FJR Prices ?

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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2005
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Maybe I'm just not seeing the entire picture here, but it seems to me that the price of 'pre-owned' FJRs is a bit "soft".

I mean, I see some '04, '05 and '06s for sale that seem to sit on the classified block for some time. The new bikes seem to sell for around $13+K, then toss on a couple farkles and you have the price of an entry level Harley Low Rider or whatever.

Then when you go to sell the low mile bike, it gets panned. <_<

Seems the STs are going for more of a premium than the FJRs.

Is all this true? Or am I just all wet here? :unsure:

I've kinda noticed the same thing. I just bought a low mile 05 FJR for $9,500 (which may be a bit high) but it also came with a boat load of farkles (from Givi top box to heated grips). When all farkles are added up, I believe I got a sweet deal with only 2,300 miles on her.

Could be lots of things:

1. C-14 competition. :dribble:

2. More units being produced with no "wait" time.

3. "Altitude problem" scaring some off. :blink:

4. End of the current economic expansion coupled with the real estate bubble popping. This might limit the consumers ability to buy "consumer goods". :huh:

5. Your imagination. :p

Since I'm just getting my '06 "farkled" up, I won't let go of her till h@## freezes over. :yahoo: :clapping:


Could be lots of things:
1. C-14 competition. :dribble:

2. More units being produced with no "wait" time.

3. "Altitude problem" scaring some off. :blink:

4. End of the current economic expansion coupled with the real estate bubble popping. This might limit the consumers ability to buy "consumer goods". :huh:

5. Your imagination. :p

Since I'm just getting my '06 "farkled" up, I won't let go of her till h@## freezes over. :yahoo: :clapping:


And with GLOBAL WARMING we know that's not going to happen any time soon.

The low resale value is directly related to supply and demand. Just look at the classified section and you'll see what I mean.
I'm not sure this is true. Yes, there are some FJRs in the classified on this board, that's expected. But, check cycletrader ( and see how many there are nationwide .... that are listed there ... compared with the number of STs.

I think there was 1-2 pages of '05 - '07 FJs and 14 pages of STs ... and LOTS of '07 STs and FEW '07 FJs. The STs were not discounted much. Many listed at sticker, too. Just a few places were offering a few hundred off.

The ST boards have loads of STs listed at pretty hefty prices, too, compared to the FJs.

So, I don't think supply/demand works here. There may be some limited number of FJs, but perhaps there is very low demand?

The C14 is compitition, yes ... but, I don't think there are that many around. And, I don't think there is much difference in performance, handling, braking, luggage space, yada, yada. I wouldn't buy the Connie just because it gets to 62 mph .2 secs faster than another bike. Same/same with the ST. It may be slower than the rest, but so what? It's not that much slower.

Think there is something other than compitition and supply. I think demand is DOWN. If that is so, why?

I think the price of all used bikes come down during this time of year....Nearing the end of the riding season for many. If you are in the market to buy then good for you. If your happy with your bike and arent planning on getting rid of it... then what does it matter.

Even (God Forbid) the price of used Harleys have come way down. There was a time that a used Harley with low miles could command more money than a new Harley because the Motor Co. limited production so that created a waiting list for new bikes.

I think the price of all used bikes come down during this time of year....Nearing the end of the riding season for many. If you are in the market to buy then good for you. If your happy with your bike and arent planning on getting rid of it... then what does it matter.Even (God Forbid) the price of used Harleys have come way down. There was a time that a used Harley with low miles could command more money than a new Harley because the Motor Co. limited production so that created a waiting list for new bikes.

Glide ....

Thanx for the observations, but I think you are incorrect when you say that many are "... nearing the end of the riding season". It's August 9th for cryin' out loud ! The only people that are nearing the end of their riding season are above the Arctic Circle, eh !

I ride year round here in Southern New England (CT-land). If the roads are clear and dry ... I ride. So, I don't think buying a bike at this time will lower the sale price much, maybe a little. Plus, much of the country rides thru December.

So, I don't buy your opinion regarding the time of year. BTW, golf season is still ongoing, m'friend.

Here's what I think ... and don't get me wrong here. I think the FJR is one hell of a bike. It's very strong, very fast, agile, excellent braking and handling. And, it looks terrific. Even with bags. It's relatively EZ to work on and service. It's also relatively inexpensive to own ... and, to some ... to purchase. And, it's a blast to ride fast in the twisties. Acceleration is WOW ! for a bike like this. Yeah, the C14 may be a tick faster .... BFD .... the wrinkles are not worked out with the Kawa yet either.

