FJR and ZX14 Side By Side

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2005
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Moab, UT
Just returned from a little round trip to visit an old friend. Had the opportunity to ride his new ZX and he the FJR. We had a few raindrops to drive around but still had an enjoyable ride. I kept myself to about 7/10ths while my friend explored the outer edge of the envelope.

The ZX is a fun bike. I rode it for about 20 minutes. Fat guys with short arms can scratch the ZX off their list. The seating position is definitely more sport than anything else. My back was done at the 20 minute mark. As for the performance, wow. It takes a few rpms before the beast awakens, about 3500 to 4000. Then it is kind of a big whooosh and you are gone. It probably has another 40hp on the FJR. FJR is more linear in delivery, the ZX a little more spikey. The trans shifts smoother than our ride. It has 6 speeds! That should make some people happy. The clutch pulls with very little effort. He said it is some special spiral spherical hydraulic thingy that makes it so nice. Is definitely more of a 'Busa class bike than a sport tourer. Protection on the ZX is a joke compared to FJR. He was very impressed with the windshield. He must have put it up and down and every position in between while he was riding.

In a drag race vs the ZX the FJR is akin to bringing a knife to a gun fight. The FJR got him off the line and then he built up RPMs and all I saw was tail lights. I think the FJR will definitely soak up the miles easier than the ZX but it would be a fun bike for things like 1st Thursday, Betty's, Porky's, etc.

Now that the incident is behind me I need to concentrate on getting the wings ready for my fellow FJR riders!

I'd bet the ZX is more of a GT bike (I s'pose we, er, uhm, elder and portly need not apply). Reminds me of Bounce's reply when Erik Buell asked him if he wanted to race, "Sure", says Bounce, "To Portland." :D

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Thanks for the report. Interestingly, I swapped with a friend on a BMW K1200S yesterday, and felt the same way about it. Neat bike, but I was happy to be back on my FJR.

The 14 was actually on my short list... But I have an 11 to play with still. (perhaps to turbo?) ;)

I saw it at the International Bike show and was really impressed. I've done 2 SS's on the 11 and decided that it was time for something a little more comfy. That and the wifey, well she deserves some comfort too, we weren't going anywhere far on the 11 that's for sure.

But nothing will ever replace shear HP at the tip of your fingers... :yahoo:


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I'd bet the ZX is more of a GT bike (I s'pose we er, uhm, elder and portly need not apply). Reminds me of Bounce's reply when Erik Buell asked him if he wanted to race, "Sure", says Bounce, "To Portland." :D
Maybe. But my standard reply is, "To Seattle and back."

Having Q with Erik and his Boys was a fun evening. And even though their 1300cc bike can't keep up with the 600's from Japan, he's still an enthusiastic contributor to the sport of riding and appears to be "one of the guys". I know the gleam I saw in his eye while we were talking trash to each other was genuine and won me over.

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Couldn't resist...

I know the gleam I saw in his eye while we were talking trash to each other was genuine and won me over., which day did you set for the wedding. :p

MNFJR05, you should see what this thing does when you remove the “fly restrictors”. LOL.

Okay, to be fair with a response from your comparison and to not misdirect anyone seriously looking at the 14. I recently came from a FJR to a 14. I agree that the wind-management is about the only thing for me that has to be addressed on the 14. The stock 14 windscreen has smooth air but needs to be quieted down at speeds above 85mph. This has been my case as well with the FJR. There are a slew of aftermarket windscreens available for the 14 from MRA that will be available at the end of the month. It should cure the problem. I love the ergos and in no way would want to go back to that sit-up-and-beg-position of the FJR with its limited ground clearance. Personally, I feel that position is best suited for dirt/adventure & cruisers. But you are right…if you have short arms and are out of shape…then the 14 may not be for you *at least out-of-the-box*. Otherwise, it simply will do all the things the FJR does but with better handling, power and better suited SPORT-touring ergos. The 14s engine is reported to be the smoothest inline-4 to-date. The 6-speed trani absolutely rocks and IMHO is what the FJR seriously needs. As I have said in other threads, there are aftermarket windscreens, bar risers, foot-peg lowers, hard bags, top-boxes now becoming available. And if chain lubing is not your forte…there’s always PRO-OILER.

Bottom line (IMHO): The FJR & the ZX-14 are BOTH great bikes. The 14 is much higher on the grin-factor scale than the FJR. That is a big personal definition of what motorcycling is to me…to feel more connected to the road and the riding experience. Personally, the overall FJR experience, just feels a little more stale in comparison. If you lean more towards the sport side, get a 14...if not stick to or get a FJR especially if you do a lot of 2-up with extensive slabbing. Cheers! :drinks:

or get a FJR especially if you do a lot of 2-up with extensive slabbing. Cheers! :drinks:
There's the rub. I do a lot of 2up riding and while for solo sport touring there could be good back and forth plus and minus type discussions between the two bikes, for 2up riding AND sportiness, the FJR is still the best on the market period (no bang for the buck decisions needed).

