First ride on FJR

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
Reaction score
Morgantown, WV
I finally got to ride my 07. The dealer brought to my house last Wed and it has been cold and raining then snowing. Today was the day at least for 58 miles before the rain set in. I have been riding a 1990 Suzuki VX800 for the last 16 years logged over 36,00 miles of on again off again riding. She was a great ride but I wanted something bigger with better every thing plus the wife told me if I buy new it has to be big enough for 2up and comfortable. Enter FJR. I'm not going to tell you all anything about the FJR that you don't already know. My thoughts on the FJR OUTSTANDING every thing. I'm in love all over again. :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


Right there with you Bill, 300 miles on mine. Frustrated at time constrictions and lousy weather. My best bike by a looooong way after a lifetime on them. Roll on summer.

Graham Manchester UK.

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I hear ya Bill. These bikes are great aren't they, I'm riding my other bikes less and less and my FJR more and more, I may end up with one bike which would be a first. I haven't made any changes to mine except heated grips and sliders and it's A-OK the way it is. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones with no throttle or FI issues, hope you're in the same boat.

I finally got to ride my 07. The dealer brought to my house last Wed and it has been cold and raining then snowing. Today was the day at least for 58 miles before the rain set in. I have been riding a 1990 Suzuki VX800 for the last 16 years logged over 36,00 miles of on again off again riding. She was a great ride but I wanted something bigger with better every thing plus the wife told me if I buy new it has to be big enough for 2up and comfortable. Enter FJR. I'm not going to tell you all anything about the FJR that you don't already know. My thoughts on the FJR OUTSTANDING every thing. I'm in love all over again. :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: Bill
..and the best thing is that the initial feeling of 'oh gee whillikers, this is fun' lasts and lasts. I just did a solo ride last Saturday, 250+ miles just for breakfast. Along the way I thought, 'Self, this bike now has 23k+ on it since late last April.. are you still happy?" to which I replied in my other voice... :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
I finally got to ride my 07. The dealer brought to my house last Wed and it has been cold and raining then snowing. Today was the day at least for 58 miles before the rain set in. I have been riding a 1990 Suzuki VX800 for the last 16 years logged over 36,00 miles of on again off again riding. She was a great ride but I wanted something bigger with better every thing plus the wife told me if I buy new it has to be big enough for 2up and comfortable. Enter FJR. I'm not going to tell you all anything about the FJR that you don't already know. My thoughts on the FJR OUTSTANDING every thing. I'm in love all over again. :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: Bill
I'm all too familiar with that feeling too

Congrats on the new bike! :yahoo:

When I got mine home, I had a grin from ear to ear and told my better half "wow that was fun". The bike just gets better and better. You are really going to enjoy this one... :fans:

while riding my bike in to work this morning and having just passed 40k miles on my '05 I had this same thought ---> The bike just gets better and better.

Amen to that: 1,600 miles in three weeks on my '07, and it just keeps finding new ways to impress me. Did the first "longish" trip this past weekend & it was a pleasure: I was able to superslab & eat miles like never before even with heavy quartering gusts.

Have fun & stay safe!
