FJR Assistance Directory Address

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Added myself as (another) NJ contact. I also see that the list is available as a POI list for Garmin users. If I get the list I will be doing the same for my TomTom, and if there are no objections could make this available to list members as well.

This List? <Link>

Send Gypsy a PM and give him a geography lesson. He probably thinks BC is one of the "ASSORTED TERRITORIES". ;)

edit: This reply was to a new thread started by jmgrif.

The name of the thread was something like Where is British Columbia in the List? Iggy replied something like "I don't know what list you're talking about"

I replied with a link to the list I thought jmgrif was refering to, and the whole thread was merged with this one.


At least cut his thread title and paste it in with his original post

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I just sent an email to [email protected]
Is this still the correct email address to request the assistance list? If not, what is the current information?

The list is by country; there is a whole section for BC under Canada. :) Contact Steve (Bungie) at [email protected] for the latest version.
From post #1.....

** UPDATED JAN-16-2009 **
Ok folks Bungie has taken over maintenance of the Assistance list. There is a new email address to which you can send your information. It is now [email protected]

That address again:

[email protected]

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I just sent an email to [email protected]
Is this still the correct email address to request the assistance list? If not, what is the current information?

I sent a request for a copy of this list on March 13th. I have not received a response by email with the list.

Does anyone have an up to date list they can send me? If so, let me know and I will pm you my email address. I am embarking on a long trip and would like to have this information before I leave.


I was just about to send an email to the [email protected] listed in the first post from Jan 2009.

Is Bungie still managing the list?

If not, then who? I realize I'm relatively unknown on the board, but I'd be willing to take care of it, if nobody else wants to: I'd just need a copy of it, as last known.


Sorry guys, I do the list once per month only. The new list will be going out in the next 48 hrs.

Just a point of note:

Do NOT send an email requesting a copy of the list if your not willing participate. I will not send you the list. If your willing to accept help from other owners, you should also be willing to give it.

Steve, since it's Friday, just want to check on something. On 2nd Michigan assist entry, below YooperDick, Sheep Companionship offer is listed! Is this info accurate?

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