First 300+ Mile Ride

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Jul 6, 2009
Reaction score
Andover, KS
Hello All,

I've owned a 2006 FJR for a couple months now and have loved it for commuting to work, around town, and short "fun" rides. Yesterday I took it on my first longer ride. Went on an 320 mile ride with a group of people from work; took about 9 hours including a 1.5 hour lunch stop and several other breaks. Had a blast but found out that I need to make some adjustments to my bike in order to be comfortable on it for more than a few hours at a time. Here's my issues:

1. Numb hands. My hands were constantly going numb while riding. It would start by loosing feeling in my pinkie and then would spread to all four fingers. I had to ride with one hand on the bars most of the time, alternating hands every few minutes (I have a throttlemeister).

2. Sore butt. The first half of the trip was fine, but by the last two hours or so my butt was very sore. Those last two hours I was continually shifting between leaning forward, sitting upright, and standing on the pegs.

What are the recommended farcles to make my bike more comfortable? Helibars? Grip Puppies? Seat cusion? Seat replacement (I really can't afford a custom made seat right now)? Different riding position (I ride with the "bend at the hips, back straight, arms relaxed" method that was discussed on here a month or so ago...that is what feels natural to me).

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Hello All,
I've owned a 2005 FJR for a couple months now and have loved it for commuting to work, around town, and short "fun" rides. Yesterday I took it on my first longer ride. Went on an 320 mile ride with a group of people from work; took about 9 hours including a 1.5 hour lunch stop and several other breaks. Had a blast but found out that I need to make some adjustments to my bike in order to be comfortable on it for more than a few hours at a time. Here's my issues:

1. Numb hands. My hands were constantly going numb while riding. It would start by loosing feeling in my pinkie and then would spread to all four fingers. I had to ride with one hand on the bars most of the time, alternating hands every few minutes (I have a throttlemeister).

2. Sore butt. The first half of the trip was fine, but by the last two hours or so my butt was very sore. Those last two hours I was continually shifting between leaning forward, sitting upright, and standing on the pegs.

What are the recommended farcles to make my bike more comfortable? Helibars? Grip Puppies? Seat cusion? Seat replacement (I really can't afford a custom made seat right now)? Different riding position (I ride with the "bend at the hips, back straight, arms relaxed" method that was discussed on here a month or so ago...that is what feels natural to me).

Same issues on my 05 and now on my 08 as well I installed helibars and got a Sargent Seat very pleased with both. Regarding the numb hands, try not holding on so tight with your grip. Just basically lay your hands on the grip when you ride

Man your gonna get all kinds of solutions to make a bike more comfortable. In fact thats about half the topics on this board.

From me my advise, you have to get out and ride and ride alot. Its never gonna be like a lazy boy. Your love of riding will have to be stronger than the soreness in your butt.

The thing that works best for me is a lot of dirt bike riding, why? You get used to riding a dirt bike for a several hours at a time and your (stock) FJR will feel like stting in a tub of butter.

You can farkle yourself silly if your not careful!

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The thing that works best for me is a lot of dirt bike riding, why? You get used to riding a dirt bike for a several hours at a time and your (stock) FJR will feel like stting in a tub of butter.
So true. "Comfort" is such a matter of perspective. :D

Although spendy, I love my Russell seat. Worth every penny and, even though I didn't do a ride-in fitting, my seat was perfect from day one.

You can farkle yourself silly if your not careful!
+1 on that. You can add handlebar risers, but then you'll be sitting back further with more weight on your butt, so you'll need an expensive aftermarket seat, and your head will be further from the windshield and higher so you'll be getting buffeted, so you'll try several different windshields (none of which will really solve the problem).

Or you can learn the Master Yoda technique - slide forward on the seat, carry more of your weight on your legs relieving the pressure on your butt and eliminating the pressure on your hands. That's the technique these bikes were designed for. It takes some getting used to and unlearning bad habits from cruisers, but it does work.;Number=2737

You can farkle yourself silly if your not careful!
+1 on that. You can add handlebar risers, but then you'll be sitting back further with more weight on your butt, so you'll need an expensive aftermarket seat, and your head will be further from the windshield and higher so you'll be getting buffeted, so you'll try several different windshields (none of which will really solve the problem).

Or you can learn the Master Yoda technique - slide forward on the seat, carry more of your weight on your legs relieving the pressure on your butt and eliminating the pressure on your hands. That's the technique these bikes were designed for. It takes some getting used to and unlearning bad habits from cruisers, but it does work.;Number=2737
Yoda technique? I call that position the squashed dick!

I agree with the gist of this post, spend more saddle time before making modifications.

My used bike came with the tall screen, optional cobin seat and I added the bar risers with some pull back.

This made the bike more comfortable for me only a little bit. What really made it comfy is us breaking in to each other.

As far as seat pain goes, I used to be able to go over a 100 miles a day on a pedal bike, honest the ass knows the way to a pain free experience but it takes time.

I suggest you ride the FJR a lot more before you spend too much money on comfort farkles. You'll find a few riding positions that work for you and switch among them as comfort demands. Your body will get accustomed to the riding positions.

Your profile says you own a 2006, and your note says 2005. If it's a 2006, then there are adjustments on the bars and seat that you can play with.

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Well, for those of us who haven't mastered "Yoda", or any other Zen techniques to ignore your body sending messages to STOP...

