FJR insurance

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I have had my house, cars, campers, bikes, etc. insured by State Farm for the last 40 years and wouldn't think of going anywhere else. Much of that time I had the same agent. I have had numerous claims but nothing very big. I think a lot of my good fortune has to do with my agent. Agents are a lot like doctors....some are good and some should be in different line of work. :blink: :blink:

I have had my house, cars, campers, bikes, etc. insured by State Farm for the last 40 years and wouldn't think of going anywhere else.  Much of that time I had the same agent.  I have had numerous claims but nothing very big.  I think a lot of my good fortune has to do with my agent.  Agents are a lot like doctors....some are good and some should be in different line of work.   :blink:   :blink:




PS. Your the type of client an insurance agent dreams of! Someone a "good"

agent would be proud to represent, and becasue of that, he (or she) would

go to the matt for you with his company. The agent is the one who can make

a poor company do well for a client! You should be proud of yourself!

I know your agent is proud to have you as a client!

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I recomend Progressive ,, they were quick to pay (within 48 hrs) on my knock over ,, and my $575 per year is lowest I could find ,,

re the classification change ,, Progressive came with the same classification last year ,, but the regional claims director (who is my agent) looked into this ,, it seems to be a horsepower issue with some carriers ,, the higher the HP the higher the risk factor ,, my guy called his supervisor and said he had seen the FJR and it was a touring bike not a sport bike like an R1 ,, most carriers do not know the difference from a dirt bike and a screwdriver ,, they are just looking at codes put in place by some pencil neck ,, also try FJR13T as the code for the bike and not FJR1300 ,,

I have Dairyland (Sentry) for all the bikes.... VTX, WING and now the FJR. With full coverage (100/300, 50K, 50/100, plus farkles, yada, yada) for all. The addition of the FJR was $366 more per year which includes winter riding, too.


The insurace company is in Va. I'm in Montana. I'm sure they sell it in all states.
The ins. company's 800# is 1-800-236-2453


I didnt' know anyone here, so my friends recommended State Farm, and they did the Progressive thing so I could keep my Hawaii driver's lisc...

will check later, I'm leaving again Tuesday for a tiny trip..<G>


well i have geico cheapest i could find full coverage on a 05 $1000.00 .
As an insurance agent I'm ashamed :blushing: to say ins. companies use credit ratings for rates now. So you could be older, wiser, and live on the same block as your friend with the same clean driving record and your rates could be 100% higher if your credit rating is a lot lower than his.

Keep those credit ratings up there! :D


Hey Everyone,

I am from Austin, TX and the insurance rates here are astronomical. I shopped around and ended up with Geico for 1200 a year. Any other austinites(travis county) out there that have had any luck with lower rate? I have stellar credit...and have full coverage.

Does anyone have a link for a comparison of motorcycle insurance? Like an independent review or rate comparison/coverage comparison chart?

I also have had State Farm my whole life and am in my mid 40's. Total'd my FZ1 a couple years ago, never saw a rate increase. I shop for new insurance every couple years and have never been able to find anyone else with better rates. My FJR is $360 per year here in the Twin Cities, MN. I pay just under $300 per month for my house, pickup, Trailblazer, 05 Corvette and the FJR.

Clark Kent and Bagger-especially Clark as an insurance agent- you guys are making a BIG mistake by reducing your UM Coverage (Uninsured/Underinsured). Clark, ever hear about E&O claims? You are only saving peanuts and we all know how vulnerable we are to injuries as a motorcyclist. I too am an agent and I reccomend doubling your UM coverage. I think the last policy I wrote (Progressive) it added something like $30 to the annual premium. My personal policy is 250/500 Bodily Injury, 100 Property Damage, 500/1 million Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage. I don't know about you guys, but I've seen and hear of too many of us being injured ( sometimes seriously) by other vehicle operators. Don't forget, the UM coverage is for yourself. If you reduce it, you are giving more coverage to the other parties than you give yourself. Definitely doesn't make sense to me..

If in doubt, just ask your attorney or financial planner.


What about a 1-2 million "umbrella" policy to pick up where all the individual types of policies stop?

Does anyone have a link for a comparison of motorcycle insurance? Like an independent review or rate comparison/coverage comparison chart?
Since you are Al the same as me...

