I don't claim myself as an expert in this but I am in IT and I do ride a motorcycle. I have put a recap together as many people have asked me about taking a laptop on extended rides.
I use my smartphone (ATT Tilt) for a lot including remoting into servers, but it is much nicer to have a full keyboard and larger screen.
Some useful ideas:
Those of you that feel incomplete without your laptop will understand. Several years ago I found a solution that has worked well for me. About 40,000 miles later and there have been no issues.
The steps I take before the ride:
1) Backup the data the night before – I have way for you to do this for free
click here
2) Fully charge the battery - so you can use it during the ride if wanted.
3) Shut down the laptop don't use hibernate or standby
a. This will secure the hard drive better and has the electronics off while in the case.
4) Pack it so it is laying flat - better protects the hard drive.
I found a tank bag that could be used on the rear seat or luggage rack. It also had a removable magnet that was used to stick to the tank. I unzipped the magnet piece and kept it away from my laptop. The data on a hard drive is all written on magnetic media.
These pictures will show you better.
The bag with opened with 2 sheets of foam next to the bag.
I used two layers of foam about 1/2 inch each instead of one 1 inch piece.
It is tight putting the laptop in but I'm real good at it now.
I only carry light soft items in with the computer, so nothing can add to the trauma. The charger, etc get set in my luggage. I put extra gloves and things I might want with relative ease. Rain jacket, or neck warmers - rain jacket would not go back in wet.
This shows the bottom of the bag with the magnetic portion unzipped and removed. It has shoulder straps which I have never used, but the handle is handy.
I think it is important not to carry your laptop too close to a magnet as strong as the one that comes with this bag. I carry the back on the back of the bike so I did not need the magnets for the tank. Others may disagree, but I would not want to loose the use of the laptop while I was riding because of it.
I just bungied it to the rear seat for a lot of miles, but I was unhappy with the way it rested on the rear grab bar. The flat luggage rack is much easier and I can get under the rear seat without having to remove the bag. I use 2 long bungies, One can hold it, but 2 makes me feel more secure.
Set in place
With bungies in place. When the bag is full it does not get as scrunched as it shows here. It carries the laptop very well.
I just recently added a metal frame inside the bag which I can use pins to secure to the back rack. This elimanates the need and look of the bunge cords.
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Free Laptop Backup click here.