First solo ride

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Riding at THE PACE is, at the end of the day, a much more satisfying experience than constantly being on guard for obstacles, cops, deer, tractors, sand, salt and decreasing radius bends while blasting from one straight to hard braking at the next corner. And you get to your destination at roughly the same time too!
Funny you should mention that - I just re-read the PACE last night and realized that's pretty much what I was doing. On the way to and from the cool road are six lanes of super slab where the need for speed can be satisfied. In fact the HOV lane was moving at closer to 90mph than 80 on that occasion. Quite a contrast with the workday commuter time.

Tomorrow come 6am, I'll be trundling along at a much more modest speed. It is nice to have that super-power to be able to get quickly and safely across to the HOV lane though. My cruiser just didn't have that.



Content aside, your writing style is outstanding! You should consider submitting ride reports to the cycle rags. Think of the angle. A feminine slant on the motorcycling experience. I see great potential!

Thanks for the prose.

Jill,Content aside, your writing style is outstanding! You should consider submitting ride reports to the cycle rags. Think of the angle. A feminine slant on the motorcycling experience. I see great potential!

Thanks for the prose.
Awwww thanks. I enjoy compliments. I love to write almost as much as I love to ride. How cool is it that I have the opportunity to do both?


Thanks Jill -- keep it up !! I'm not the most experienced rider on this board, by a long shot. So I enjoy reading about others experiences, and hope to learn from them. I look forward to every ride, and always look forward to a new learning experience -- or a new riding experience. I've found it is part of what makes riding a great experience. And the FJR crowd is so different from the typical "cruiser" crowd, in terms of their passion for riding.

Cheers Jill !! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Jay
