FJR or HD Roadking

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I have owned about 40 plus bikes street and dirt. I have ridden with Harley's. I should say I rode around them! And I rode one once for a few miles. It felt like my Sears minibike I had when I was 7 years old in 1967. To each there own, but I cannot understand why people like to ride those things. I wish an American company would design a line of bikes that were on par with the Japanese or European rides. I would be first in line laying down the money. But after 100 years Harley can not come up with anything close. Ever time I ride my FJR it puts a big smile on my face!!!

Try a Victory. They'll run rings around H-D's..<G>

but they're not sport touring bikes, just cruisers...

Long distances, the best H-D for touring would be a Road Glide...


Again thanks to everyone for your honesty. Obviously there is not much comparison of performance between the two. But what about comfort comparison for both rider and passenger? The HD seems like it would feel like a sofa....does the FJR give up alot in comfort? I know every arse is different, but how many FJR owners keep the stock seat for example?


...Two different worlds. If you want to putt around at 55-65, and have no desire to enjoy performance cornering then maybe the RK is for you. The price differential also is significant even more so on a used bike. In any case good luck with your decison.
...The Road King ...I am very worried that the engine is going to go due to a manufacturing problem Harley has when pressing together their crankshaft halves together. My friends engine just let go on his 05 with 18000 miles on it. It cost him $6000 to repair it.
'FJR Bill' nailed it -- H-Ds are for 'puttin'. Many are the cases where motorcyclists have "graduated" to H-Ds from Japanese Fours -- only to have the H-D engine 'grenade' due to their not realizing that they can't expect anywhere near the same levels of perfomance (reliably). Remember, it's like an 100 year old design on steroids.

Similarly, I heard from a friend who was taking a vacation and wanted to rent a motorcycle and asked what I thought was available. I listed all I knew -- which included several H-Ds. He said he couldn't rent an H-D because everytime he tried to start one they always seemed to him like they wouldn't/couldn't start (sounded like) -- it was a 'deal-breaker' for him.


I love HDs. I have had three of them. I had a Superglide a few years ago. I kinda miss it. They are great bikes for cruising as you know. They handle better than people think. Most guys do the stage 1 (pipes, remap, air cleaner) to get 5% or so more HP. Maybe 75-80 HP. The RK is a beautiful moto and weighs 800lbs. If you are not a big guy this can make quite a difference. The FJR weighs 635 lbs and has 145 HP. Brakes on the FJR are dead stoppers.

I had had a lot of motos over the years and the FJR is hands down the best I have owned. It aint perfect. Some people dont like the seat and want a new windshield (cosmetic stuff). One of the things I love about the FJR is if you are cruising down the interstate at 75 mph and a cager does the tailgate action you just look in your rear view mirror with disdain, twist the throttle a bit and you have a rocket ship in warp drive.

You can get an FJR new for 13K. I think the new RK is near 20K.

Again thanks to everyone for your honesty. Obviously there is not much comparison of performance between the two. But what about comfort comparison for both rider and passenger? The HD seems like it would feel like a sofa....does the FJR give up alot in comfort? I know every arse is different, but how many FJR owners keep the stock seat for example?

Up until last Sunday I had a Stock FJR, including the seat. The Story Ride 99% of time 2 up. No complaints about the stock seat. Also have a 2006 Concours with Stock seat.It could be I really don't know what one of the after market seats are, but I cant see dropping 500+ to see if it is better.

From what I read many riders immediately replace seats, which ever bike you get give the stock seat a couple of 1000 miles for you to adjust to the seat and go from there. Seems alot also end up putting new bars on the HD, and risers on the FJR. YMMV


I have a 2004 FJR, and HAD a 2005 RK. Bought both of them new, and still have the FJR. The RK just wasn't getting much riding. I put a Russell seat on the FJR after an Iron Butt Ride, and love it. I also added custom seat to the RK, it needed it as well. With the stock seat, your buns start hurting at about 500 miles on either stock seat.

The FJR is trouble free, change the oil and rear end fluid, and maintain it and you won't have any trouble.

The RK was comfortable, but just wasn't exciting to drive. Only issues I had was with the EFI sensor going bad, and the rear spokes kept getting loose to the point I replaced the spoke wheel with a mag wheel. I have a good friend (he gave me the mag from one of his trade ins) that I ride with that is 100% smitten with his HD. He buys a new one every year, and spends a ton on chrome. And has had the shifters fall off of two of them on long rides, one leaked oil thru the engine casing thru porosity, etc. (We had a lot of fun with engine oil on that trip!).

Finally, you want to ride, or spend your time polishing the chrome? Mine always looked like crap because I like to ride, not polish. If a quick car wash hosing doesn't knock the dirt off, it doesn't get cleaned...

