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Sep 7, 2008
Reaction score
Visalia, California
Got a little over 2k on my '08 FJR 1300A (California version). What more can I say but, WOW!!! The more I ride it the bigger the grins. Coming off a v-twin cruiser, I didn't know what to expect-should have realized there is no comparison!

I've been reading a lot of the forum posts lately and seeing a lot of people talking about engine stalling, overheating, heavy throttles, balky clutches, etc. Either I don't know what I'm looking for, or I've been very lucky in that I've had none of these things occur in my '08. The ONLY thing I can think of that has occurred is when I've ridden on 100+ degree days. If I get the engine up to temp then shut down for an hour or so, then start the bike again it fires right up- and no problem blipping the throttle, but for the first 30 seconds or so it seems like there is a slight "hesistancy" in throttle response. The bike almost acts like my v-twin does when I haven't choked it enough when it's cold and you try to give some throttle. But, like I say, within 30 seconds or so it disappears and isn't an issue. And as I've put more miles on the bike, even that little issue seems to have disappeared.

All I can say is: best investment I've ever made! Now all I have to do is farkle the thing out and start putting on some serious miles and smiles!! :yahoo:

Got a little over 2k on my '08 FJR 1300A (California version). What more can I say but, WOW!!! The more I ride it the bigger the grins. Coming off a v-twin cruiser, I didn't know what to expect-should have realized there is no comparison!
I've been reading a lot of the forum posts lately and seeing a lot of people talking about engine stalling, overheating, heavy throttles, balky clutches, etc. Either I don't know what I'm looking for, or I've been very lucky in that I've had none of these things occur in my '08. The ONLY thing I can think of that has occurred is when I've ridden on 100+ degree days. If I get the engine up to temp then shut down for an hour or so, then start the bike again it fires right up- and no problem blipping the throttle, but for the first 30 seconds or so it seems like there is a slight "hesistancy" in throttle response. The bike almost acts like my v-twin does when I haven't choked it enough when it's cold and you try to give some throttle. But, like I say, within 30 seconds or so it disappears and isn't an issue. And as I've put more miles on the bike, even that little issue seems to have disappeared.

All I can say is: best investment I've ever made! Now all I have to do is farkle the thing out and start putting on some serious miles and smiles!! :yahoo:

I think alot of these people have had alot of other bikes for comparison. I went form a 1972 R5 (350 2 stroke) put 12K in in 2 years on it before getting my 07AE in July. From day one its been a pure heaven on my 90 mile trip to work. I driven it every day expect 3 really bad rain days. The only real thing I had to get broken in was the stiff thottle, or my wrist got on shape (much like my left wrist got in shape with the R5 alot of cluch action in the Chicago traffic). After reading the post I started seeing some of the stuff they were talking about, I don't think about it anymore and just enjoy the ride. Now with 4k I'm still happy as can be.

The hesitantcy you describe is normal and has been programed from the factory (it is a warm up mode) so that you don't stress the engine until it has sufficiently warmed.

That slight hesitation after a heat soak is the only thing I noticed about my 08 Ca model. The first time I noticed any hesitation was when I was on the freeway in 105 deg temps. Part throttle was OK, but when I rolled it on I noticed a little hesitation. Then, after I parked the bike for about 45 minutes (it was in the sun), the bike started and seemed normal till I tried more than part throttle. It hesitated and cackled a little bit, but after a 1/4 mile it was normal again. I think it was a fuel vapor problem due to the heat. The injection system is all that keeps it from becoming an all out vapor lock.

At least this is what I think was happening. No problem in cooler weather, which reminds me, I need to go circulate the oil B)

Good to see another Calif rider. Welcome from San Diego. Looks like you're among the newly converted. Welcome to the forum.

That slight hesitation after a heat soak is the only thing I noticed about my 08 Ca model. The first time I noticed any hesitation was when I was on the freeway in 105 deg temps. Part throttle was OK, but when I rolled it on I noticed a little hesitation. Then, after I parked the bike for about 45 minutes (it was in the sun), the bike started and seemed normal till I tried more than part throttle. It hesitated and cackled a little bit, but after a 1/4 mile it was normal again. I think it was a fuel vapor problem due to the heat. The injection system is all that keeps it from becoming an all out vapor lock.At least this is what I think was happening. No problem in cooler weather, which reminds me, I need to go circulate the oil B)
Come to think of it, the only times I had an issue with the hesitation was after I had covered the bike to keep the full sun off it while I was in class. When I got ready to leave, the air temp gauge was showing something like 122 degrees. I'm sure I made the problem worse by covering the bike and not letting the heat dissipate like I should have. Never had a problem since now that I don't cover it for such a short time. Think I will invest in a half-cover though. know the ambient temperature is high when you uncover the bike and turn on the ignition....