I believe that folks may have grown tired of S/T bikes. They used to not be available here in the US at all. Then they dragged over a couple thousand. Those that liked them compared to sport bikes and BIG tourers bought them. Eventually, most of the S/T segment of the US became saturated .... and now, there are at least 4 or 5 contenders where there was once only 2. Maybe too much competition, now? But, the FJR gets little respect except from the hard liners here on the boards and from the early magazine 1st rides. Altho, it's a terrific bike, it has quirks (not as many as BMW by any sense of the word) that are difficult for some of us to master. Mostly, it's the riding position and comfort that puts most of those that find the bike intolerable off.

Yes, riding fast is nice. But, you can ride fast on lots of bikes for much less than the FJR. It's the S/T thing that I'm interested in. Fast Touring. I think Yamaha built this bike to be fast .... and only secondarily looked at the comfort level of the bike for the 'middle sized person'. S/Ting bikes should be sporty, but when you add some bags and call it a touring bike .... one expects excellent comfort outa the box, too. I can not find a good comfort level out of the box for the FJR. I'm very disappointed with this. I had hoped the S/T bike that Yamaha produced would be more comfy for me. I know that MANY find the bike comfortable. I'm very happy for you. I wish it were true for me. I'm not comfortable even with lots of aftermarket farkles ... custom saddle, risers, riser plate, grip puppies, larger windscreen, yada, yada. It's just me. I'm sure many would throw a leg over my bike and ride for days without a problem.

Anyway ... I think the low price on pre-owned FJRs and the length of time (often) to sell at a reduced price is a function of the dissatisfaction with the bike in general. I hope I am wrong.

I'm sorry ... I do go on. I apologize for my bloviating. And, altho I am not happy with my FJR, I still think it is a great bike in many ways. If only I could be comfortable on it .... (sigh)


As far as nearing the end of the riding season...I meant that more in the terms of ideal time to buy or sell. Everything has a season. Dealers around here will tell you that selling bikes new or used after July 4th becomes difficult. You and I ride year round but the bigger percentage of people are fair weather riders. You and I play golf year round but sales in the golf business drops off dramatically in areas with more severe winters. Deer Hunters probably don't buy guns and ammunition during the off season. I'll bet that prices of used bikes are higher in the spring. I agree with you that there is way more competition in the S/T market and that people have more choices as far as mfr's. but that being said I'll bet that used bike prices rise across the board in the spring.

gotta go

ride safe




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Maybe I'm just not seeing the entire picture here, but it seems to me that the price of 'pre-owned' FJRs is a bit "soft".
I mean, I see some '04, '05 and '06s for sale that seem to sit on the classified block for some time. The new bikes seem to sell for around $13+K, then toss on a couple farkles and you have the price of an entry level Harley Low Rider or whatever.

Then when you go to sell the low mile bike, it gets panned. <_<

Seems the STs are going for more of a premium than the FJRs.

Is all this true? Or am I just all wet here? :unsure:
Not sure what you mean by all wet? There's new '07s on E-bay for $11.5. NOS '06s in Illinois and Ohio for $9995+set-up. So, I'm not really too sure what you mean by soft? I'm shopping for 2 of em, one for me and one for the wife and these bikes are moving fast.

Buying a bike brand new, putting it up for sale with only 2500 or so miles on it you're gonna lose some money, eh? I don't know. I have target fixation anyway... :dribble:

I think the low price on pre-owned FJRs and the length of time (often) to sell at a reduced price is a function of the dissatisfaction with the bike in general. I hope I am wrong.
Here is my take:

As you noted there are many other bikes such as the ST available. I feel most of the sellers of these machines don't mind waiting weeks, or even longer to sell their machines. So, they set their prices and wait for their bike to sell. Yes, it is true you will find some really great deals on an ST. I believe these great deals are due to owners wanting to sell their bike in a hurry, or just not wanting to put forth the effort.

However, with the FJR most sellers want out of the bike quickly. Not because it is a bad bike, but because a personal situations where they need the funds. Yes, there are those owners who are in a hurry to sell the bike in a hurry to get the funds to go buy another bike.

