Fjr...a Downgrade?

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My BMW was so good that I had it for 3 days and then it spent 72 days in the shop. They finally bought it back as they say they will in the owners manual but it took the help of a lawyer. The local shop and BMW USA were not helpful at all. Never again!!! Never again!!!

I have an Electraglide. My wife likes it. You know the rest of the saying.

We all know that the FJR really is one of the best bikes ever produced. :D

I just picked the FJR up from the shop after getting the 600 mile service completed. Now that I have a "few" more miles on it, on the way home I snapped the throttle at about 5 grand and felt like one of those cartoon characters whose arms leap forward while the rest of his body stays in place for a split second then shoots ahead to catch up - I liked it!


I'm a big fan of german engineering and own a BMW M3 cage. I looked at BMW's but was'nt prepared to pay the high price and maintenance costs to sport another BMW logo on the tank. The FJR is every bit as good as the BMW. Its also lighter and faster :)

At a stop light downtown Seattle;

Metro Bus Driver: "What is that"

Me: "A motorcycle"

Metro Bus Driver: :rollseyes "I know, but kind of BMW is it?"

Loud valves save lives
Welllll......allllrighty then! I won't even ask how or why!

It has been my non-riding friends who think I have taken a step backward.
Interesting. Exactly the group of people who would know the least and therefore be most inclined to judge on brand image.
Personally, I never listen to what my non-biking friends say about bikes. Tired of the same old horror stories about "that person they knew that got hurt/killed on a bike" and the rest of the general nonsense they spew regarding bikes. When they try to talk bikes, I usually change the subect.

RTSR1 nailed it! It is unfortunately a status symbol, instead of what its meant to be, and that is a symbol of individual choice and values. I once road in my uncle's Mercedez Benz. I don't remember what model, I just know that it was big and expensive. It also turned out to be the most uncomfortable ride I've ever had in a cage. I think the whole "Jap Bike" thing, or "Euro Bike" is derrogurtory and unnecessary. Like I've never understood the whole Ford vs. Chevy thing. They both have qualities of their own that make them desireable. Period! Shep, judge your bike for the quality and satisfaction it provides you, and to hell with all those that try to change your opinion of it. All told, their opinions don't mean anything.....


nswer was that if I were to find the owner of the fjr he was sure that he would tell me that he regretted not springing the extra green for the bimmer. I pointed out what a strong statement that was but his reply was that the yammie was just a p.o.s compared to the bimmer. It was at that point my wife handed me my jacket and helmet. His expression was priceless. Of course as we rode away my front wheel just happened to get a foot or so off the pavement.

nswer was that if I were to find the owner of the fjr he was sure that he would tell me that he regretted not springing the extra green for the bimmer. I pointed out what a strong statement that was but his reply was that the yammie was just a p.o.s compared to the bimmer. It was at that point my wife handed me my jacket and helmet. His expression was priceless. Of course as we rode away my front wheel just happened to get a foot or so off the pavement.

It has been my non-riding friends who think I have taken a step backward.
Well, there ya go! Uninformed bunch. What do they know? :dntknw:

Real motorcyclists (as opposed to weekend warrior, fair weather only, wash it, rather than ride it, bikers) can't help but be impressed by this bike. My experience with them is they often oooh and ahhh when checking out the FJR up close and based on what they know about it, they respect it.)

My take has always been: you buy/ride certain bikes to impress others (HD's, BMW's, etc.) and you buy/ride certain bikes to impress yourself .

That is very funny. Put that at the bottom of the FJR PA stickers instead of Thrust / Heat / Fly etc.

I would buy that sticker too.

"Downgrading"- When most people (random non-motorcyclists) think "European Motorcycles", they probably mostly think BMW or Ducati- one is known for reliable go-anywhere motorcycling, the other is has a reputation for "performance". These people don't follow the ins and outs of motorcycle technology or reliability, they just know what they've heard- and what they've heard must be true, because typically, such machines are more expensive than the equivalent Japanese machines, so obviously :huh: they're higher quality. As for motorcyclists, it's not hard to get sucked into a "we're better than them!" mindset. (You can see it here, too. Yes, I like my FJR, but all I'll say is that currently, it's the best touring bike for me- each rider should make their own decision.) The mindset thing is especially important to people who buy a more expensive machine, because they need justification for having spent more than they might have for an equivalent, or even superior, machine that happened to be cheaper. (I don't need to justify picking an FJR over a Concours- I've ridden a Concours... :lol: ) Once they've spent that money, it's even harder to admit that something else might have been better for them.

If you've gone from a BMW touring bike to a Japanese one, then, you must have downgraded...

As for HD people, there are two types. There are the people who have ridden them forever, and are bemused by the whole "lifestyle" thing. I get along with these people. The people who are in it for the "lifestyle" are the ones that I just don't get. To me, they're pretending to be something they aren't- either they should go *be* that thing, or they should admit that it's not really them, and get on with being who they are... Me? I like riding motorcycles. I have no interest in "being a biker".

Re: Chrome vs. Farkles. First, Definitions:

Farkle- a modification [typically to a motorcycle] which improves it's performance or utility.

Bling- a modification to a vehicle which improves looks and may or may not improve performance or utility.

Chrome is bling and rarely has any benefit to the performance of a machine. Farkles, while they may be bling (StainTunes, SS brake lines), always have some utility. Some Farkles (Russell seat) are, in fact, anti-bling.