Coming from a bunch of big fatass cruisers , i know there is a HUGE diffence between them. As i did do alot of twistie roads with it & sure did burn down alot of floor bourds & brakes, trying to stop the big lug for the turn. (and at the end of the day with a large turd in your pants) hahahaha!!!!!! Anyway , the Roadking is a great bike (get 09 & newer as it has the better frame) But at the end i bought an FJR and love it, but thats just me. I have a (used to be) a diehard HD guy & one day he went and bought a K1100LT BMW & never got on another HD since (been 10 years now) It`s all up to you and how you like to ride, touring-twisties-icecream-touring (of sh!t i need gas) or touring-bar-bar-bar (crap i need a ride home)

your call

I was a life long Harley guy too, last bike was an Ultra Classic. Sold that to purchase a

tractor for the property, but ended up on a KLR for commuting to work for the last three

years. I just got back from test riding an FJR, nice bike, if I could get the bars back a bit

for my short arms it would be perfect. Brakes, WOW, never had a bike that would stop!

I too ground my foot boards off the Harley, I'd go with the FJR if you're in to that kind

of riding, if you're just putting down the highway a Harley is a comfy ride cept when it's

hot in slow traffic.

This is starting to sound like an AA meeting for HD peeps.

After some ******* HD rider on an Ultra glide stole my map off of my XR650L I have no respect for them. The somebitch ruined my dayride I had planned out.

Bastages :assassin: "JMO"

Think about what you could do with the conservative 5k saving of a new FJR compared to a RG...

Custom seat, Ergo's, Custom suspension, Topbox, Cruise Control, Electronics, GPS.

Now that you've modded the FJR to make a fair dollar for dollar comparison between the 2 bikes. Which bike suits you better?

There really is no definitive answer, despite any biases you're likely to find on the forum. It IS after all, NOT a Harley forum.

Plus there's enough Harley ass-kissing going on in this thread to power a gay pride parade.

The only answer that can come close boils down to personal preferences.....

Some folks like fruit.....some folks like cream.

Me? I like ALL kinds of pie.

Don't buy an FJR. Go get anything else...including a Zundap.
Watch it now ! A Zundap was my first and fondly remembered bike. My High School dream machine.
Zundap's are too cool...
Zundapp Super Sabre -- 250cc touring, 80mph speed, enclosed chain, functional fr. fender/body-work/seat, and 'leccy start:


Another nice one:


There really is no definitive answer, despite any biases you're likely to find on the forum. It IS after all, NOT a Harley forum.
Plus there's enough Harley ass-kissing going on in this thread to power a gay pride parade.

The only answer that can come close boils down to personal preferences.....

Some folks like fruit.....some folks like cream.

Me? I like ALL kinds of pie.
gay...fruit...cream...pie [hole]...

That's just too easy.

There really is no definitive answer, despite any biases you're likely to find on the forum. It IS after all, NOT a Harley forum.
Plus there's enough Harley ass-kissing going on in this thread to power a gay pride parade.

The only answer that can come close boils down to personal preferences.....

Some folks like fruit.....some folks like cream.

Me? I like ALL kinds of pie.
gay...fruit...cream...pie [hole]...

That's just too easy.
Gotta toss you a softball every now and then. :finger:

I sold my 2008 Harley Super Glide (which I bought new) and bought an 07 FJR and couldn't be happier.

Buy the FJR if you want to ride, buy the Harley if you are a poser/want to be seen/more concerned with how you look pulling in and, wait for it......"pulling out"

Again thanks to everyone for your honesty. Obviously there is not much comparison of performance between the two. But what about comfort comparison for both rider and passenger? The HD seems like it would feel like a sofa....does the FJR give up alot in comfort? I know every arse is different, but how many FJR owners keep the stock seat for example?

I'm still running the stock seat on my 07 FJR and don't have a problem with it. I've done a 1000 mile day on that saddle and plenty of 500 mile days. The windshield had to go immediately though, but that's less than $200 for a huge increase in comfort (getting rid of turbulence).

As far as passenger comfort: my wife had done plenty of 500 mile days on the back of the FJR leaning on the factory trunk with no complaints. I did rent a Street glide once and she didn't like it as much, even on a short trip.

Don't have a Road King but have an Ultra Classic. Had an 08 FJR which I loved. I bought the Ultra for my wife to ride with me because she didn't like long trips on the FJR. I ended up riding the Ultra all the time. Sold the FJR. Retired I couldn't see two in the garage. Harleys ain't fast. The Ultra is more comfortable to me, although the FJR was comfortable except on long extensive rides for my old bones. The new frame on the harleys with the larger tires make handling nice. The Ultra is actually smother than the FJR at 80. Mirrors are crystal clear.

I have a 2007 FJR and recently purchased a 2010 Ultra Classic. Both are really nice mortorcycles for different purposes. The FJR is great for spirited riding and the Ultra is a fine cruiser.

If you have the cash buy both, you can't go wrong.
