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Bought a used FJR 2008 in September. First bike! I know, the “bit off more than I can chew" advice. But after a few months, there are NO regrets. What a ride!

Posting this message to let you know I did take a few motorcycle classes and rented a big Goldwing because I thought that is what I wanted before getting the FJR. I accidentally found out about the FJR. Researched it and said that’s the one!

When I rode it from the dealer, I did have thoughts of “Oh My God…I’m going to kill myself…Whoa, Big Girl!” However, after riding it around the nearby residential neighborhood for an hour, I tamed her and we rode our 20 miles home. By the time I got home I was in the car pool lane hollering “Yee-haa!”

Since then, I’ve visited many cities. I live in Los Angeles County and have gone to San Diego a couple of times, Palm Springs and Sacramento…and a lot of places in between. Lookin’ forward to some fun and exciting rides. What a Bike!

Forgot to mention…I’m 61 years old!
Bought a used FJR 2008 in September. First bike! I know, the “bit off more than I can chew" advice. But after a few months, there are NO regrets. What a ride!

Posting this message to let you know I did take a few motorcycle classes and rented a big Goldwing because I thought that is what I wanted before getting the FJR. I accidentally found out about the FJR. Researched it and said that’s the one!

When I rode it from the dealer, I did have thoughts of “Oh My God…I’m going to kill myself…Whoa, Big Girl!” However, after riding it around the nearby residential neighborhood for an hour, I tamed her and we rode our 20 miles home. By the time I got home I was in the car pool lane hollering “Yee-haa!”

Since then, I’ve visited many cities. I live in Los Angeles County and have gone to San Diego a couple of times, Palm Springs and Sacramento…and a lot of places in between. Lookin’ forward to some fun and exciting rides. What a Bike!

Forgot to mention…I’m 61 years old!
Bought a used FJR 2008 in September. First bike! I know, the “bit off more than I can chew" advice. But after a few months, there are NO regrets. What a ride!

Posting this message to let you know I did take a few motorcycle classes and rented a big Goldwing because I thought that is what I wanted before getting the FJR. I accidentally found out about the FJR. Researched it and said that’s the one!

When I rode it from the dealer, I did have thoughts of “Oh My God…I’m going to kill myself…Whoa, Big Girl!” However, after riding it around the nearby residential neighborhood for an hour, I tamed her and we rode our 20 miles home. By the time I got home I was in the car pool lane hollering “Yee-haa!”

Since then, I’ve visited many cities. I live in Los Angeles County and have gone to San Diego a couple of times, Palm Springs and Sacramento…and a lot of places in between. Lookin’ forward to some fun and exciting rides. What a Bike!

Forgot to mention…I’m 61 years old!
06 FJR 6 months ago I am 64

dbm ~ Welcome aboard from another old fart!

You have found a source here for a TON of information about the beloved Feejer. Some of it's even accurate and good! (Just kidding, it's mostly good...) :rolleyes:


I see beemerdons (El Jefe Grande) has already extended an invitation to the SW meeting in Taos, NM (Last year it was in Toas... go figure). :blink:

I'd like to call your attention to another opportunity to meet many of the characters on the board, see some incredible sights, ride some excellent roads, and maybe have a beer or two... WFO-10 (Western FJR Owners) is having their 10th meeting in Idaho Falls, ID - July 14th through the 17th at the Red Lion on the Falls.

To get further information: From the opening page of the forum, scroll down toward the bottom to FJR Meetings and check out the WFO Thread.

I look forward to meeting you! And you're right: You're only as old as you feel (and ACT!) :eek:

Ride like everyone is trying to kill you!



I loved your post! I advised a friend to buy a Ducati last year as his first bike because he found the deal he wanted and really liked the bike. i was the "odd man out" with all of the others wanting him to buy a Ninja 250 and learn to ride, and blah blah blah. I told him he will be just as dead getting stupid on a 250 as he would on his 990 and might get himself in more trouble minus the power, brakes or suspension to get out of it. And in two weeks when he does get comfortable with the Ninja, he has to find somebody to buy it.

Better off buying the bike you will ride and take your time learning in vacant parking lots and back roads and such before hitting the road for a big ride. I also told him his 100 horsepower bike was that way with the throttle fully open, with it partially open, it is a 20 horsepower bike. He has been fine and not had any problems in over a year and is totally comfortable with his bike.

This only works for old farts though..... All you young folks ignore this and get you a nice Ninja 250!

Welcome. I'm in Long Beach and just turned 54. I also have a 2008; she IS a tiger and kitten at the same time and her name is Kat because she purrs most of the time I ride her. Enjoy! :)

Bought a used FJR 2008 in September. First bike! I know, the “bit off more than I can chew" advice. But after a few months, there are NO regrets. What a ride!

Posting this message to let you know I did take a few motorcycle classes and rented a big Goldwing because I thought that is what I wanted before getting the FJR. I accidentally found out about the FJR. Researched it and said that’s the one!

When I rode it from the dealer, I did have thoughts of “Oh My God…I’m going to kill myself…Whoa, Big Girl!” However, after riding it around the nearby residential neighborhood for an hour, I tamed her and we rode our 20 miles home. By the time I got home I was in the car pool lane hollering “Yee-haa!”

Since then, I’ve visited many cities. I live in Los Angeles County and have gone to San Diego a couple of times, Palm Springs and Sacramento…and a lot of places in between. Lookin’ forward to some fun and exciting rides. What a Bike!

Forgot to mention…I’m 61 years old!
Congratulations on the new bike but 61 won't get you a lot of seniority on this forum. I've been riding since I was 26 and I'm 64 now. Keep the rubber side down and enjoy yourself.

suggestion from another (somewhat old {55} guy).

in the process of training my daughter to ride the last couple of years (and in response to some advice I got on this forum) daughter and I took some advanced rider instruction at a racetrack. ended up taking several classes and a couple of track days because it was so much fun.

we had a blast and even I, after 35 years of riding, learned a LOT! (in actual fact it was kind of embarrasing how much better a rider I became after only a couple instruction days.)

the truth is only a very very small percentage of todays riders can ride their bike anywhere near it's capability.

While I certainly don't advocate riding a bike to it's limit on the street the ability to agressively turn or brake (or turn and brake at the same time) could easily spell the difference in an accident avoidance situation.

So I recommend having a LOT of fun and learning to ride your incredibly capable bike closer to it's limit just for the additional safety margin it gives you on the street.


I just read you post for the first time. Guess I'm a little slow. I loved it!!!! It was really refreshing to read your story. Recently I rode a friend's Yammie 1300 Venture Royale. LIke you, I had a chance to compare the FJR to another popular touring mount. With a V Max motor, but a couple hundred pounds more than the Feej, all I can say is: what a difference! My buddy who hopped on the FJR was groaning about the lack of wind protection at speed on the slab (I forgot to tell him about the electric windshield-it was down). I didn't tell him this, but I couldn't wait for the next rest stop to get back on my Feej. I'll never be content with a rolling couch again. I know what you mean when you said, "after a few months, there are no regrets... what a ride!!" I wholeheartedly agree, what a machine. The FJR shines brightest when you when you get on another machine, and I've ridden a bunch of them including the "Wing."

Ride safe my friend, and welcome to the forum. I look forward to hearing more from you.



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Bought my '09 in 2010 on my 65th birthday and wonder why I waited 30 years since my last bike. Had the same "i've done it now" feelings but a week of getting used to the size and weight cured that.

