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Oct 14, 2007
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I recently purchased and 04 FJR that came with a Cee Bailey +2 or +4 windshield. While I really like everything else about the bike, the airflow over me at anything above 50 MPH is absolutely horrible! I get a lot of wind circling around me that gets inside my jacket and wants to lift it off of me, and I get a terrible amount of buffeting that moves my helmet from side to side. All of this gets much worse when I raise the windshield, and the bike get wobbly as well when I raise the shield (Although all bikes do this). My BMW R1100RT has much better airflow, except for the "slightly more wobbly with windshield up at high speeds". I am wondering inf anyone else has experienced this or has any input. I am thinking at this point that I would like to go back to the stock windshield (I don't have it but owuld buy one), or I hav heard a lof of good about the Cal Sci windshields. I am not much of a complainer and have a pretty good amount of riding experience, but the airflow on this particluar bike make it un-rideable for me. I'm really hoping that I can get this solved. I'd appreciate any feeback that anyone might have. Thanks!

I recently purchased and 04 FJR that came with a Cee Bailey +2 or +4 windshield. While I really like everything else about the bike, the airflow over me at anything above 50 MPH is absolutely horrible! I get a lot of wind circling around me that gets inside my jacket and wants to lift it off of me, and I get a terrible amount of buffeting that moves my helmet from side to side. All of this gets much worse when I raise the windshield, and the bike get wobbly as well when I raise the shield (Although all bikes do this). My BMW R1100RT has much better airflow, except for the "slightly more wobbly with windshield up at high speeds". I am wondering inf anyone else has experienced this or has any input. I am thinking at this point that I would like to go back to the stock windshield (I don't have it but owuld buy one), or I hav heard a lof of good about the Cal Sci windshields. I am not much of a complainer and have a pretty good amount of riding experience, but the airflow on this particluar bike make it un-rideable for me. I'm really hoping that I can get this solved. I'd appreciate any feeback that anyone might have. Thanks!
There are many people here that have done a great deal of windshield research and I'm sure they can give you some guidance. All I can do for you is to confirm that this bike (as well as the ST1300) have airflow issues.

In what position?

With a CB +4 height, +3 width I find the windshield completely down or mid-way medium to flow much better than the stock windshield.

In it's completely up position I find the air pocket to be much bigger than the stock windshield...still better than the stock shield, but if I have less than a snug jacket on I experience some buffeting in my back area.....with the giant barn door in front of me. So I make sure I have a decently fitting jacket on.

Size and height could be a factor too...maybe you're different than the previous owners and would want to try other possibilties:

Swapping with an FJR in your area via the Member Map for a stock shield comparison.

Check to see if the windshield is shimmed with something.

If not shimmed, then maybe you'd like a Rifle or other shield with tuning blocks.

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As the air moves over the wind screen it creates an area of disturbance between the still air directly behind the windscreen and the undisturbed air several inches above the windscreen. Where your head and helmet lies within these zones will result in the problems that you describe. There are many different combinations of solutions that may work and the result will be different for each individual because it will depend on exactly where your head is in relation to the windscreen. I am 6'2" and also have a Suzuki Vstrom a bike that has a notorious problem with buffeting, the FJR is much improved over that bike.

My choice is mostly to ride with the stock screen in the lowest setting to try and get my head into the clear air above the windscreen. This puts the turbulent air in the middle of my chest which results in the jacket movement that you describe. I do not notice the jacket movement that you describe, perhaps my jacket is a tighter fit. I do like the air hitting me in the chest on hot days as it tends to push the heat down to where I only notice it below my knees (I have an 07). When it is cold out, I tend to ride with the screen fully extended, the top of my head then is just entering the turbulence zone and I do have some minor movement of my head that I can control by lowering my head a bit.

What you can do is while riding move your hand about to determine where turbulence and clear air are and that will help you decide on the size windscreen you might need. There are other products that alter the angle of attack of the windscreen which will move the different layers of air around. If I were to have the Cee Bailey screen you describe, fully extended my head should rest in totally calm air.

I had a large Cee Bailey screen for a while on my 650 Vstrom and sure it was a sail but it was very calm behind that screen, I would think that the weight of the FJR could handle this better than the V.

