Family, Friends, and Food. Sometimes the lines between them are Blurry

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Nice ride report so far---wtf--where is the rest
Sorry I haven't posted anything yet, my exchange student Vivian's Mom and sister showed up from Holland the day you and Pants left my place. Then 0615 Tuesday morning Connie and I boarded a flight to Cozumel Mexico on a scuba/snorkel/party trip. Had a great time and now here we are. Looking forward to you gettin off your ass and finishing RR.



Totally agree with all of that Andrew!

A JonJonBoo sighting!! Heck Yeah!!

Alright. Back to the Report.

Inside of my top case has some meaningful stickers. This trip has just added to them.


As I stated when I left off, I needed a rear tire after properly thrashing it in Arkansas for 3 days with John. Then riding to Texas, then over to LA.

Joey and I headed over to Cycle Gear to mount the PR2 that I bought from MikeP.

The Picture sucks but the service was the best possible. Justin is pictured here listening to Pants' story about his get off in Colorado. I have nothing but great feelings about this trip and Justin and his people at Cycle Gear Lafayette only added to the spectacular adventure. He hooked me up late on Good Friday near closing time. If you ever are in the area, I know he will do everything to make your visit great.

Ready to scrub this off in the morning.


SO it was time for some grub. We kicked around a few ideas and Pants even halfheartedly suggested pizza.........I think not, I can get Chicago style pizza at home is what we then figured out. A quick call to Shucks in Abbieville confirmed they were open. Joey shifted gears so fast and we swooped toward the coast.


Let me tell you, it might have been the best decision of the day!!

I am totally into trying anything. On the way down, Joey says "Do you like Oysters?" I can't answer because I have never had them. "I will try anything twice"

"Raw??" Joey says. "I guess" I reply but he can tell maybe I am not ready for that. Char Broiled Oysters were not even on my top 10 food list and now they are #1. So unbelievable. Salty, Buttery, and Cheesy. Nothing better


I would have licked the Shells clean if I thought it would be acceptable.


After a great night, we headed home, had a night cap and then Pants' planned for some more. Let me tell you, if you travel with Pants, and he takes the lead in determining the itinerary, let him!!! This man can find adventure. On the fly or planned out.

Ready to go in the Morning

Breakfast plans included a short trip over to this place


Inside was a place I wish we had nearby. So many choices to create grilled goodness.


Whole milk, boutin and cracklins


Bridges are Joey's thing. They have many different kinds around here.


We had a picture day with the sun out and temps rising into the 70s. It snowed back home this day.........too bad.



We criss crossed into Mississippi and doubled back to get this pic.


We crossed over the 4 lane and shot this. We narrowly avoided the PO PO as we made a minor detour. Pants knows what I am talking about. LOL


Along the river in Mississippi in Natchez is a Place called Pig Out. Let me tell you this place is spectacular. Up next....Hard Core Food Porn.

Sorry guys, I blew off 11 days of Spring Break. The grass needed cutting, overseeding, rolling, and a bunch of other stuff. I am still at school now. And I should be grading those History tests, but they will be there in the morning. Worthwhile trade for sure.


Back at the Boudin store, I had to show these people how to eat a cupcake. A local charity was selling them. Rip the bottom off and make a sandwich out of the icing.


If you are in Natchez and do not stop by here, we are not was that good.


Joey always said to whoever waited on us something like this "I brought this yankee all the way from Illinois to eat here, Show him how good it is"

She writes your order on the edge of the plate.


Food get carved up right behind the counter




Joey's. I have to say that the Turkey was only rivaled by Connie's Chicken (that is JonJonBoo's wife) that we had later that day.


The Double Shot.


On the way out, I ate so much, I confused what I was riding.



One of my favorite pictures of the whole trip. Simply put, I know only a few that can find adventure like I can. Joey is one I would follow anywhere. On the Natchez Trace Parkway, speeds were under 50, but we were in the adventure 100%.


Obviously you can tell whose camera is jacked up! This was the only thing the whole trip that was not near perfect.


Old Inn along the Trace. As a History teacher, This kind of stuff amps me up. Living during this time was not for the faint of heart. These people were tough and had to be to survive.


Back side of the Inn. We pondered the possibility of having Indians attacking the structure.


After the Trace, We headed over to Emerald Mound. This mound is only 2nd behind the ones in Cahokia Illinois for height



A quick hop over to the Windsor Ruins. This was a former mansion. The detail and scale are amazing. My pictures do not do anything justice, but even a good camera would struggle to capture the amazing architecture and grandeur of this place.


The columns were brink interior and skinned with concrete. The wrought iron work was impressive even from the distance atop the columns.

We headed over to JonJonBoo's house. He had rode with us a couple of days before and invited us for a cookout. Joey found a great road and we hit the afterburners. My new tire was ready to scrub and it liked what it found. You see, I like the 35MPH marked curves. The tighter, slower, the better. I am not a huge fan of higher speed with the bike loaded. This road in Northern LA on the way to Jon's was perfect. We could have rode it back and forth all day, but we were not going to make the Cookout wait on us.


The poor picture is blasphemous to food we enjoyed. Miss Connie's chicken was the star. All other chicken from here on out will be judged against this.


Jon got the fire going with a little accelerant.


I have been swapping between 2 different Photobucket accounts. All of the well focused pictures are his. Gotta give credit to him on this too That is why some of these may be out of order some.

After the great dinner at Jon and Connie's, we gave Pants' bottle of Tequila a beating.

The after effects in the morning.


The after effects of what my belly was going to look like if I kept eating the amazing Cajun people kept feeding me.


So what did we do???? We headed over to Copeland's Easter Sunday Buffet after our first stop at Poverty Point. Dang.


I know what the exact weight gain was over the 11 days, but I will save that for the end of the report. I will have to pick this report up tomorrow. Starting with Poverty Point. A World Heritage Site.




That road before John's house is Hwy 126 - it is among my top 5 in the State.


Most of our decent stuff is higher speed curvy - marked 35-45, 20 over and it feels about right.

It's really fun reading the trip from someone else's perspective.

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I can see how that much riding/eating/partying can have consequences (done that recently). We enjoy having good folks at our home to share some laughs and fun. Perhaps sometime in the who knows when future,we can do it again somewhere, somehow.

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I can see how that much riding/eating/partying can have consequences (done that recently). We enjoy having good folks at our home to share some laughs and fun. Perhaps sometime in the who knows when future,we can do it again somewhere, somehow.
Funny you should say that. Every time I mention stopping by it's, "Uh sorry. I am having my hair done that day." Or you say, "No, can't have company that day. I have to change the air in my tires. You know that is part of the maintenance requirements on a Car Tire."

It has been noted that you had a Yankee over for dinner. Our DYF (Dumb Yankee Friend) sure made for interesting company.

At least he is just a Dumb Yankee and not a Damn Yankee. He did go back home.

For someone that lives in south Louisiana and has never seen the Evangeline Oak, you talk a some serious poop. I bet I couldn't pay you to take time off work to travel this far North. But Andy if you and your awesome Dad (I truley mean this) ever get the urge please do come up, the invite is genuine.

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It has been noted that you had a Yankee over for dinner. Our DYF (Dumb Yankee Friend) sure made for interesting company.

At least he is just a Dumb Yankee and not a Damn Yankee. He did go back home.


I believe it's "OK" to allow yankees to come down here for a visit now and then to spend some yankee dollars. Shoot, I don't even mind being seen in public with some of them---just wouldn't want my daughter marrying one.
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Nice work Cav, even if your cam was giving you fits! Glad to see you were able to pull it off just as planned.


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