FJR1300 vs V-Rod

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This isn't limited to HD sales reps. A co-worker of my fiance' (oddly enough a sales rep) paid about $1500 too much for a GSXR750. It was one of the really "rare" blue/white ones and they had to get it "special" from Utah. There are several born every minute.
I don't know about paying more but the blue/white ones are the first to go and you will wait for them around here. If you want one of the other colors you can usually get them faster.

Again don't know about paying more but if it were me you know I wouldn't hesitate to drive to Utah. :lol:

Very few dealers are jacking the price up anymore. Most have unsold 05's sitting on the floor at steep discounts. I just sold my Road King not long ago. I expected to sell it for what I had in it. Now, depreciation hits almost as hard as other brands. The dealer told me as much. He said as long as he had unsold 05 and 05 Road Kings priced WELL below MSRP, he couldn't move a 2 year old one with 18k on it for more than about $12k. And mine was a 95" stage 3 bike. I did more research and confirmed what the dealer told me. You'll hear dozens of similar stories. Just look at all the used HDs that don't sell. No longer an investment. Neighbor just bought a new 06 VRod and paid $13.5, out the door. More where that came from.

It's a very different market now for HD.

So --- you're a democrat in Texas, that explains it ---- And no - I got a softail not a V-ROD - and paid $500 back of MSRP with no extra chrome. Although I do admit I have added ..........

Well, your crystal ball ain't working too well today....No, I'm not a democrat, I'm a 4th generation republican. I didn't leave the party, they left me. They disappeared somewhere way off to the right...

And I'm glad for ya, not being suckered into a V-rod....although I understand why you got a FJR in addition to your softail,....sometimes you need something you can depend on to get you there....that is, when you have to be there....

And the good news is, you protologist called......they found your head.
So 'they left you'? So what exactly are you --- never mind, I think I know. Sorry, I wasn't aware I had a 'protologist' -- WTF is a 'protologist' anyway? Maybe a republican who's party left them behind by turning right instead of left? PS - not problem one with the Hog, havent needed to return to the dealer, but I do enjoy your diatribe.

So 'they left you'? So what exactly are you --- never mind, I think I know. Sorry, I wasn't aware I had a 'protologist' -- WTF is a 'protologist' anyway? Maybe a republican who's party left them behind by turning right instead of left? PS - not problem one with the Hog, havent needed to return to the dealer, but I do enjoy your diatribe.
Just wondering -- are you as much of an arrogant prick in person as you appear to be here?

So 'they left you'? So what exactly are you --- never mind, I think I know. Sorry, I wasn't aware I had a 'protologist' -- WTF is a 'protologist' anyway? Maybe a republican who's party left them behind by turning right instead of left? PS - not problem one with the Hog, havent needed to return to the dealer, but I do enjoy your diatribe.
Just wondering -- are you as much of an arrogant prick in person as you appear to be here?
whoa doods,

you're both on two wheels, eh?

ride safe,


This isn't limited to HD sales reps. A co-worker of my fiance' (oddly enough a sales rep) paid about $1500 too much for a GSXR750. It was one of the really "rare" blue/white ones and they had to get it "special" from Utah. There are several born every minute.
I don't know about paying more but the blue/white ones are the first to go and you will wait for them around here. If you want one of the other colors you can usually get them faster.

Again don't know about paying more but if it were me you know I wouldn't hesitate to drive to Utah. :lol:

The problem is that my fiance' told him where to find what he was looking for at two different local dealers. He just decided that the sale guy at what is known as a sh!t dealer around here, knew better. As far as I am concerned, he deserved it. He is also ignoring her warning about parking on the asphalt parking lot instead of the concrete part where the other bikes park. One of these days his rare gixxer, that is like all the other ones, will be laying on its side. I feel sorry for that bike.

Well, according to MCN the V-Rod is pretty close to the FJR in straight line "performance." All I remember at this point is the 1/4 mile time: 11.02 FJR // 11.38 for the V-Rod. I can't imagine the V-Rod, with equal rider, would be a match for the FJR in the twisties.Sales guy must make more on HD sales. I'll tell you, I don't meet many salesmen/women these days who know WTF they're talking about anyway. Doesn't seem like they take the time to really know their product so they can speak intelligently about it to customers.

