FJR Forum Alps Extreme M/C Tour; August 8-15 of 2012.

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"Replace aerosol cans (hairspray, deodorant, insect repellent) with the non-aerosol kind." Well Tom, if you insist I will try to start using deodorant and will buy non-aerosol hairspray. I pity the insect that bites me!

"Roll up T-shirts or underwear and wrap your items around them. Keep clothes from creasing by wrapping them at a fold line." No way Jose, I've gone Commando for all of these years; no undies for Chuy!

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...Hang wrinkled items in the bathroom while you shower to steam out wrinkles....
Shower? You're only gonna be there a week or so.

It's Europe. Don, don't you just sit on those toilet ass-nozzle things to freshen up?
Mick, I always thought those were in room drinking fountains! I hear you loud and clear on a shower a week OM, those Canucks from Ontario are not as rugged as Manitobans! Probably comes from being next door to Quebec, eh!

...Hang wrinkled items in the bathroom while you shower to steam out wrinkles....
...It's Europe. Don, don't you just sit on those toilet ass-nozzle things to freshen up?
...Mick, I always thought those were in room drinking fountains!

Hard on the knees.

...Hang wrinkled items in the bathroom while you shower to steam out wrinkles....
...It's Europe. Don, don't you just sit on those toilet ass-nozzle things to freshen up?
...Mick, I always thought those were in room drinking fountains!

Hard on the knees.
What a bunch of provincial putzes. My personal preference is to dance naked in the public fountains.

On a side note, the brewery tour across the street from the Henry Hotel in Erding is highly recommended.

The hospitality room after the tour is by all reports very hospitable with very healthy sized tasting samples and sausages.

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...Hang wrinkled items in the bathroom while you shower to steam out wrinkles....
...It's Europe. Don, don't you just sit on those toilet ass-nozzle things to freshen up?
...Mick, I always thought those were in room drinking fountains!

Hard on the knees.
What a bunch of provincial putzes. My personal preference is to dance naked in the public fountains.
Yeah Bill, tell us what we don't know!

...Hang wrinkled items in the bathroom while you let the shower run to steam out wrinkles....
Shower? You're only gonna be there a week or so.

It's Europe. Don, don't you just sit on those toilet ass-nozzle things to freshen up?
Mike come on, The shower is not for you.... it is for the clothes to hang up in.... Who said anything about showering... :lol:

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This tour is definitely putting the "ugly" back into american!

I can see right now that some countries may be recalling their ambassadors after this tour...Holy Crap, talk about putting the worst foot forward! :lol:

This tour is definitely putting the "ugly" back into american!

I can see right now that some countries may be recalling their ambassadors after this tour...Holy Crap, talk about putting the worst foot ass forward behind! :lol:
Brother Mark, I went ahead and fixed your post for you; no need to thank me, you are welcome!


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People who are and are thinking about bringing heated gear... what kind of plug should we have? BMW/powerlet?
Tom, the BMW heated gear male plug looks like this (I'm just bringing my BMW heated vest):


About two to three times larger than Bustanut joker's dick, according to RaYzerman19!

Postscript: If you rented a Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Triumph or Ducati - I would call Tracy at 1-800-507-4459 ASAP! Or email Tracy ASAP at [email protected]

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You can get something like this so you can handle either type plug, if your gear works in a standard ciggie lighter plug only.


Then can be found all over the interweb. Like here. I suppose you can get one that converts the BMW/Powerlet ones back to a regular cigarette lighter plug too.

Don, if there's any justice in the world, your warning meter is going through the roof right now.

You all are going to have a great time!

A few pointers-

1) Take off on your own for at least one day. Edelweiss will advise against this but rules are made to be broken. Do as I did and get totally lost and run out of fuel in the mountains on a Sunday when everything is closed and where no one speaks English. That was one of my memorable days in the Alps. Do try to make it to the hotel by dinner time though or you'll regret missing a great meal like I did.

2) I did not check out your route very closely, but if you end up on the top of a mountain at a guard shack (near where Ötzi the Iceman was found), on a goat trail and it's barricaded, don't try to bribe the guards to get through. The goat trail is one lane and travel alternates, up & down, you'll get through eventually.

3) If your guide tells the group to go on ahead because he wants to take a different route, follow him instead because he's going to take a fast, fast, run on a twisty road that will make you feel like Rossi if you can keep up with him. Trust me.

4) When in Italy, take a cappuccino break as often as possible.

5) When in Italy, sample every gelato stand you come across.

6) If you are in Salzburg do plan to stay out all night drinking & sight seeing.

7) Don't worry about the police. It's ok to pass them, they approve. Just be courteous and wave as you go by.

Hope this helps. Have fun!

Oh, try to avoid any run-ins with tour buses. I had a run-in with one and the bus won. Took a mirror right off my rental BMW.

On our way to Italy, cya on the 7th

Chris & Diana
How cool! Have a blast.

And on a separate topic: Who among the Alps folks will be using a Spot Tracker? I have decided not to renew my Spot account for now--just bringing way too many electronics already. But if you're bringing one, hope you'll post a link to it.

@Beemerdons: would you check with the AZ Beemer guys on this too? Thanks.

On our way to Italy, cya on the 7th

Chris & Diana
How cool! Have a blast.

And on a separate topic: Who among the Alps folks will be using a Spot Tracker? I have decided not to renew my Spot account for now--just bringing way too many electronics already. But if you're bringing one, hope you'll post a link to it.

I'll have my spot tracker and will set the link up sometime next week as long as folks remember the riding does not start until Aug 9th. I could set it up for earlier but all it will show is the beer halls around Munich.

There are a few folks around here that are calendar challenged so I thought I should point that out.

So far I'll be packing my Nikon D300 DSLR, a SPOT Tracker, a Garmin Montana GPS, a 13" MacBook Pro with an external hard drive, a GoPro2 with WiFi Remote and various mounts, a iPhone 4 for tunes, a universal USB charger for keeping all the GoPro stuff charged (3 USB ports available for charging), the chargers for the iPhone and the MacBook, numerous USB cables and the charger for the Nikon battery. All this stuff will be in my backpack as carry on and I'm quite sure when the backpack goes through the X-Ray at the airport there will be some eyebrows raised since there will be enough cables and batteries to power a small town.

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