Extending my warranty advice

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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
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My 2005 I bought used only had the regular one year warranty and it runs out 5-26-06. The bike now has 5400 miles on it and all is well. I wouldn't normally buy into a warranty on a Japanese bike as all of the ones I've had have been indestructible. But...I know from residing here that some can be "tickers". I really don't have the cash for the warranty so I'm looking for reasons not to buy it. however, I obviously don't want a ticker develop and then not have the protection of the warranty to fix it. Anyway, what do you think. As of now, it's whisper quiet, no ticks, no nothing. It runs beautifully. Just looking for some opinions.


I think that Yamaha will fix a ticker out of warranty. I'm not taking that chance. For the $389 that D&H sells the warranty for, it's cheap insurance, and good for resale.

You are right, though... these bikes are about bulletproof. I sure haven't read much about failures after warranty (other than ticking).

Tough decision to make, isn't it?!

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Tought decision to make, isn't it?!
Indeed it is. I'll probably not do anything until closer to the time the factory warranty runs out, which is about 4 weeks from now.


I felt the same, I didn't really want to spend the money for it heck I waited until I was down to the last week 032606 is when my 1 year ran out,

D&H were great, friendly and the price is way better than that notice Yamaha sent me. Your warranty is about to expire 768.00 for it from them.

This is a great bike, but I didn't feel it was a bad price for 4 more years.

You never know when it might come in handy, especially since I think it can be transferred if you sell.

Not tough at all... CALL D&H and get it done !!! Even if it never ticks the electronic componants alone are $$$ ONE repair it will pay for itself !! Besides D&H are the best people you will ever deal with!!!

+1 on D&H. And don't delay, takes a while for it all to be processed, when I got mine they said a month was a good lead time. Money well spent, especially at the price they charge.

Personal choice.

I am not usually an extended warranty kind of guy, but for me, $349 (for me at the time), or even $389, its a no-brainer. But I knew I was also going to be racking up the miles. I figure to have over 100,000 miles on my FJR when the 4 year Y.E.S. expires.

Tickers should be fixed out of warranty, but what is piece of mind worth to you?

While the FJR is pretty close to bulletproof, I know of an 03 owner with close to 100k on his who has gone through two cam chain tensioners. His is NOT a ticker BTW. Still, who knows if whatever shop is diagnosing the noise he was hearing, diagnosed it correctly.

Still, you never know.

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For that price (listed as $389), it sounds like good piece of mind insurance. I'll probably do it when mine shows up (still a waiter) Has anyone needed the YES, used it, and what kind of experience did you have with it?
