to the touch my torso was chilly to the touch, but I was not cold.

Overall, it is a great product. I would not wear it if the temperature were below 60 degree, or for small 30-minute rides. I am looking at the same product in a long sleeve version. I will let everyone know how it goes.

I will post a link to the product as soon as I get it. I left the package at the store and need to go by today and get the manufacture info.

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Cool Thanks

I have also used the vests. When I had a wing (GL1800) the other wingers had a little trick for their vests.

Get the biggest (within reason) ZIPLOCK bag you can find. The freezer type Fold the vest up and slip it inside, fill bag with enough water to soak vest and a little extra for good measure. Toss in saddlebag for long trips over multiple climates. When it dries out (couple hours) toss back in baggie with some of your hydration water. Reuse

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I have a Sahara vest too, I forget the exact brand, but I'll add that it doesn't work so well under a 'stitch. Not enough airflow apperently :glare: I'll have to try it out with my mesh jacket and see how it does in the summer heat.

I've been wearing a water vest in the summer for 3 years now. I've purchase 2 of the same kind but am now looking for a better one. They never seem to last more than a season, because the gel in the upper part of the vest fades quickly. It'll dry in about an hour of riding now. not good enough. time to look for a better one.

I've been wearing a water vest in the summer for 3 years now. I've purchase 2 of the same kind but am now looking for a better one. They never seem to last more than a season, because the gel in the upper part of the vest fades quickly. It'll dry in about an hour of riding now. not good enough. time to look for a better one.
Do you know what brand you use?

I've been wearing a water vest in the summer for 3 years now. I've purchase 2 of the same kind but am now looking for a better one. They never seem to last more than a season, because the gel in the upper part of the vest fades quickly. It'll dry in about an hour of riding now. not good enough. time to look for a better one.
Ya can't buy anything like that from odot chick! Ya know he stuffs 'em with his old Fruit of the looms? :blink: Plus ya need to soak 'em in otter milk :D

I got mine from New Enough. something like tech neique sound right? Needs to be replaced soon as I ride on a regular basis.


I got mine from New Enough. something like tech neique sound right? Needs to be replaced soon as I ride on a regular basis.
The brand is Techniche, that is the brand I purchased.

I am currently looking for a place to get a good deal on them. I will link once I find a place.

How long did your vest last?

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It's been two years. I'd say 100 days, maybe 500 plus hours and it's starting to sag and bunch in the lower section. Not much cooling effect in the top half.

I thought about trying to force the extra back up and resew but... :unsure:

Using might right now in SLC where it's 98 in the shade. The ride up and back to Park City...and a little ride I'm doing tomorrow are WAY better because of my Sierra Vest.

...now I could just rig up a gallon jug and a pump to recharge it.

Super absorbant polymers have been used for reducing watering frequency for hard to water soils like those on freeways with newly planted grass. My company has looked at these for various oilfield applications, too. See brochure. If these vests weren't quilted, recharging them with new polymer would be practical. I used about a pound of this mixed with several cubic yards of soil when I resodded my lawn and it did give the grass a better start than just frequent watering. The manufacturers typically say that the expected useful life when used in soil is about 5 years. Then biodegradation begins to take its toll.


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I got mine from New Enough. something like tech neique sound right? Needs to be replaced soon as I ride on a regular basis.
The brand is Techniche, that is the brand I purchased.

I am currently looking for a place to get a good deal on them. I will link once I find a place.

How long did your vest last?
Is this the one you have for $24.50? I'M looking for one myself.


I used a $50 Sahara cooling vest a few years back and it worked for a couple months then stopped holding water. I'm back to my old way of just keeping a few wet tee shirts in a trash bag in the saddlebag. Each one will keep me cool worn under mesh jacket for about 2 hrs in Georgia summer.


I've had the Joe Rocket Sahara Vest for a couple years now and wear it under my J.R. Phoenix mesh jacket. Works great. When I was living in Gardnerville (before last August), it worked especially well, due to the very dry climate. Last summer, down here on the other side of the hill looking for a place to move into during a week of 104 to 112 temps, though -- it wasn't enough. Definitely a necessary piece of gear if you're riding in hot dry conditions.

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I've been wearing a water vest in the summer for 3 years now. I've purchase 2 of the same kind but am now looking for a better one. They never seem to last more than a season, because the gel in the upper part of the vest fades quickly. It'll dry in about an hour of riding now. not good enough. time to look for a better one.
Ya can't buy anything like that from odot chick! Ya know he stuffs 'em with his old Fruit of the looms? :blink: Plus ya need to soak 'em in otter milk :D

I got mine from New Enough. something like tech neique sound right? Needs to be replaced soon as I ride on a regular basis.

LOL! I'm afraid Odot had nothing to do with this purchase!

Mine looks just like the blue/gray techniche one, but it has no logo on the outside. I think that MiraCool one is the one I wanna try next. I'll need a quality product for the day rides at WFO. Thanks FJRMGM!

I have the Joe Rocket Sahara, also.

The thing works great when the humidity is low. I've used it while we were experiencing high humidity & it doesn't work as well.

been using this one since last year and it really works - holds water for three days. And the price cannot be beaten.MiraCool Cooling Poncho
Thanks for the link. Someone sent me a link to that site last year and I misplaced and forgot it. My current vest is 3 years old and will almost dry out on my 1 hr. trip home. I've placed and order for a vest and a neckerchief.

I like this one. It is made by a mom and pop shop out of thier house. The quality is very good and cools for a minimum of 8 hours in the most intense desert heat. The web site features a women modeling the vest on a FJR!

Colorado Coolwear

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