Finally Going on a long ride, Need advice

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Bad Boy
Sep 21, 2006
Reaction score
Herriman, UT
I am going on a 8 day jaunt to Cali (mebbe I can meet some of you peeps) Gonna start by going through So. Utah and Torrey, Zions, Vegas (Sleep), Then Southern Cali. and up the coast, hook back through Tahoe and find a route (unplanned as of yet, mebbe Old highway 50??)

Here is the question. I will have a pillion (and she PACKS LIKE A GIRL God help me...) and a GIVI E52 tail.

What are the Essentials (tire kit etc) that you reccomend I do not leave home without......



Search ironbutt threads and goto their website - mucho info there.

Good Luck!


I've done a few 4k mi + CC trips. Pack light. (gotta woman with ya good luck with that) lol.

Bring a couple of lawn and leaf bags in case you get wet. (for stuff)

Duct Tape for emergencies.

Cell, spare batteries.

Maps or GPS

Tool Kit

Tire repair w/ PUMP

Visor cleaner/debugger.

Pack Light

That's pretty much all I took on my trips. I bring 3 days worth of clothes and do laundry as required.

One day I'll bring a tent and rough it. :)

Oh..if you are leaving a colder environment remember to leave room to stow the cold weather gear, that bit me in the ass once.

I did MA to Daytona beach via RT129 aka The eastern NC, then a beeline to Daytona Beach.

When I left was 32. Florida hit a high of 90. I was layered up pretty well in the beginning but as I got warmer I had no place for the layers.

I will have a pillion (and she PACKS LIKE A GIRL God help me...) and a GIVI E52 tail.
What are the Essentials (tire kit etc) that you reccomend I do not leave home without......
A trailer?

Has she been on this sort of trip before? Hostile pillion syndrome is not to be taken lightly....

I'd skip US-50 - it tends to have a lot of traffic, and isn't the most scenic route over the Sierra.

South of US-50, there are four state highways that are a lot of fun. From north to south, they are: SR-88 (over Carson Pass), SR-4 (Ebbets Pass, my favorite), SR-108 (Sonora Pass), and SR-120 (Tioga Pass). Each of them represents some of the best of California riding.

North of I-80, you can take SR-49 to Sierraville, then SR-89 into the north end of Lake Tahoe. The scenery is just as nice, but this route has more sweepers and fewer tight twisties than the southern pass routes.

I am going on a 8 day jaunt to Cali (mebbe I can meet some of you peeps) Gonna start by going through So. Utah and Torrey, Zions, Vegas (Sleep), Then Southern Cali. and up the coast, hook back through Tahoe and find a route (unplanned as of yet, mebbe Old highway 50??)
Here is the question. I will have a pillion (and she PACKS LIKE A GIRL God help me...) and a GIVI E52 tail.

What are the Essentials (tire kit etc) that you reccomend I do not leave home without......


I'm doing a long ride later this summer with my so. Let me know how this works out. So far, in the planning stage, I've been told that she'll take the two side bags. I get the Yamaha trunk (but I have to put tools, tire repair kit and her rain gear in there).

The Flying Dutchman

We use the hard side bags, tank bag and expandable soft tailpack. If she insists on the curling iron, figure out a way. Take a lot of breaks to let her (and you) off to stretch and work out the kinks, get the blood circulating in nether regions. Pack light pain meds for the inevitable aches and pains (I find the Excedrin Extra Strength really does it for me). Bring antihistamines for bee stings. Plan to share toothpaste, shampoo and other toiletries when possible. Stop when you're tired. Enjoy fine meals in the evening and a good adult beverage after. Take a camera because these trips make for exceptional memories. I've toured 150,000 miles and one flat, but yeah, take your flat repair kit and tire gauge. Bug removal solution and rags. Basic tools (small crescent), electrical tape, a little light stove-pipe wire, bungees and a tube of super glue (perhaps the most used emergency repair material on our tours). Of course, license, registration and ALL insurance cards, credit cards, ATM card. I take a disc lock for the machine and light cable lock which I also use to keep gear with the bike when we're off walking around (I made this myself for about $6). We like to freeze a water bottle or two before departure, then enjoy cold water all day as the ice melts. Bring light snacks such as granola or energy bars, jerky - anything that can stave off the appetite. ALL your foul weather gear, hot weather gear and stuff for in between. I like the lightweight capilene underclothes for non-bulky warmth. Personal comfort in all climes is essential. I pack three sets of gloves, each of different weight and warmth, for example. Wife and I can easily do six days worth of clothes; laundry on day six. Could push that if needed. Good athletic shoes for off the bike exploring at the end of the day. I usually bring a pint of fine spirits to pour over a few rocks after checking into the motel. Take good maps and pick up local travel literature. Call ahead to your planned stop for reservations or wing it, but we have gotten into a few jams because big events unknown to us filled destination towns and rooms. Let family or friends know you're approximate route and itinerary, but be ready, able and willing to improvise when necessary or advantageous. Let her do the sightseeing, wildlife viewing while you pay strict attention to road and hazards. Enjoy. Ride safely. Report back to us.

