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Yeah, it's a concrete corn cob. So?
Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
Marysville, OH
Announcing FJR Tech Day XIII.

Date: 9/17/2016

Location: Casa de Geek: Marysville, OH

Post up if ya wanna pop in to "supervise" or wanna wrench on yer bike. If yer gonna wrench on yer bike, let us know what you plan on tackling so that all the required pieces and parts are either brought with you or you can ship 'em here.

For anyone who wants to do a valve check: GET HERE FRIDAY! The engine needs to be cold.

If'n there's work being done on your bike, STICK BY YOUR BIKE 'TIL IT'S DONE! You just may learn something.

We have two guest bedrooms (already spoken for) and several inflatable mattresses, plenty of floor space if ya wanna throw a sleeping bag down inside, and plenty of yard if ya wanna pitch a tent outside.

If you didn't make it to the Tech Day we hosted last fall and / or just need our address, PM me.

ETA: Since Tim mentioned "hotel," if anyone would prefer to stay at a hotel, we do have a few in our little city of Marysville:

Hampton Inn (from what my BIL has told me, they have some "interesting" options at breakfast, thanks to the presence of Honda)


Comfort Inn

Holiday Inn Express

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Ohio is the MidWest? Heck, you guys are almost East Coast
Yes...Ohio is in the Midwest
Someone at that map place needs a new compass :)

Ok, back on topic - I'm in, even though you're cutting a ride out of my EOM trip... Request for floor space, party of one...

Since I'm heading south towards EOM directly after, cargo space will be limited for "spare" parts...


I'd like to attend and do a valve check on my 13 if there is help/supervision available. I'll bring gaskets, shim kit and coolant. I've watched the procedure a couple of times and assisted the mechanic when we did mine last winter but I'm not ready to run solo.

I normally ride with camping gear so floor/yard is fine by me.

FYI if anyone is planning on checking the rear pivot relay, I have a spare casting with good bearings I can bring as a swap out unit if necessary.

Hey Geek, save an air mattress for me. I'm in for a valve check and fork fluid change. Sooo Ray you get your chance to mess with an ES fork. I'll bring plugs and pair plates also.

Who - Arrive When - Crash Where - Doing What

Geek - it's my place, damnit - it's my place, damnit - let smoke outta things and break ****

RaYzerman - Friday - guest room - supervise and assist

yamafitter - Friday - guest room - supervise and assist

extrememarine - Friday - air mattress - supervise and assist

pista - ? - ? - ?

bseelbach - Friday - floor or camp - valves

griff - Friday - air mattress - valve check, plugs, pair plates, ES forks

We may have another local guy (Ray - you met him a while back; he kinda looks like Ron Jeremy) doing valves as well. We'll see.

I'll give this a maybe. LeAnne doesn't work that weekend. Ideally, I'll have my STS module to put in. I'd be a Saturday late morning arrival, likely grabbing a hotel room. I can assist with electrical stuff if I can make it.

Can I ride the lawnmower?

Who - Arrive When - Crash Where - Doing What
Geek - it's my place, damnit - it's my place, damnit - let smoke outta things and break ****
RaYzerman - Friday - guest room - supervise and assist
yamafitter - Friday - guest room - supervise and assist
extrememarine - Friday - air mattress - supervise and assist
pista - ? - ? - ?
bseelbach - Friday - floor or camp - valves
griff - Friday - air mattress - valve check, plugs, pair plates, ES forks
DesignFlaw06 (maybe) - Saturday - hotel - STS, electrical assistance
TommyKay - ? - ? - supervise and break ****

We may have another local guy (Ray - you met him a while back; he kinda looks like Ron Jeremy) doing valves as well. We'll see.

DesignFlaw asked:

Can I ride the lawnmower?
No. It's not a toy. Unless you wanna mow my lawn. Then we'll talk aboot it.

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