Fairing pocket

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
Austin, TX
So I'm reading the manual for the FJR and it warns against items in the fairing pocket getting very hot...

Anyone have any problems with putting their cell phones, garage door openers, sunglasses, etc. in the faring pocket?

Don't want anything to warp.... :)

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That's why she got pregnant. I had left the condoms in there too long!

...no seriously, I never thought things got to hot in there. I would think the things you describe are probably safe. I mean the box isn't directly above the headers and I actually have had my garage remote secure underneath it in a ziplock and no problems with the ziplock melting or anything.

What Iggy said. It will get hot in there, but not so hot that anything reasonably contstructed will have problems. I have my garage door opener, foam ear plugs, sometimes sunglasses, and a ziploc with registration/proof of insurance in there and have had no problems.

I would not recommend putting a chocolate bar in there, however. ;)

You're supposed to keep your cell phone in there. Thats's why the door won't open while the bike is in gear. So you can't talk on the cell phone while driving. :eek:

As far as the heat is concerned, keep a spare pair of underwear there and on cold days swap 'em out for relief. :)

+1 I keep my cell phone, garage door opener and Ez-pass in there with no worries.
I'm calling B.S. on this post unless and until I see pictures.

Unless the glovebox is different sizes on different years, there's no way my cellphone, EZPass AND garage door opener will fit in there.

Now granted, my cellphone is one of these:


...my garage door opener is one of these:


...and my EZPass is one of these:


Now, there's no chance in hell all three will fit in there. Any of the two, sure, but not all three.

I know there are smaller phones than my Nokia, like a Motorola Razr, and I'm guessing there are smaller garage remotes and toll transponders, but pretend I'm from Missouri...the SHOW ME state. :)

My cellphone is a LG4500 flip, a good deal smaller than that, my garage door opener is a keyfob, and my EZ-Pass is way smaller than that looks, about 2" x 3" x .25".

I have no pictures, but as soon as I can get back on the bike, I'll take one. I've even been known to toss a pair of cheap sunglasses on top.