Good luck, post your location and maybe someone can meet you to let you see their ride and screen before you start dropping $$$$

I find it sensitive to wind gusts coming from a quarter direction, but otherwise nothing unexpected or uncomfortable for me.

It's the negitive pressure that forms behind the shield that causes the jacket lifting and the sensation of being pushed from behind (Bernoulli effect)

The holes in the Calsci shield break up that negitive pressure even though the shield is dimensionally the same (and larger) than the Cee Bailey or stocker.

You can cut some holes a lot cheaper than buying a new shield. I did it on a stocker and it helped a lot. Here's a link to the Jeffashe thread: Shield Mod

I have had a few windshields on the bike. I bet you are 5'11" or taller. I also might guess you have risers.

Those guesses aside, I think the wider windshields solve some problems, but create more buffeting and back pressure. My Cee Bailey's +4+1 was really very nice. Once I put Skyway Spacers on (in an attempt to get satisfactory performance from the Vstream) I wanted it to be a +5+1.

The Calsci windscreen is really nice. I have ridden with one, and now my +4+1 got broken, I'm going to go buy a calsci.

IMO and it may be very different with people just as, or more experienced as I am, the width of the screen has a lot to do with the amount of behind screen action. Go taller instead of wider.


I have an '05 with a CalSci and the buffeting was greatly reduced from stock. The one exception is riding with the Yamaha topcase. Then there is a bit more buffeting and at 70mph+ some wobbly feeling. Without the topcase, it's nearly perfect.

You didn't mention whether you have a topcase, but if you do, try taking it off.


I have the '05 with no risers and a stock seat, 6' and have found the windshield from an '03 works well. It's a little shorter and not as wide. For real hot temps I have chopped down a Cee Baileys to 8", it covers the instrument pod and allows the blast to hit at chin level.

Any advice you receive outside of 'you're gonna need to experiment for yourself' is pretty much moot. You're unique in your riding position, size, height, helmet, clothing, etc. combinations. What works for doods A, B or C, prolly will not work for you. I'm jes' sayin'. Me, I love the stock screen in the down position.

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Windshields, like seats, are a terribly personal thing - one rider's great screen is the next's nightmare.

FWIIW, I've tried a couple and like the stock the best. Not perfect, but very good.

- Mark

WOW!!! Thank you all so much for the great replies! A lot of you were right on the money with your assessments:

1) I am tall (6'2"). Can't do anything about that...

2) Do have a top case. I'll try it without, but I really like riding with the topcase on.

3) Do have bar risers, but I think that I noticed this before I put them on as well. Crouching down doesn't seem to help much.

The windshield produces the turbulence in all positions, but it get worse as you raise it. I would like to try a stock FJR windshield, and then the spacers, and then probably a Cal Sci windshield.

Thanks again for all of the great replies. Unfortunalely I am out of town on business so it will have to wait until I get back next week.. :(


topcase wobbling - I didn't think of this although I also experience the topcase wobble as do most people. I don't think it is screen dependent. I have taken to strapping my briefcase to the front of my topcase...filling in the space between the rider and the case seems to help. Obviously, the pillion does the trick too :)

Just a note: My wife and I purchased the Cee Bailey with the forward curve. Her's is 2 over, mine is 4 over. I am 6' and feel I could have done fine with a 2 over and left my wife's at stock height.

We found that the forward cruve really helps. Don't notice any back pressure and work very well, inthe middle range, of not slamming my shield shut at higher speeds.

We are happy with them as they are, with the exception of the hardness. But, I guess, in the desert, all windshields are going to scratch when hit by sand, gravel, small boulders.

I'm 5'10" tall running a CeeBailey +4 and +2 width and have very little buffeting. I did note that it dropped after adding a Smuggler, so suspect some of the problem may be the top box and/or the rear seat.I'm 5'10" tall running a CeeBailey +4 and +2 width and have very little buffeting. I did note that it dropped after adding a Smuggler, so suspect some of the problem may be the top box and/or the rear seat.

I have an '03 with both the OEM shield and the AHAMAY "touring" shield. Neither induce wobble when raised. However I've not had a tail trunk until recently either (Givi E460 recently added).
