FJR purchase

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Well it looks like I may be coming over to a FJR. I'm on a ST1300 now and love the bike (I've had 2 ST1100's and this is my second ST1300) so it goes without saying that I like ST's. I'm just having alot of heat issues with it that I don't seem to be able to get rid of (other than that I love the bike). I had a 04 FJR but it was a cooker also but form what I understand the 06/07 models are alot better. No offence to anyone but I just don't care for the black cherry color (if we all like the same thing it would be boring) but I found a dealer who is willing to swap out all the painted parts with a AE model (I do like the silver). I think I'm going to do it so I may be back on a FJR by this weekend.
Heat was why i unloaded my st1300. the gen II fjr is much better in that department. Be prepared to pick up a "few rough edges" that the honda didnt have though. I needed to do some of the recommended farkles from this site before i was happy coming from the st. You'll love the power, light weight, looks, and heat reduction on the Gen II. you'll have second thoughts about the buzzy bars (definitly get grip puppies), herky jerky throttle (definitly do the fred h modification in conjuction with the throttle tube mod) , and "sportier" riding position (swap the t clamp and get risers) on the FJR. After doing my farkles, i happy as hell that i made the switch, but i'll be keeping my eye of whats planned for the Gen II st13. Given what the competition is doing, i think its going to raise a few eyebrows.


Well its official...picking it up Monday. Need to find out what are the best frames sliders for a tip over (loved the wings on the ST..have photos of a guy going down in a curve..slid right out and only damage was to the tip over wings, it was unreal, it didn't even scar up his bags). My 04 FJR went over in a parking lot and did alot of damage. I'd like to avoid that if possible. Also need to see the best way to mount my GPS. I'll have to ride it some and decide on risers. I put them on my 04 and then took them back off....I am getting older and my back lets me know. I didn't have them on the ST so maybe this won't be to much off from that. I need to do more reading on the spring thing and not sure what the throttle tube is but I'll find it. I am going to invest in something to do the throttle bodies with I'm just not sure what to get yet. I'm really looking forward to getting the bike. I keep looking at my ST and going 'why am I doing this'. I really do like the ST and unlike some I really like it looks (except head on and it looks like a Honda scooter). I've put many miles on a ST (coast to coast, Nova Scotia and points in between and they have been great bikes). My only real complaint has been the heat plus I was wanting something a bit smaller and lighter. On paper they aren't all that far apart but sitting on them and the FJR sure feels smaller and lighter to me.

Just do what I did! Buy one, crash it, then paint it your own custom color! :yahoo:
you mean crash it twice....don't you? :rolleyes:

garywayne I think you did yourself a big favor. Honda is a great bike, but the ST1300 is an old design. If Honda were to produce a new redesigned ST1300 the values of the older ST1300's would do a nose dive, so anyone who purchased the older Honda would stand to loose quite a bit of moolah. Look at that plus the pains of dealing with a new design, no matter how hard the designers and engineers try they always have issues to deal with, and fixing issues usually takes a year or two.

The FJR has already gone through all of the major adjustments with the new second generation bikes, so every thing has already been fixed for you. Personally I think the design, price, and just plain ole beauty of this bike blows most of the others away. I have also noticed if I like the look of a new bike someone has just brought out to the market recently, I see the main reason why is because the other manufacturers have copied the sleek cool look of the FJR. They are just good bikes that do what they are designed to do very well. You won't regret getting the FJR.

kiethaba, that is a beautiful looking color; Yamaha should take note. Did you remove all of the panels or did someone else do it when they painted it? I swear if I didn't have a situation going on with mine right now I'd paint it, looking at yours certainly gets me to thinking about exactly what color would look good on the one I have. But it sure looks great.

If I ever got to KY and brought the bike along I'd have to give you a call, my wife's from there but won't ride with me. I know from having been there many times before there are some great roads to ride. About the only bad thing I've noticed about driving in Kentucky is all of the damn deer all over the place.

Don't be mashing that nice looking FJR into any one of the seems to be million deer, I'd hate to see paint job number three. Factory color, your color, future color.

Also need to see the best way to mount my GPS.
There are a few other options, but here's my choice:
thats just what I need as I already have the RAM ball set up...thanks. What is the best frame slider out there ?

I used these sliders on my '06:

They did a great job with the one parking lot tip over. I did go down at about 40 mph and the sliders did a fairly good job of sparing the sides but there was still so much damage to the upper and other misc that the adjuster called it a total loss. Regardless, I'm going to put a set of these on my '08 come December.

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Well the dealer called Friday morning and said it was ready. Got on the ST after lunch and rode the 280 miles down. Spent the night and for some reason the return trip home was 400 miles. So far I'm real happy and have some thoughts about the 2 bikes. The FJR looks and feels much smaller/lighter than the ST, fit and finish is good on the FJR but better on the Honda. I like the dash better on the FJR, the Honda looks more like a car display and can be very hard to see everything in the sun. I'm not sure of the interior size of either bike but the saddlebags seem larger on the ST. In the real world the FJR really isn't all that much faster than the ST but it feels like it is. Without question the ST is smoother but the vibes weren't bad coming home (almost none in the bars..but I was running under 70-75). Not sure about the seat yet. My behind was getting pretty sore by the time I got home. Felt like it was almost gut too square and the edges were starting to get to me. Windshield wasn't bad but could maybe use 2 more inches. I did get much cleaner air than with the ST. Just looking it looked like my legs were bent about the same as on the ST but they did hurt more than on the ST but I'll overcome that with Advil! Still it was hard seeing the ST being rolled into the dealership. I've put on many miles and a lot of far off places on ST's. If Honda had fixed the heat problem I'm sure I would have never traded it, but its time for new journey's now with the FJR.

Well, congrrats on the new bike. Understand your feelings about seeing your old scoot get rolled away, but , change is good.

Agree with you on the seat. The "edges" wore sore spots on my inner thighs. Got a Corbin and very happy with it.

So, kinda missed all the posts , but you got an 07-A but with AE silver panels right?

Very cool. I have the Cobalt Blue 06...THE best color so far...don't pay attention to anyone else's here statements about their bike, the 06 blue is just damn good looking.

Oddly, it was a silver FJR I saw one day many years ago that drew my attention to this model, it was love at first Silver is OK too...


Well, congrrats on the new bike. Understand your feelings about seeing your old scoot get rolled away, but , change is good.Agree with you on the seat. The "edges" wore sore spots on my inner thighs. Got a Corbin and very happy with it.

So, kinda missed all the posts , but you got an 07-A but with AE silver panels right?

Very cool. I have the Cobalt Blue 06...THE best color so far...don't pay attention to anyone else's here statements about their bike, the 06 blue is just damn good looking.

Oddly, it was a silver FJR I saw one day many years ago that drew my attention to this model, it was love at first Silver is OK too...

Yep, 07A and they changed out all the painted parts with a 07AE. As far as I know (which isn't far) there only mine and one other out there (but their could be many more and I just don't know about it). The blue is my favorite color also.