The zx14's suspension is not better than my FJR's suspension. Does anyone care that mine isn't stock? :lol:

MNFJR05, you should see what this thing does when you remove the “fly restrictors”. LOL.
Okay, to be fair with a response from your comparison and to not misdirect anyone seriously looking at the 14. I recently came from a FJR to a 14. I agree that the wind-management is about the only thing for me that has to be addressed on the 14. The stock 14 windscreen has smooth air but needs to be quieted down at speeds above 85mph. This has been my case as well with the FJR. There are a slew of aftermarket windscreens available for the 14 from MRA that will be available at the end of the month. It should cure the problem. I love the ergos and in no way would want to go back to that sit-up-and-beg-position of the FJR with its limited ground clearance. Personally, I feel that position is best suited for dirt/adventure & cruisers. But you are right…if you have short arms and are out of shape…then the 14 may not be for you *at least out-of-the-box*. Otherwise, it simply will do all the things the FJR does but with better handling, power and better suited SPORT-touring ergos. The 14s engine is reported to be the smoothest inline-4 to-date. The 6-speed trani absolutely rocks and IMHO is what the FJR seriously needs. As I have said in other threads, there are aftermarket windscreens, bar risers, foot-peg lowers, hard bags, top-boxes now becoming available. And if chain lubing is not your forte…there’s always PRO-OILER.

Bottom line (IMHO): The FJR & the ZX-14 are BOTH great bikes. The 14 is much higher on the grin-factor scale than the FJR. That is a big personal definition of what motorcycling is to me…to feel more connected to the road and the riding experience. Personally, the overall FJR experience, just feels a little more stale in comparison. If you lean more towards the sport side, get a 14...if not stick to or get a FJR especially if you do a lot of 2-up with extensive slabbing. Cheers! :drinks:
Of course there are some other things to be considered too. Like the ZX14's valve adjustment intervals. What? About 7000 miles? And the cams that Kawasaki has never seemed to be able to fix through the Concours, ZX11 and ZZR1200's. If you don't put any miles on, I suppose it doesn't matter.

My grin factor is much higher knowing I can throw my leg over the bike and ride when ever I want, for as long as I want to and not worrying about cams disolving, counter shaft sprockets coming off and having to adjust valves 4 times a year.

MNFJR05, you should see what this thing does when you remove the “fly restrictors”. LOL.

Of course there are some other things to be considered too. Like the ZX14's valve adjustment intervals. What? About 7000 miles? And the cams that Kawasaki has never seemed to be able to fix through the Concours, ZX11 and ZZR1200's. If you don't put any miles on, I suppose it doesn't matter.

My grin factor is much higher knowing I can throw my leg over the bike and ride when ever I want, for as long as I want to and not worrying about cams disolving, counter shaft sprockets coming off and having to adjust valves 4 times a year.
In all honesty... I don't know what the 14's actual interval is supposed to be, but with the 11's it's not unrealistic to push this with good results if you take care of the bike. Using quality fuels and lubes.

At 16k my bike needed no adjustments, everything was in spec, same at 24k.

While a number of ZX-11's have started Iron Butt Rallys none have ever finished that I know of. I had hoped to change that one day. Then I woke up.

Of course there are some other things to be considered too. Like the ZX14's valve adjustment intervals. What? About 7000 miles? And the cams that Kawasaki has never seemed to be able to fix through the Concours, ZX11 and ZZR1200's. If you don't put any miles on, I suppose it doesn't matter.
My grin factor is much higher knowing I can throw my leg over the bike and ride when ever I want, for as long as I want to and not worrying about cams disolving, counter shaft sprockets coming off and having to adjust valves 4 times a year.
Cal24Master, the valve adjustment on the ZX-14 is a reasonable 15,000 miles typical of most inline-4 manufacturers. Also, I really don’t know why you are so negative? I mean we could name a zillion things wrong with YAMAHA that makes Kawasaki look like a saint in comparison but that would just be pointless and a waste of space. This was only a brief discussion of my opinion and a quick comparison between the ZX-14 and the FJR…they are both great! There was no intention of degrading your precious FJR. I love motorcycles and YOU apparently like to whine. Truly, I feel sorry for you. Life is to short to bitch. Have a good life! :p

