First Ride in the cold on my FJR

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Looks like it'll be 47 tomorrow morning when I leave the house for Ojai and my new saddle at Bill Mayer. I may have to put on a long-sleeved shirt under the jacket. Brrrrr.

But yeh, those 100o + summer days we get (sometimes) make riding no fun. At least till we get to the mountains or the coast and all that cooler weather. And this year I think we had maybe five days that were really hot.

So we've got, what, great roads in all directions, year-round riding, just one rainy season with lots of clear days mixed in: sounds like riding heaven. Of course, I did leave out "insurance costs, local traffic, employment, cost of living, crime, and real estate values," but I'm not sure where all that stuff is perfect.

And lane splitting is legal. :yahoo:

Spring = 10

Summer = 9

Fall = 10

Winter = 9

Just my opinion.

I have a 17 mile one way comute. I hit some spots where it was down to 23 degrees. No heated gear just layered up. My hands got a little chilly even with the winter gloves on. You can get a little warmth if you keep them down on the spars for a few minutes.

Does anyone sell snow tires for the Feeejer? I just don't want to stop riding. :(


Proper gear is paramount for Cold weather riding.

I like my tourmaster boots, they were great during a winter ss1k.

Use a nice thick wool - wicking sock...feet stay dry and warm.


No need to layer up, just use the proper base layering and you can transition easy

from the outside riding to the inside sitting, just by removing jacket.


A heated vest is a must for long distance riding, but shorter commutes, base layering may be enough.



Here in Texas (H-Town) My rating system

Summer (may-sept) 90-110.... 5

Fall (Oct-nov)..............10

Winter (dec-feb) 40-60.... ......8

Spring (march/apr) if you catch it..... 10

I am sure it differs with others and how they gear up and ride in summer though.

I would ride any day but 1-icey rain or 2-storming before I left for work commute-3 (less I forget) a hurricane.

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Central Texas

Summer = 8

Fall = 10

Winter = 7

Spring = 10

Season = 12 months

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