FJR Goodies - Avons

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Fallen Jim Rides again

Well-known member
Jul 21, 2005
Reaction score
Springtown, TX
I am about to pull the trigger on a set of Avons from FJR Goodies since that looks to be a pretty good deal and with ~9k on the Z4s since new in July05, it is time.

Shame about the Metz's, they have served me well. But the seperation pics are on my mind every time I ride and even though there is pretty good tread left . . . . . I know I don't have x-ray vision.

So, tell me why not.

I obviously don't need super traction looking at the milage I got from the Z4s though I am gaining confidence and getting back to where I was b4 I fell. I do need good milage from a set of tires 'cuz the FJR might be less expensive to own than some others but, it ain't free.

Too many here like the Avons for there to be problem with them other than maybe head shake. If milage is #1 priorty, is there a better tire? One conversation with Glen at FJR Goodies makes it hard to believe that I will have a problem dealing there. Anything I am missing here? Someone better to deal with (I doubt it)? Heck, looks like $245.50 on my front porch. What am I missing here?

The Avons are dual compound tires. They are softer cornering and harder upright. They are sticky but last pretty good. The slowing shake is pretty manageable and less scary than metal grates. When my Bridgestones have a little more wear I am going to Avon.

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The Avon Weave is exaggerated, it is not the precursor to a death wobble some make it out to be, simply a small annoyance that isn't even always present, and then only at very low (5-15mph) speed. My Avons have served excellently, and after 10,000 miles still have life left in them, especially the front. The rear has the flat stripe common to tires primarily used for freeway riding, but still has a couple thou left in it.

The Avon Weave is exaggerated, it is not the precursor to a death wobble some make it out to be, simply a small annoyance that isn't even always present, and then only at very low (5-15mph) speed.
Further, after a fairly brief period (couple hundred miles, or so), you'll hardly even notice the low-speed "walking" effect. And even when you do, you automatically know what it is, and barely give it a second thought....

I found the Avon weave slightly disconcerting, but since it goes away at 10mph, it was never a big issue. It wouldn't stop me from getting Avons, but the Pilot Roads are really good too, so I'm going that direction next time.

With 9K miles on tires, it's more important that you replace them, rather than worry too much about what you replace them with.

- Mark

I put the Avons on my 05 about 2000 miles ago. I never did notice the weaving that some others reported. So far nothing but good things to say about the Avons. :agent:

Not too concerned with the weave, though would be nice is someone could describe it better (if that is even possible). I would be more concerned with the alleged difficultys in balancing the Avons as I am planing to mount them myself while doing the Wilburs installs (shock and springs), and don't wish to run into greif with the shop doing the spin balance. I have always had misgivings about any tire, MC or auto, that needed much weight to bring it into balance.

Mark, actually the Z4's look remarkably good given the miles on 'em and the FJR's rep for eating them. Probably the result of my living in a semi rural area and spending more time rolling than at stop signs and red lights.

I'll post a pic or two this evening, not that it matters. I've seen the other pics of metz's and not one pic of an Avon (or any other for that matter) of a like nature. Thanks, Rad, for making that point so well.

WC, FWIW, I bought the FJR based on Mag reviews and my own needs and experience. Since I found this forum, I don't think I've done a single thing to it without considering your insights. 'Nuff said.

As an ex-dirt bike rider (long long ago in a place far far away...), here's my Avon analogy:

Picture a set of dirt bike knobbies, worn virtually smooth, with just a 32nd of an inch of the knobs left on the tire.

Now imagine you're going 5 mph on a glass smooth road, you feel a tiny bit of tire feedback as those 32nd of an inch knobs hit the glass smooth pavement.

That's what the Avons feel like at 1 to 5 mph (for me w/my '05).

At 6+ mph it all goes away & the front end feels silky smooth.

Turns way better than the OEM Metz, corners better than the OEM Metz, smoother at airplane speeds than the OEM Metz, seems like a better ride at freeway speeds, can you tell I like these tires ?


Don't worry about the walk... as everyone says, it is almost unnoticable. In fct, it took a couple days before I hit the right conditions to even feel it. Slow speed accelleration and just the slightest "walking" from side to side on the front end. I am VERY picky and it didn't bother me... I was expecting it after all the info I read on the board.