There's the rub. I do a lot of 2up riding and while for solo sport touring there could be good back and forth plus and minus type discussions between the two bikes, for 2up riding AND sportiness, the FJR is still the best on the market period (no bang for the buck decisions needed).
OrangevaleFJR, That it is…no doubt, the FJR is one of the best OVERALL bikes on the market. Enjoy the ride. :thumbsup:

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Bottom line (IMHO ): The FJR & the ZX-14 are BOTH great bikes. The 14 is much higher on the grin-factor scale than the FJR. That is a big personal definition of what motorcycling is TO ME(edited by madmike2 to signify basis of this response) …to feel more connected to the road and the riding experience.
Yet, you continue to come on THIS forum about FJRs and spout the greatness of the ZX-14. Nobody doubts that you now have the perfect bike FOR YOU. I'm just trying to figure out how many assimilations you will get (or are trying to get) for the Kawi.

I am (and so are many others) far past the stage of my life where I can ride in that position for any length of time. My soon-to-be 59 yr. old knees not only ache, but scream for attention while sitting on a 'Busa or Blackbird. I can't imagine actually riding one for 12 -14 hours like I can the FJR. I don't need to feel more connected to the road because I am not willing to pay the price for a tiny mistake, because if I had more than the FJR, I'd be tempted to ride it far more aggressively than I do now. And I really don't need a longer, heavier sport-bike. That's what a GT bike is, isn't it? (If that qualifies me to be an "Old Fogey", then Amen, brother, I are one!) I wanted a bike that would accelerate and brake well, have distant maintenance centers, come with "matched" luggage, etc., etc. Pretty much the definition of what Yamaha built as the FJR. I loved my Connie and always hoped the Kawi would update it, but they haven't....Yamaha has!

The two bikes (FJR vs. ZX-14) come to the table from entirely different design points. The FJR is a sport-tourer. The ZX-14 is a GT bike that can be converted to sport-touring duty. The ZX-14 was designed to be a 'Busa killer and that is the role it has. How can you, or why would you attempt to, compare that to the sport-touring design of the FJR.

To me, the only question remaining is, what do you want from the bike you buy? You obviously wanted something much more aggressive in style and nature than the FJR will ever afford you. Great! I'm glad you found your answer. But the bikes are so different in concept, there is no way to compare them hear-to-head, except as to physical characteristics pertaining to how the rider interfaces with said machine (seating, arm/leg room, fulfillment of need/desire).

Now, let's go for a little ride....say, to Seattle and back. :D

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Yet, you continue to come on THIS forum about FJRs and spout the greatness of the ZX-14. Nobody doubts that you now have the perfect bike FOR YOU. I'm just trying to figure out how many assimilations you will get (or are trying to get) for the Kawi.

Now, let's go for a little ride....say, to Seattle and back. :D

+1 on that! I am so tired of people comparing this bike to a ZX-14. The FJR is not in the same class. It is not trying to be. The FJR clearly is not as fast as the ZX-14. So what. The FJR is a far more comfortable riding position, comes with bags, and out of the box, a far better ST bike than the ZX-14. That is what it was designed to be. If you want to brag about how fast your bike is, go to the Busa forum and at least compare to a similar type bike. If you want to compare the ZX to a Superbike in the handling department, the ZX will get it's ass kicked by an R1, GSX-R, CBR or ZX-10. I don't see any point in comparing these two bikes.

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Yet, you continue to come on THIS forum about FJRs and spout the greatness of the ZX-14. Nobody doubts that you now have the perfect bike FOR YOU. I'm just trying to figure out how many assimilations you will get (or are trying to get) for the Kawi.
Now, let's go for a little ride....say, to Seattle and back. :D
+1 on that! I am so tired of people comparing this bike to a ZX-14. It is not in the same class. It is not trying to be. It clearly is not as fast as the ZX. So what. It is a far more comfortable riding position, comes with bags, and out of the box, a far better ST bike. That it what it was designed to be. If you want to brag about how fast your bike is, go to the Busa forum and at least compare to a similar type bike. If you want to compare the ZX to a Superbike in the handling department, the ZX will get it's ass kicked by an R1, GSX-R, CBR or ZX-10. I don't see any point in comparing these two bikes.
+ 100

Bottom line (IMHO ): The FJR & the ZX-14 are BOTH great bikes. The 14 is much higher on the grin-factor scale than the FJR. That is a big personal definition of what motorcycling is TO ME(edited by madmike2 to signify basis of this response) …to feel more connected to the road and the riding experience.
Yet, you continue to come on THIS forum about FJRs and spout the greatness of the ZX-14. Nobody doubts that you now have the perfect bike FOR YOU. I'm just trying to figure out how many assimilations you will get (or are trying to get) for the Kawi.

