esolc oot m'I siht dear nac uoy fI
If you get tired of always answering the "So, where did you ride?" question and you'd like a place that kept track of where you've been and even stores pictures and speed/elevation data for rides then let me suggest https://www.everytrail.com - here's an example of a ride I took this past Saturday:
All you have to do is create an account (free), upload your GPS track (in my case an exported GPX file that includes only the track from that day), give a basic description, attach some pics and voila. Be sure and click on the "stats" link above the map to see speed/elevation data.
All you have to do is create an account (free), upload your GPS track (in my case an exported GPX file that includes only the track from that day), give a basic description, attach some pics and voila. Be sure and click on the "stats" link above the map to see speed/elevation data.