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Wow, that was alot of very useful advice Big, thanks. Luckily for me, my wife won't ride for more than 250 miles. Good luck Cdog, have fun and be safe. Maybe some pics after you're home.

+1 on the trailer. You're gonna need it.

Also, check here for CHECKLISTS

It's good to have a big list, then decide what to cull rather than "Oh, crap, I wished I thought of that!"

Hostile pillion syndrome is not to be taken lightly....

:lol: :lol:
Thats funny :rolleyes:

Thanks for all the feedback. This is stuff I needed to hear

I will be leaving on May 25th and returning on June 2nd, So 9 days in all. I have to get mmy dang GPS and Computer in the same place. I got another laptop and reloaded MapSource but have not unlocked it yet so I cannot plan yet.

I am WAY!! Excited. I just told my partner "I need a break and I am taking my bike and going home" LOL He sez "OK" **rubbing hands together**

Hey, I need a good magnetic tank bag. Whatsa really good one that is easily removeable EDITED.. NEVERMIND.

Nelson Riggs it shall be. They sponsered WFO, They get my Business

Scab, Cool site, thanks


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Hey, I need a good magnetic tank bag. Whatsa really good one that is easily removeable
Nelson-Rigg makes some excellent, affordable bags. Nice functional stuff. (I think my tank bag was about $45)

This is the one I have. I think it has been discontinued, though. And is out of stock thanks to ...IIRC, toecutter, who alerted us to some mega-deal a while back.

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I like my Yamaha tank bag. Not waterproof, but the rain fly works very well. Holds lots of stuff, shaped to fit the tank nicely. Hasn't scratched either of my bikes, and it is EASY to move to gas or carry in the motel room. I'm sure University Motors would love to get you one. I bought a waterproof tank bag and I don't like it. Doesn't hold as much and it's a pain in the ass to open and close.

One thing I like to do for any ride is carry a damp cloth in a zippy bag to clean the bugs off my shield on the fly. Man, already this year they are gooey.

I use my saddle bags without liners. I can carry more that way, and access is easier. I put all my emergency road stuff in the RIGHT bag (for along the roadway) and clothes and whatnot in the LEFT bag. The left bag is the one I carry in and out of the room along with my tank bag.

When I went to WFO last year (1 up) I carried 9 sets of undies and socks, two jeans, shorts, 1 kakhis, several shirts and a pair of shoes. What I wore on the road was a T shirt and my mesh armoured riding pants and mesh armoured jacket. We ended up washing all we had at a motel on the 4th day, so I ended up having twice as much stuff as I needed. Never wore the kahkis or dress shirt. Didn't use a top case, either.

So have your SO lay everything out that you think you need, then delete half of it and GO!

What you really need most on the trip is emergency road kit, hydration, cell phone and credit card. Walmarts are everywhere.

You're going to have a GREAT TRIP!!!!!!!!! ENJOY!!!!!!!!

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I'd hand her a bag liner and explain this is the limit. Traveling by motorcycle is different, and among those differences is the volume of available space for personal stuff. If that doesn't work, another option is - with a firm itinerary - she can ship extra clothes and such in advance to your hotel/motel(s). I'm aware of other ill-fated attempts to accommodate the "needs" and interests of female traveling companions. Most led to heartache and grief for months afterward.

Funny....the SO packed for 3 weeks 3 days (including WFO) last year in 1 saddlebag....looks like you guys don't know how to teach them right :derisive: .....but I'm sure she's willing to teach classes :lol: ....

one side case bag for her clothes, on sidecase bag for yours.

To yours, add:

tire repair kit, and either a small compressor or the compressed air cartridges for air (at least 3)

Topcase: Get a daypack and that's for toiletries. Let the woman pack that one and make do with what she brings. Tell her no extra space...the daypack is it.

Large tankbag...I use this to stick the liners in when it's warm and they are there for quick retrieval if it rains/gets cold.

What are your days of travel?

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Thanks all

Just ordered >> Nelson Riggs bag <<

OVale. I will be leaving on Friday the 25th, Expect to hit So Cal the next day. Prolly the 26th. Gonna Run Torrey (12) and ZIONS to end in Vegas or So. Perhaps go through to the next town after that. I think that is Pharump or something. Next day I hit Cali. Dunno beyond that. Still working it up. I got 9-10 days to work with here. Prolly gonna lay on 3K or so. DOnt really feel like pushing my days to hard, might find a place I wanna stop.

Now I need a fork brace, Bike tried to get lose on me today, either that of I almost overcooked one. I [SIZE=24pt]love[/SIZE] my new tires (means "thank you god for sticky rubber")

Fork braces??