I am (and so are many others) far past the stage of my life where I can ride in that position for any lengthof time. My soon-to-be 59 yr. old knees not only ache, but scream for attention while sitting on a 'Busa or Blackbird. I can't imagine actually riding one for 12 -14 hours like I can the FJR. I don't need to feel more connected to the road because I am not willing to pay the price for a tiny mistake, because if I had more than the FJR, I'd be tempted to ride it far more aggressively than I do now. And I really don't need a longer, heavier sport-bike. That's what a GT bike is, isn't it? (If that qualifies me to be an "Old Fogey", then Amen, brother, I are one!) I wanted a bike that would accelerate and brake well, have distant maintenance centers, come with "matched" luggage, etc., etc. Pretty much the definition of what Yamaha built as the FJR. I loved my Connie and always hoped the Kawi would update it, but they haven't....Yamaha has!

The two bikes (FJR vs. ZX-14) come to the table from entirely different design points. The FJR is a sport-tourer. The ZX-14 is a GT bike that can be converted to sport-touring duty. The ZX-14 was designed to be a 'Busa killer and that is the role it has. How can you, or why would you attempt to, compare that to the sport-touring design of the FJR.

To me, the only question remaining is, what do you want from the bike you buy? You obviously wanted something much more aggressive in style and nature than the FJR will ever afford you. Great! I'm glad you found your answer. But the bikes are so different in concept, there is no way to compare them hear-to-head, except as to physical characteristics pertaining to how the rider interfaces with said machine (seating, arm/leg room, fulfillment of need/desire).

Now, let's go for a little ride....say, to Seattle and back. :D
Settle down Madmike LOL…you missed the *IMHO (In My Humble Opinion)* at the beginning of my “Bottom Line.” But yes, I do understand the difference quite well between a GT and a ST. I just find them very close in mission. The Sport-Touring network is a good place to look at how many actually use GT bikes for touring. Many have XX, Busas, K1200S, ZZR1200, ZX-14 etc. Again, don’t be so defensive. The FJR is a great machine…hell, I may even buy one again someday if they fix a few personal issues. But yes…let’s just ride! :D

To the rest: Many seem to think the GT bike segment is all about straight-line performance. GT bikes are much more than that and ARE very capable sport-touring machines. The European bike market much better illustrates this concept. You silly Americans. LOL. ;)

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I didn't miss the IMHO, if you'll look very carefully you will notice I emboldened it in the top of the "quote" section.

My point is that you continually come on the FJR forum to sing the praises about the ZX-14 in comparison. There is no comparison. Of course, as motorcyclists, we appreciate all types of machines. Most of us purchased the FJR because if fulfilled a more broad spectrum of requirements than pure performance. For instance: 1.) expanded maintenance centers, 2.) lower maintenance shaft drive, 3.) color matched factory sidecases, 4.) adjustable windscreen, 5.) ample performance, ad infinitum, ad nauseum .

Your point seems to be bringing a super performance GT bike to discussion as if it is a side-by-side comparison, which IMHO it is NOT. I'm sure, given the cost, if anyone here wanted a GT bike instead of the FJR as a sport-touring bike, they would have purchased one. In fact, some may have done so. IIRC, there are a few on the site who have 1-Litre and 600cc sport-bikes, Goldwings, Harleys of varying models, Naked bikes, dual-sport bikes, etc. With every comparison YOU seem to post how much better the ZX is than the FJR. Great, I'm glad you found the bike that fulfills your emotional a needs and physical demands, just as I have done with the FJR. The issue for me is that this thread is under the heading "FJR Specific", and was begun by a rider who rode a friend's ZX and his experiences, feelings, comfort level, seat-of-the-pants performance evaluation compared to the same issues regarding his FJR. Something we all, I believe, wonder about but will never have the opportunity to find out.

If you want to turn your ZX into a sport-touring bike by adding the chain oiler, sidecases, double-bubble screen, tank bag, etc., I think that's wonderful. Do so and let's ride. I still maintain that at every opportunity you feel the need to post how much better your ZX is than the FJR. See the above paragraph: I'm sure, given the cost, if anyone here wanted a GT bike instead of the FJR as a sport-touring bike, they would have purchased one. But they (we) purchased FJRs because of our need and desire. As for myself, I am physically unable to remain in the position required to ride a GT bike (Personally, I really like the XX. I no longer HAVE to have the fastest top speed or quickest E.T.)

