Feej draws a crowd everywhere I go

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The FJR gets more looks from the guys on BMWs...when they think I can't see um :huh: :D
+1 :clapping: and the little kids on the 600CC sport bikes. "How big is that engine?" "1300CC" Sez I "Man!!! I Bet that thing screams!"

See below about education, I just sez "Yup"

Don't you just love it when the ignorant proclaim, "Oh, I see you have a crotch rocket." Gawd! You'd need all day to even begin the education process. Not worth it. ((emphasis added//cdog//))
+1 LMAO, Yep, and tellim yer bike is fast too :yahoo: :yahoo:

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The FJR gets more looks from the guys on BMWs...when they think I can't see um :huh: :D

+1 :clapping: and the little kids on the 600CC sport bikes. "How big is that engine?" "1300CC" Sez I "Man!!! I Bet that thing screams!"

See below about education, I just sez "Yup"

Don't you just love it when the ignorant proclaim, "Oh, I see you have a crotch rocket." Gawd! You'd need all day to even begin the education process. Not worth it. ((emphasis added//cdog//))
+1 LMAO, Yep, and tellim yer bike is fast too :yahoo: :yahoo:
4 Ex wives. HOLY SMOKES. Do yu have any $$$$ of anything left!?!? Then again, maybe it is one of those "Utah" poly-whatever things :D

I always tell'em, "Nope, not a crotch rocket, but a couch rocket" I can get there really fast and Comfy.

4 Ex wives. HOLY SMOKES. Do yu have any $$$$ of anything left!?!? Then again, maybe it is one of those "Utah" poly-whatever things :D
Nope, it is a california thing. They dont seem to like my girlfriends. JFWY

I have enough money to buy my Feej, and enough sense to ride it. The rest is up for interpretation.

It is poligamy (I am sure I hashed the spelling) :rolleyes:

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Don't you just love it when the ignorant proclaim, "Oh, I see you ride a crotch rocket." Gawd! You'd need all day to even begin the education process. Not worth it.
My loving sister refers to it as "one of those -Monkey Fuckin' a football- bikes..."

...there's no way she made that one up....

Don't you just love it when the ignorant proclaim, "Oh, I see you ride a crotch rocket." Gawd! You'd need all day to even begin the education process. Not worth it.
My loving sister refers to it as "one of those -Monkey Fuckin' a football- bikes..."

...there's no way she made that one up....
She didn't... if you were serious. It's a quote from Randy Quaid in "Days of Thunder". A hilarious quote, IMO.
Monkey F--kin a Football, is an old expression used around my family for many years. Apparently we rednecks invented the act after sharing moonshine with the pets in the high school stadium.