I'm down with farkles. I don't understand chrome, and nothing on my bikes is chrome unless that's the only way to get it. (No, nothing on any of my bikes is chrome- the StainTunes on the FJR and Aprilia are polished SS, but I'd be just as happy if they were brush finished. That drives my skullcap wearing, chromed out apehanger riding, Rugged Individualist Lifestyle Biker ChromeHead neighbor nuts. :D )


Personally, I never listen to what my non-biking friends
You know, I find myself with fewer and fewer non-riding friends... either they start riding, and thus become riding buddies (There's a reason my nickname is "First Hit's Free" :D ), or they fall out of contact and are replaced by people I meet at gatherings of motorcyclists...

say about bikes. Tired of the same old horror stories about "that person they knew that got hurt/killed on a bike"
With a little practice, you can start picking apart the stories and figure out what "that person" did wrong... which can also help you remember how not to be "that person".

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"Euro Bike" is derrogurtory and unnecessary.  Like I've never understood the whole Ford vs. Chevy thing.  They both have
For some reason "Euro ..." makes a lot of Americans think its gotta be better than something they can get locally and it is worth the premium price and they buy it.

Personally, as a European, often when I see these things, they are a) not from Europe and b.) not any better, making it just an excuse to rip off some unwitty consumer a bit more of their hard earned cash.

Euro bikes are not better. They are typically different, but not better. QC of Ducati is laughable almost by definition. BMW has more recalls and service problems than both they and their riders care to admit. Which wouldn't be so bad, since every company has it's problems, if they often didn't have a reputation telling people different.

If people would just leave the hooligan attitude at home and just take a bike for what it is, regardless of brand: a bike, then things would be a lot easier.

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I got the same thing from my boss today at work when I asked for time off to attend the WFO. Along with that question was a discussion of whether we were even charging another supplier for our test services.

He mentioned that if we weren't and now started to that maybe I'd be able to 'upgrade to a BMW motorcycle'.

I laughed and explained how that wouldn't necessarily be an upgrade.

The bottom line for me is, I do not care what the brand name of the bike is. If it is a model I am intruiged by, then I am interested. I will probably own BMWs and Ducatis again, but not because of the name. Rather it will be because I think the 1200GS is a great machine and when they have depreciated some I may want one in the garage next to the FJR. Or maybe a Monster! My father-in-law is seriously considering an ST1300 to go along with his wide variety of bikes. I hope he buys it so I can ride it too! I am not interested in which bike is "better." I just want to enjoy as many bikes as I can.

I have seen the "branding" thing and the misconceptions it creates in other areas. It just so happens that I also own a BMW 325. It is very well kept and looks like brand new, but the truth is that I only paid $6,400 for it nearly three years ago, it is 11 years old and has 200,000 miles on it! It is great fun to drive so I will keep it until it dies. Many of my co-workers pass my house on the way to work and see my car in the driveway. At work I get the "you must be rich" attitude from some of them. What are they thinking? We work at the same place and make the same money! I am a blue collar factory worker for cryin' out loud!

Don't misunderstand; none of this really bothers me. I have no interest in other people's opininos of my life or my purchases. As a new owner and a new member to this board, I figured some of you would find this "downgrading" concept interesting. I also know that many of the FJR riders out there are former or current BMW riders as well!


The bottom line is the truth, and the truth is (for anyone whose ridden both an FJR and, say, an R1150RT) that both bikes are well engineered machines, but the FJR is better in more categories. I don't bad-mouth BMWs; they're great bikes. And people who own one have a right to be proud. But a BMW sport touring bike is simply not in the same overall performance league--pound for pound--as the FJR.

Knowing and being secure in the truth of the matter means you're above the fray. The best revenge, as they say, is living well. Remember that and let it be part of your satisfaction the next time you're enjoying a ride on the best sport touring bike on the planet--the FJR.

Know what I tell my BMW-owning friends?

BMW - Big Money Wasted! :bleh:

Hey, it's your money, spend like you want to. Me, I'll go for performance and value over status and perception.

"Euro Bike" is derrogurtory and unnecessary.  Like I've never understood the whole Ford vs. Chevy thing.  They both have
For some reason "Euro ..." makes a lot of Americans think its gotta be better than something they can get locally and it is worth the premium price and they buy it.

Personally, as a European, often when I see these things, they are a) not from Europe and b.) not any better, making it just an excuse to rip off some unwitty consumer a bit more of their hard earned cash.

Euro bikes are not better. They are typically different, but not better. QC of Ducati is laughable almost by definition. BMW has more recalls and service problems than both they and their riders care to admit. Which wouldn't be so bad, since every company has it's problems, if they often didn't have a reputation telling people different.

If people would just leave the hooligan attitude at home and just take a bike for what it is, regardless of brand: a bike, then things would be a lot easier.
Ya got that right. I was in a room with 4 other people. The host looked around and introduced me to each of the others and included the status of where each of their final drive repairs were. Everyone in the room but me rode a BMW. He then said something to the effect of how this was BMWs dirty little secret.

One bike was in the shop for a final drive failure.

One was parked waiting to go to the shop.

One was parked waiting a check to verify that it was a failure prior to ordering parts.

The host was riding because he made it a practice to replace all the seals every 20,000 miles.

Yep. That's some "downgrade".

Got stuck behing a pack of bikes going 5 mph UNDER the limit on one of my favorite twisty roads yesterday. A couple of cars behind them and no passiing zone for about 10 miles. Finally got a chance to blow them off on an uphill, (man I love love that torque :D ) and the leader was a BMW. I was expecting to find a Harley or something like that. Can't understand how anyone can enjoy riding slow in the twisties.....