On a mixed-note... I seem to have a problem with my front tire. Another issue that has been well-documented. On the good-side, I have spoken to the US Avon rep in Seattle. I have NEVER talked to anyone so eager to fix a problem. I have a new tire headed to my local dealer. The shipping here is being covered, the install is being covered and the return shipping for the old tire is being covered. Yes, I did say that the tire was being shipped FIRST... at no cost to me and then the old one returned.

I guess what I am saying is: I may not have had the best experience with Avon tires, but I like them for everything except the problem I am having. That being said, they are taking excellent care of me.


Unrelated to tire performance, don't forget the outstanding free since 1998 Avon road hazard warranty. Free tire replacement if you get a puncture or irreparable damage within the first 1.4mm of tread depth.

Any other manufacturer offer this?

Not mentioned in this thread so far, but there is a slight self induced head shake when slowing down through 45mph, only when both hands are off the bars. I 'aint the stunting type, so it never bothered me. :beach:

I guess this could happen with other tire brands because of frame geometry, but then I've only ever run the stones?

Not to shift the emphasis of this thread, but I seem to recall that Avon has a "A" version and "B" version. Is this related to load rating? Which version do you like for the FJ?

(Sorry if this is addressed elsewhere, but I couldn't find it.)

Although I haven't run a set of Avons yet, the general concensus is to use the standard tire. The "B" tire is a heavy duty version left for the high horsepower autobahn roadburners....


Not to shift the emphasis of this thread, but I seem to recall that Avon has a "A" version and "B" version.  Which version do you like for the FJ?
(Sorry if this is addressed elsewhere, but I couldn't find it.)
Escapefjrtist is correct, do not get the 'B' version, they are designed for bikes like the Busa and CBR1100XX.

Well allrighty then!

"A" version it is. I'm in the mid-Atlantic area, so not much chance of an extended high-speed run.

For an occasional track day, I guess the A tire would probably work too, since the on-track sessions are fairly short and gross weight would be lighter than when sport-touring.

Well allrighty then!
"A" version it is.  I'm in the mid-Atlantic area, so not much chance of an extended high-speed run.

For an occasional track day, I guess the A tire would probably work too, since the on-track sessions are fairly short and gross weight would be lighter than when sport-touring.
The "A" is fine for extended high speed running, the B is just a softer, sport bike compound, and doesn't last very long on a heavy tourer like the Feej.

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I don't think it's been mentioned yet? But you cannot beat the Avon tire warrantee either.

Any punture within a percentage of tread gone (can't remember exact amount but it usually is about the 1st few months) and they will replace the tire at no cost to you -- except mounting charge by dealer.

Weave, wobble...I have had it and I'll describe the best I can.

The weave that I noticed was when I first bought the tyres (notice spelling, these are English tyres). It only occurred at slow speed entry into medium to sharp turns. It felt to me as if someone else had their hands on my bars and was lightly turning the bars 1/8 of an inch off center of my turning direction and it seemed to happen five wobbles then settle down.

I read posts on this, raised the air pressure to 40-41 instead of 37 and I never felt that feeling again for the last 8k miles.

Now the head wobble: This is different in my mind. This happens when going straight, only when coasting, in gear, with hands off the bars between 27 and 15 mph and only sometimes. I break the rules and ride no handed sometimes. I can do in really in most speed situations other than what I explained above. Of course, riding no handed while coasting to a stop is probably the most dangerous time to do that. Slow speeds and slowing velocity makes the bike less stable than when travelling faster with the speed constant. I never ride no handed in this situation anymore. One time the wobble got bad enough that when I grabbed the bars it took a fair bit of force to take the wobbling momentum out of the bars. I feel it could have escalated to an uncontrollable condition had I let it go much longer and it developed pretty quickly. I noticed that this occurred on tar approaching a light in an extremely high traffic area that has a lot of trucks. The wobble could have been induced more by the stop and go wear to the surface of the tar (resembles the way water effects sand) than by the tyre.

All this said, I'm buying Avons again. I got 8k miles on them, they are still in good shape , yet are close to beeing replaced. They are great on the highway, and seem really good on the turns. They simply don't hydroplane that I can tell. They are superb in the wet and keep a very straight track. The times they lost grip, they never completely let go and always provided ample enough grip, while moving, to correct the problems (not that I experience this much).

I wouldn't mind trying something else, but I figure I should stick with them because I'm happy with them.
