Farkle Update

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Hi Thug, I puchased the very unit last year.Had some cash flow problems & never

picked up the "05 that I had ordered.This year will be different.All set w/my deposit

on an"06.I intend to put the unit on myself& after talking to one of the U.S. reps.,I

inquired about changes w/ the new model.He said no problem ,that there would be

a slight change in the wire harness.He also said not to do anything until I got the

bike in the garage& then we would straighten things out.Maybe by then the Co.

will have had a chance to do any changes needed.I'm hoping that The install goes

smoothly-I don't want to get half way through & something goes south ! I to wanted

a plug & play made just for the bike-not generic.Looking forward to the season.

You have a great one yourself-enjoy !! :D

The effort spent getting the bling-bling sliders seems offset by the fugly canister. It'd sure be on the list of things to find a different place to house it.

Thanks guys for all the kind remarks!

I have since done some research with a "can of pineapple rings" if you can believe it! There is plenty of room under the seat for the can to sit so I'm going to remove the unit from the painted housing and fix it under the seat in the tool well.

When I do it I'll post some pickies! :D

The custom screen was made by a local chap who has his own bike shop. I tried if for several months and discovered the internal bolts which hold the bottom screen bracket instru, were bent and the screen was actually resting on the fairing! No real damage just some rub marks which I fixed. I then cut down two HT Steal bolts and had no worries. I then decided to cut the same size screen from the standard screen shape because I liked the tint, and I wanted a smaller screen again. (FJR owners are never satisfied!)

I had it cut (by hand) and the edges polished and it came up a million bucks! The screen is about 1 cm longer than the standard screen but performs well, makes a little more noise in the fully retracted position then the original so I turn the music up!