....and the temp gauge is already @ 1 bar. :eek:

Got a little over 2k on my '08 FJR 1300A (California version). What more can I say but, WOW!!! The more I ride it the bigger the grins. Coming off a v-twin cruiser, I didn't know what to expect-should have realized there is no comparison!
I've been reading a lot of the forum posts lately and seeing a lot of people talking about engine stalling, overheating, heavy throttles, balky clutches, etc. Either I don't know what I'm looking for, or I've been very lucky in that I've had none of these things occur in my '08. The ONLY thing I can think of that has occurred is when I've ridden on 100+ degree days. If I get the engine up to temp then shut down for an hour or so, then start the bike again it fires right up- and no problem blipping the throttle, but for the first 30 seconds or so it seems like there is a slight "hesistancy" in throttle response. The bike almost acts like my v-twin does when I haven't choked it enough when it's cold and you try to give some throttle. But, like I say, within 30 seconds or so it disappears and isn't an issue. And as I've put more miles on the bike, even that little issue seems to have disappeared.

All I can say is: best investment I've ever made! Now all I have to do is farkle the thing out and start putting on some serious miles and smiles!! :yahoo:

I've read quite a bit here as well about all the problems of earlier models. The earlier models and the problems the owners experienced paved the way for our 08 models to be shed of most if not all of those problems. It's just the evolution of the species, and I sure hope the Yamaha engineers continue to listen and make improvements year over year. I absolutely love my bike more with every ride. There is so damn much top end in 5th gear that it's unreal. Hell, there's a lot in 4th gear!! Lots of opinions here....but also lots of guys that know what they are talking about and can back it up. The black color is the show stopper...all the other bikers (mostly v-twinners)..and their bitches...usually look real hard at it...probably wondering what the hell it is...thinking its a beemer or something. But they never get to look for very long!

Nuf said, ride safe.

Got a little over 2k on my '08 FJR 1300A (California version). What more can I say but, WOW!!! The more I ride it the bigger the grins. Coming off a v-twin cruiser, I didn't know what to expect-should have realized there is no comparison!
I've been reading a lot of the forum posts lately and seeing a lot of people talking about engine stalling, overheating, heavy throttles, balky clutches, etc. Either I don't know what I'm looking for, or I've been very lucky in that I've had none of these things occur in my '08. The ONLY thing I can think of that has occurred is when I've ridden on 100+ degree days. If I get the engine up to temp then shut down for an hour or so, then start the bike again it fires right up- and no problem blipping the throttle, but for the first 30 seconds or so it seems like there is a slight "hesistancy" in throttle response. The bike almost acts like my v-twin does when I haven't choked it enough when it's cold and you try to give some throttle. But, like I say, within 30 seconds or so it disappears and isn't an issue. And as I've put more miles on the bike, even that little issue seems to have disappeared.

All I can say is: best investment I've ever made! Now all I have to do is farkle the thing out and start putting on some serious miles and smiles!! :yahoo:
I have to agree with everything you say, I have had mine for just over 4 weeks and so far no problems apart from a low idle speed when I picked it up from the dealer, it was showing about 8-900 rpm on the tacho. I have increased it to 1000 rpm and as a result better gear changes and less hesitation when blipping the throttle. The clutch feels no heavier than my Kawasaki 1600 meanstreak and the FJR is 100% smoother !!!!! I have come into work on it today and grapped a fistful of throttle in 4th gear and nearly frightened myself to death, as I saw nearly twice our legal speed limit on the speedo (I shan't be doing that again in a hurry) it almost felt like the front wheel was skipping off the road surface. One lovely piece of equipment best purchase I have ever made........... :yahoo: hope you are pleased with yours.........

Glad to hear from someone closer than 100 miles from my house. My experience has been a good one. Love my bike. Again glad to have another CenCal guy(very few and far between). We'll have to hook up one of these days.

Glad to hear from someone closer than 100 miles from my house. My experience has been a good one. Love my bike. Again glad to have another CenCal guy(very few and far between). We'll have to hook up one of these days.
W.M. Woulds love to get together sometime. I'm always looking for people to ride with-gettin' real tired fo my usual quick runs up to Three Rivers or Springville. LOL! SEnd me a PM sometime and we'll see what we can arrange.