You noted earlier 1-2 pages of FJRs for sale at the same time of 14 pages of STs. For my example lets say there is one bike per page.

If, there were 14 STs for sale then 12 or so are happy to wait for the bike to sale at the price they set. The other two sellers offer their bikes at a lower price to get the money sooner and/or not put the effort into selling it. These are the great deals. When someone finds a great deal such as this they may not mind having to ship the bike or make a trip to get the bike. In this case the buyer will factor in buy the bike local or buy the great deal and shipping/travel cost. A bike with a higher cost might be acceptable since shipping/travel might not be required.

If, there were two FJRs for sale there is a good change both sellers want to sell the units quickly due to needing the funds or not wanting to put forth the effort to sell the FJR. Since there are so few FJRs for sale often when someone buys a used FJR they are required to ship the bike or make a trip to get the bike. Almost always, the FJR purchase requires shipping/travel cost. So, the lower bike prices do not indicated the total cost to the buyer since shipping/travel must also be considered. The FJRs sellers are almost forced to sell at a lower cost since the buyer will almost certainly be required to pay for shipping/travel.

I don't feel the great deals available on FJRs are related to quality, rather a higher percentage of the units for sell need to be sold quickly. Since there are currently less FJRs for sell there is a higher percentage of sellers working to sell their bike in a hurry. This "hurry up and sell" has put the sellers in a position to sell their bikes for a lower dollar amount then actual value. This effect has caused the few people who don't mind waiting to sell there unit to price lower then they would prefer. I feel over the next five years or so as the total number of FRJs for sale rise so will the price.

I know this might seem weird, but I have noticed this happen a few times on other products.

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Maybe I'm just not seeing the entire picture here, but it seems to me that the price of 'pre-owned' FJRs is a bit "soft".
I mean, I see some '04, '05 and '06s for sale that seem to sit on the classified block for some time. The new bikes seem to sell for around $13+K, then toss on a couple farkles and you have the price of an entry level Harley Low Rider or whatever.

Then when you go to sell the low mile bike, it gets panned. <_<

Seems the STs are going for more of a premium than the FJRs.

Is all this true? Or am I just all wet here? :unsure:
Not sure what you mean by all wet? There's new '07s on E-bay for $11.5. NOS '06s in Illinois and Ohio for $9995+set-up. So, I'm not really too sure what you mean by soft? I'm shopping for 2 of em, one for me and one for the wife and these bikes are moving fast.

Buying a bike brand new, putting it up for sale with only 2500 or so miles on it you're gonna lose some money, eh? I don't know. I have target fixation anyway... :dribble:
Burner ...

What I meant by "all wet" is "full o'sh*t". And, I could be. :rolleyes:

Regarding your post, tho .... most of the '07s I've seen on eBay and other places are AEs. Figures. I do see an '07 listed on eBay for about $11K, but not much else. And, things on eBay are not always as they seem.

What I'm saying when I say "the market is soft" is what you are reporting. I mean, the prices don't reflect what the bike is worth. Seller's are selling at reduced prices. At the same time, Honda STs are going for premium prices over the FJR. That is what I meant by "soft". Like the market is soft for BIG SUVs right now. :dribble:

The NOS (or whatever you call, leftover, "New in Crate") '06s tells the tale. Why haven't these bikes sold? Paying 10 grand for one of these ... if that is true ... is a really good deal. Hell, I'll sell my fairly heavily modded '06 for 11 grand !

As for the bikes "moving fast" ... well, they are fast bikes for sure, but several here on the classified have been relisted several times. Same/same on eBay. Which tells me that if someone is in the market for a bike and he/she sees it listed for the price they want .. they buy. If not ... the bike sits and sits and sits and sits. Just look at the classifieds.

I'm may be interested in selling my FJR at this point, too. I doubt if I will get what it is worth (looking at the numbers seen on the board, eBay and Traderonline). But, I'm not in any hurry to sell. I have 2 other bikes to ride that I feel more comfy on and the FJR is still a blast to ride on shorter rides.

I still think the market is soft on FJRs. If not, drop me a line. :yahoo:

Maybe I'm just not seeing the entire picture here, but it seems to me that the price of 'pre-owned' FJRs is a bit "soft".
I mean, I see some '04, '05 and '06s for sale that seem to sit on the classified block for some time. The new bikes seem to sell for around $13+K, then toss on a couple farkles and you have the price of an entry level Harley Low Rider or whatever.

