FJR@DTS Finally gets an FJR Woo-Hooo

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Thanks for all the words of encouragement everyone!

At least the insomina is helping me get homework done!

Thanks SMC, I'll be at southwestern in the spring for the ETS conference. Good people there.

FJRob, I would never pray for patience, bad things could happen :unsure:

Ric n Sac, I'll try to post a couple ride reports, I picked the worst time of the year schedule wise, to be able to ride. I've got finals in a couple weeks to study for and I'm taking the wife and kids to FL. for Christmas. I'd ride the bike there but I think my wife would not appreciate me leaving her to get through the airport with the bags and chillins.


Three years is a long wait, but that will make it all the sweeter. Just remember that it's not a V-star, and don't get hurt breaking the sound barrier.

FJR@DTS, official welcome and congrats! You're right about the stress reliever mental health thing when it comes to bikes. I have come out of many bad situations by just walking away from it and getting on the bike and going for a ride. It does a body/mind good. Be safe with that new 07 and enjoy. PM. <>< :D

You are gonna love it !!

And talk about waiting - Geeezzzzz - you make my 6 month wait for delivery seem like an afternoon nap .......

You be safe!!!

That's so great to hear that your wait is about to finally come to an end. Tony is a great guy. I'm eagerly waiting to hear about the arrival of the '08's sometime this month. We'll have to plan some time to share some roads before too long. Many happy and safe miles!

Congrats on the new ride and congrats on seminary. Ride safe and study well. I will not turn this into a religious discussion so, if you want to talk religion PM me...

Congrats there is it hard to wait!

But worth it...believe me. Welcome to the FJR and have fun on your new bike. Take the wife (get a sitter) and head up to SE Oklahoma and NW Arkansas some time. 'Course you've already been there I'm sure in the past so you know.

BTW, my dad went to DTS in the early 50s.

Enjoy your return mate, it is always sweeter when there is a bit of a delay. I had been off two wheels for about 3 years also, not strictly true, was riding an XR400 occasionally, but I am a road rider at heart. Really felt good to get back on a real bike...could not be doing with this two hour ride stuff tho, 2 weeks later I went off for a 9K ride. Good way to get back into the stream...

Ride safe and be goodish....


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