Weighted bar Ends make all the difference in the buzzin you get which can cause that "loss of feeling" in the hands. I have the heavy version of these:

As for Seat, I can tell you the Yamaha "Gel" seat doesn't make too much of a difference, so don't bother. I plan on going to Bill Mayer for a custom saddle (of course he's only 2 hours from me, a LITTLE farther from Kansas) once I have enough $$$ saved up.

I've owned a 2005 FJR for a couple months now and have loved it for ... around town, and short "fun" rides. ...took it on my first longer ride. ...320 mile ...took about 9 hours 1. Numb hands.

2. Sore butt.

...recommended farcles to make my bike more comfortable? Helibars? Grip Puppies? Seat cusion? Seat replacement
You can farkle yourself silly if your not careful!
+1 on that. You can add handlebar risers, but then you'll be sitting back further with more weight on your butt, so you'll need an expensive aftermarket seat, and your head will be further from the windshield and higher so you'll be getting buffeted, so you'll try several different windshields (none of which will really solve the problem).
[Friday]Really..., just go to your dealer's showroom and sit in one if those big cruisers -- now there's how a gentleman rides -- sittin' up straight, h/bars come back to meet you, feet forward so legs are stretched-out, all low to the ground...!

Ask someone there how you look on that cruiser -- good, I'll bet? Not 'all hunched-over' like a monkey doing you-know-what to a football -- like on that FJR "bend-over bike".... ;) [/Friday]

I've got a 07 and have had the same issues as yours. My fix for the seat is to buy a Airhawk seat pad for driver and passenger. A lot of people don't like them because they put to much air in them. When you blow them up just blow a small puff of air into it so it barly looks inflated,me and my wife love them. Your other problem can be resolved by installing a Crampbuster. With the Crampbuster and Throttlemister it will make all the difference in the world.

Good Luck Vern

I to have an '07 and similar issues with my hands. I did a combo of things - risers, relaxing my grip and Grip Puppies. The Grip Puppies cushioned the grip and mostly more importantly increased the diameter which my fingers preferred. I tried several different after market grips and none of them helped.

Thanks everyone for your input.

I may try out grip puppies and some type of bike shorts (under my jeans). Might search on e-bay for the Airhawk. Other than that I'll just keep riding... B)

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Your profile says you own a 2006, and your note says 2005. If it's a 2006, then there are adjustments on the bars and seat that you can play with.
I have the 2006, Cobalt Blue, and yes with the adjustable bars and seat. I have played around with the seat a few times and didn't notice much difference. I had it in the low position for the longer ride. Might try the high position next time.

I haven't adjusted the bars. They are in the pulled back (closest) position which is where they were when I bought it. They feel like the correct distance but I don't really like the angle that they have in that position--wish they were straighter. I realize that if I move them forward that they will have less angle, but I think they would be too far away then.

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Your profile says you own a 2006, and your note says 2005. If it's a 2006, then there are adjustments on the bars and seat that you can play with.
I have the 2006, Cobalt Blue, and yes with the adjustable bars and seat. I have played around with the seat a few times and didn't notice much difference. I had it in the low position for the longer ride. Might try the high position next time.

I haven't adjusted the bars. They are in the pulled back (closest) position which is where they were when I bought it. They feel like the correct distance but I don't really like the angle that they have in that position--wish they were straighter. I realize that if I move them forward that they will have less angle, but I think they would be too far away then.
could be that when the bars were adjusted they were set back AND angled differently. I think that was possible on the '06. It is possible on my '08. You might want to reset them to the stock postion and angle and see how that feels.

I use grip puppies and a $10 throttle rocker so I have a light grip and I'm fine w/o bar ends.

I'm in the process of getting a seat rework from a shop in KC for significantly less than west coast options. and being in KC I can try it out before they cover it and we seal the deal. If this works out I'll post results, pictures, info on cost etc. Maybe a big IF but I've tried the spencer seat mod and it wasn't enough for my bony butt. I can't do a ride in and this seemed like a good option to actually have a back and forth, test ride, custom fit with these guys. A guy I know had his KTM seat reworked at the same shop and is very happy with the results.

Short of a seat rework I like the beaded seats. I made mine from a car seat and reworked it to the rectangular size to fit the stock seat. I also have used a sheep skin that helps, too. Those make a 400 mile day manageable but I'm looking for even more comfort.

Hope this helps.

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This question is like asking what oil to use. I have an 07 and like Geezer said get some more miles on the bike before you spend a lot of money on farkles that may or may not work. I ended up getting the Spenser mod with LD option on my seat and the pillion. That cost about $150 plus shipping to and from FL. I also had an old sheepskin that I cut down and put on my seat. The two combined has worked pretty well for me and I just completed a round trip of about 1900 miles over 4 days.

As to the numb hands I have adjusted my grip (much more relaxed) and that takes care of most of that problem for me. It now happens only rarely and when I spend long hours in the saddle. Good luck and enjoy your ride.

I had the same issues. The grips on a sport bike are too small for me. I switched my grips out to a fat cruiser style grip, a lot easier to hold. Heavier bar end weights will knock a lot of vibes out of the bars as well, not sure how heavy your throttlemeisters are. I have a custom seat from Kemper's here in Columbus but still have issues with a sore ass from the heat, not the fit of the seat. If prickly heat is your ass issue then try a beaded seat cover, it'll let air circulate under your bum.