Then when you go to sell the low mile bike, it gets panned. <_<

Seems the STs are going for more of a premium than the FJRs.

Is all this true? Or am I just all wet here? :unsure:
Its a combination of the economy in general, time of year (new models coming out) and estate sales. :blink:

Maybe I'm just not seeing the entire picture here, but it seems to me that the price of 'pre-owned' FJRs is a bit "soft".
I mean, I see some '04, '05 and '06s for sale that seem to sit on the classified block for some time. The new bikes seem to sell for around $13+K, then toss on a couple farkles and you have the price of an entry level Harley Low Rider or whatever.

Then when you go to sell the low mile bike, it gets panned. <_<

Seems the STs are going for more of a premium than the FJRs.

Is all this true? Or am I just all wet here? :unsure:
Not sure what you mean by all wet? There's new '07s on E-bay for $11.5. NOS '06s in Illinois and Ohio for $9995+set-up. So, I'm not really too sure what you mean by soft? I'm shopping for 2 of em, one for me and one for the wife and these bikes are moving fast.

Buying a bike brand new, putting it up for sale with only 2500 or so miles on it you're gonna lose some money, eh? I don't know. I have target fixation anyway... :dribble:
Burner ...

What I meant by "all wet" is "full o'sh*t". And, I could be. :rolleyes:

Regarding your post, tho .... most of the '07s I've seen on eBay and other places are AEs. Figures. I do see an '07 listed on eBay for about $11K, but not much else. And, things on eBay are not always as they seem.

What I'm saying when I say "the market is soft" is what you are reporting. I mean, the prices don't reflect what the bike is worth. Seller's are selling at reduced prices. At the same time, Honda STs are going for premium prices over the FJR. That is what I meant by "soft". Like the market is soft for BIG SUVs right now. :dribble:

The NOS (or whatever you call, leftover, "New in Crate") '06s tells the tale. Why haven't these bikes sold? Paying 10 grand for one of these ... if that is true ... is a really good deal. Hell, I'll sell my fairly heavily modded '06 for 11 grand !

As for the bikes "moving fast" ... well, they are fast bikes for sure, but several here on the classified have been relisted several times. Same/same on eBay. Which tells me that if someone is in the market for a bike and he/she sees it listed for the price they want .. they buy. If not ... the bike sits and sits and sits and sits. Just look at the classifieds.

I'm may be interested in selling my FJR at this point, too. I doubt if I will get what it is worth (looking at the numbers seen on the board, eBay and Traderonline). But, I'm not in any hurry to sell. I have 2 other bikes to ride that I feel more comfy on and the FJR is still a blast to ride on shorter rides.

I still think the market is soft on FJRs. If not, drop me a line. :yahoo:
Well, I'm not shopping for ST13s, so I'm not sure what their values are holding at in the used market. Let me re-phrase that; I HAD been shopping for ST1100s. Late model 11s were going for between 4 and 6k, usually with 15-50Kmiles on them. I like the 11s as they were German designed, the ergos were OK for me. However I realized that if I was going to spend 5k on an '01-'02 machine, why not spen 6-8K for an '04-06 bike which I actually like better. Now, look at the average between KBB trade-in and retail values on the FJRs and you'll see the market isn't soft, it's about where these machines are selling for; the average between the two.

Burner ...

I haven't checked KBB for prices of the FJR, but I will. However, I believe here on this forum, I read that the KBB values are not correct. I can't remember if the poster said they were high or low (?). In buying and selling other vehicles, I found that the KBB values for cagers was HIGHer than what the market allowed. Especially for private sales.

Burner ...
I haven't checked KBB for prices of the FJR, but I will. However, I believe here on this forum, I read that the KBB values are not correct. I can't remember if the poster said they were high or low (?). In buying and selling other vehicles, I found that the KBB values for cagers was HIGHer than what the market allowed. Especially for private sales.

Right, the retail #s of KBB are pretty high. That's why I say taking a look at the avg. between their "trade-in" and "retail" values gives an approximation of where these used machine are selling. Example;

'04 W/ABS Trade in 6300 retail 9000 Average between these 2 values=$7650

Which is about what a good condition bike of said year and build is selling for, so on and so forth with the rest through '06, ABS and non-abs.