Go to the insurance portion of this forum and read my last post. I did a lot of shopping arournd

Clark Kent and Bagger-especially Clark as an insurance agent- you guys are making a BIG mistake by reducing your UM Coverage (Uninsured/Underinsured). Clark, ever hear about E&O claims? You are only saving peanuts and we all know how vulnerable we are to injuries as a motorcyclist. I too am an agent and I reccomend doubling your UM coverage. I think the last policy I wrote (Progressive) it added something like $30 to the annual premium. My personal policy is 250/500 Bodily Injury, 100 Property Damage, 500/1 million Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage. I don't know about you guys, but I've seen and hear of too many of us being injured ( sometimes seriously) by other vehicle operators. Don't forget, the UM coverage is for yourself. If you reduce it, you are giving more coverage to the other parties than you give yourself. Definitely doesn't make sense to me..If in doubt, just ask your attorney or financial planner.

I could not agree more! I have as much as that company will sell on a motorcycle policy.



I realize that your company limits the BI portion to 100/300 but you state your UM is only 50/100 (reduced from your BI limit). I'm pretty certain you should be able to at least match your BI limit (100/300) if not double it to 200/600. In Ct, the insurance companies must at least offer the UM up to twice the BI limit.

I agree some companies don't do us justice by limiting the Liabilty limit. In CT, Dairyland only offers liability coverage as high as 100/300/50. I don't like this limit because you can only go twice your Bodily Injury limit for your Uninsured Motorist coveraage (200/600). Even though it sounds like a lot of coverage, it's really not when you consider possible lost wages, medical bills and permant injury compensation. I personally went with Progressive because I could purchase the higher coverage(250/500 BI and 500/1 million UM).

Funny, after an accident, I have never had a client give a damn about his premium. All he wants to know is how high is his coverage.

As far as the inquiry regarding the 1 or 2 million dollar umbrellas go, it's good to have for liability reasons (protecting your assets) but typically most people do not have their umbrella go over their Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage(often not offered by the company or expensive).

In short, buy as much Uninsured Motorist coverage as the company will offer. The last Progressive policy we wrote charged an additional $30 to go from 100/300 to 200/600 for the UM. It's a steal!


I wonder if Progressive has lowered their premiums. I had been with them for years before I bought the FJR in 10/02. They qouted me over $1,200 per year for full coverage. I went to GMAC on the Rider Magazine group and it went to $520, then $480 then $420 per year.

When I see that others here are getting lower rates from Progressive, I think maybe they reclassified the FJR.




Last week Progressive informed us that bike policies will be taking a 5% discount for new business I think on 4/21/06. Renewals will also be taking the discount but it will not be until 6/22/06. Rates of course vary by state and insurance (credit score).


I just got off the phone with a Progressive Rep. they currently classify the fjr as "Street Sport" bike with a symbol of 39. In Ct effective 4/21 for new business and 6/22 for renewal they will now classify the fjr as"Touring class B". The rate on my policy for 250/500/100 liab, 250 comp, 250 coll, 500/1 million Um will drop from $539 to $312 on renewal. If you have an inforce policy, the new classification will take place only on renewal date(mine is August). The new classification will be nationwide but the dates in each state will vary by when the rate change is authorized by your state insurance dept. In any event, everyone should be seeing better rates from Progressive as the changes are approved by your individual state.


Can't trust them. My thesis was on why State Farm cancelled ALL, (ALL) underage drivers in the State of Illinois in the 60's becasue the no longer wanted to have underage risks. Left 1000's high and dry.
Good Thesis.

Also have delt with their claims dept for years. If your their client your ok -(maybe). If a State Farm insured hits you and it's their fault, Good luck in getting a fair deal! That's just my opinion.

Many dealing with SF have good luck. Hope your one of them.

AND, every large ins. company has their detractors, for whatever reason.

You can insert Allstate for Statefarm in your statement here in Texas. Allstate is about as crooked as they come if you are the third party when it comes to claims. I am an agent as well here in Texas but not quite as tenured as yourself. I have been doing this for about 6 years or so now.

well i have geico cheapest i could find full coverage on a 05 $1000.00 .
When DH bought his K1200S, we had to get insurance on a Saturday. State Farm wasn't open so we called around. Geico quoted us FIVE THOUSAND dollars per year. We waited until Monday for State Farm's quote of around $900.


Reading this topic got me a little worried, so I called my insurance agent and had them start looking into rates for me. My current bike is a Kawasaki 1600 Vulcan and the rate is around $350. I just got a call from said insurance agent and they quoted me $304. So all is good.

Now all I need is the $#@#! bike!

By the way - this is with Cincinnati Insurance.

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