I suppose I just don't understand your mission to come to the FJR site and expound on the better qualities of your ZX, a bike none of us wanted as our primary or only bike, or we'd have one. Do we like comparisons as per the first post in this thread? Abso-freakin'-lutely. Believe it or not, some of us actally read the articles in the various bike magazines where the ZX was compared to the'Busa (Ever wonder why THEY didn't compare it to an FJR?) Do we enjoy having the ZX shoved down our collective throats as a better bike? Nyet!

I just thought it time someone said so. ;)

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I didn't miss the IMHO, if you'll look very carefully you will notice I emboldened it in the top of the "quote" section.
My point is that you continually come on the FJR forum to sing the praises about the ZX-14 in comparison. There is no comparison. Of course, as motorcyclists, we appreciate all types of machines. Most of us purchased the FJR because if fulfilled a more broad spectrum of requirements than pure performance. For instance: 1.) expanded maintenance centers, 2.) lower maintenance shaft drive, 3.) color matched factory sidecases, 4.) adjustable windscreen, 5.) ample performance, ad infinitum, ad nauseum .

Your point seems to be bringing a super performance GT bike to discussion as if it is a side-by-side comparison, which IMHO it is NOT. I'm sure, given the cost, if anyone here wanted a GT bike instead of the FJR as a sport-touring bike, they would have purchased one. In fact, some may have done so. IIRC, there are a few on the site who have 1-Litre and 600cc sport-bikes, Goldwings, Harleys of varying models, Naked bikes, dual-sport bikes, etc. With every comparison YOU seem to post how much better the ZX is than the FJR. Great, I'm glad you found the bike that fulfills your emotional a needs and physical demands, just as I have done with the FJR. The issue for me is that this thread is under the heading "FJR Specific", and was begun by a rider who rode a friend's ZX and his experiences, feelings, comfort level, seat-of-the-pants performance evaluation compared to the same issues regarding his FJR. Something we all, I believe, wonder about but will never have the opportunity to find out.

If you want to turn your ZX into a sport-touring bike by adding the chain oiler, sidecases, double-bubble screen, tank bag, etc., I think that's wonderful. Do so and let's ride. I still maintain that at every opportunity you feel the need to post how much better your ZX is than the FJR. See the above paragraph: I'm sure, given the cost, if anyone here wanted a GT bike instead of the FJR as a sport-touring bike, they would have purchased one. But they (we) purchased FJRs because of our need and desire. As for myself, I am physically unable to remain in the position required to ride a GT bike (Personally, I really like the XX. I no longer HAVE to have the fastest top speed or quickest E.T.)

I suppose I just don't understand your mission to come to the FJR site and expound on the better qualities of your ZX, a bike none of us wanted as our primary or only bike, or we'd have one. Do we like comparisons as per the first post in this thread? Abso-freakin'-lutely. Believe it or not, some of us actally read the articles in the various bike magazines where the ZX was compared to the'Busa (Ever wonder why THEY didn't compare it to an FJR?) Do we enjoy having the ZX shoved down our collective throats as a better bike? Nyet!

I just thought it time someone said so. ;)
Madmike2, lastly, you are just not getting it & there is no need to further draw this grade school discussion out. :headbonk: I for one only talk about the ZX-14 the VAST MAJORITY of times in THE SPORT BIKE SECTION. If you come in there and don’t like it…“turn the F’ng channel“! If I come in the General FJR forum to speak of the 14, it was because someone brought up a comparison which was the case HERE. I only stated my opinion and that is not to be taken as Bible. Which apparently, you seem to take to heart given your defensive nature. We are a brotherhood. It doesn’t matter what you ride. Ride to live and live to ride. Segregationist need not apply. Have a nice day. :drinks:

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To the rest: Many seem to think the GT bike segment is all about straight-line performance. GT bikes are much more than that and ARE very capable sport-touring machines. The European bike market much better illustrates this concept. You silly American. LOL. ;)

Madmike2, lastly, you are just not getting it & there is no need to further draw this grade school discussion out. :headbonk: I for one only talk about the ZX-14 the VAST MAJORITY of times in THE SPORT BIKE SECTION. If you come in there and don’t like it…“turn the F’ng channel“! If I come in the General FJR forum to speak of the 14, it was because someone brought up a comparison which was the case HERE. I only stated my opinion and that is not to be taken as Bible. Which apparently, you seem to take to heart given your defensive nature. We are a brotherhood. It doesn’t matter what you ride. Ride to live and live to ride. Segregationist need not apply. Have a nice day. :drinks:
Oooookkkaaaayyyyy! But its kind of hard for a silly American who "just doesn't get it". I s'pose that's why I ride with Harleys, 'Wings, Guzzis, Hondas, Kawis (even an odd Triumph, but don't tell him I enjoyed it).


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