Could be that a lot of people only hear what they want to believe also.

There are a lot of very good sales people out there. And a lot of bad ones.

Lot of bad customers and good ones too.

A good customer knows when he with a bad salesperson and a good sales person knows when he is with someone who only hears what he wants to hear.


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So --- you're a democrat in Texas, that explains it ---- And no - I got a softail not a V-ROD - and paid $500 back of MSRP with no extra chrome. Although I do admit I have added ..........

Well, your crystal ball ain't working too well today....No, I'm not a democrat, I'm a 4th generation republican. I didn't leave the party, they left me. They disappeared somewhere way off to the right...

And I'm glad for ya, not being suckered into a V-rod....although I understand why you got a FJR in addition to your softail,....sometimes you need something you can depend on to get you there....that is, when you have to be there....

And the good news is, you protologist called......they found your head.
Where can we expect to find yours?

So 'they left you'? So what exactly are you --- never mind, I think I know. Sorry, I wasn't aware I had a 'protologist' -- WTF is a 'protologist' anyway? Maybe a republican who's party left them behind by turning right instead of left? PS - not problem one with the Hog, havent needed to return to the dealer, but I do enjoy your diatribe.
Just wondering -- are you as much of an arrogant prick in person as you appear to be here?
whoa doods,

you're both on two wheels, eh?

ride safe,


All these posts are getting pretty silly. A HD rider can expect to get jumped on here becasue it is, after all, an FJR site. When your in the lions cage, you can expect to be attacked by the lions.

That being said, I would hate to be an FJR rider on a Harley site.

In defence of the HD rider here, I would agree it's a VERY popular bike. (not intereted in it's good or bad points here) I just have to agree, it's the best selling bike in the world.

If you ride an FJR and don't believe that, just take a look at all the posts, right on this site, that say: FJR spotted in Illinois", FJR spotted in Minn." FJR sighting in etc, etc, etc.

It would seem that even FJR riders agree it's really something special to see another FJR on the road, anywhere.

I would be willing to bet even FJR riders see 10 times as many HDs on the road as FJRs.

That doesn't make the HD better or the FJR better. It does show that they are different.

But the posts between these two bikes are no different that between people who own, let's say, a corvette or Honda 2000. Each was built for a different person. Each (hopefully) bought what they wanted.

If we all liked the same thing, we would all be married to the same girl, and I would be the only one getting laid, becasue I saw her first. The rest of you on top would be fanny banging me and all the rest of the guys on top! WOW! That is one ugly picture!

Think back, way back! Remember when: "My dads bigger than your dad!" Same thing, we just all own bikes now! "My bikes badder than your bike"

OK, I put on all my leathers, got a cob in my butt (for protection) and am hiding under a rock.

So as I expected, Give me your best shot! Cause my bikes are good (st1100 & Valk) but I don't know if they are better than any or your bikes. I just happen to like them. ( I also like the FJR and HDs) going to get an FJR , if I'm not put on a black list.


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I have ridden the V-Rod when they had the demo days in Joplin. I rode all the new Buells and the V-Rod and the V was my favorite! It sure is a kick to ride and FAST for a cruiser, But to lump it into a competion with the FJR is like a one legged man entering an ass kicking contest! :haha:

If the V-Rod was priced more competitive with the jap bikes, I would buy one... As a second to the FJR!

I just have to agree, it's the best selling bike in the world.
Hmm, I'll bet a beer on that one. I've always thought the best selling bike in the world was the Honda 50... :dribble:

Please name the bike that sells over 300,000 units per year, by limiting their production!

And for those who say HD sales are going down---Sales were up 10%+ last year and are up again this year. Doesn't sound like they are slowing down.

DISCLAIMER: Doesn't make it the best bike in the world. just 300,000+ people per year.

PS : you really don't want to bet me anything. I'm unreliable. I don't pay off if I lose.

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So 'they left you'? So what exactly are you --- never mind, I think I know. Sorry, I wasn't aware I had a 'protologist' -- WTF is a 'protologist' anyway? Maybe a republican who's party left them behind by turning right instead of left? PS - not problem one with the Hog, havent needed to return to the dealer, but I do enjoy your diatribe.
Just wondering -- are you as much of an arrogant prick in person as you appear to be here?

You'd have to make that judgement - but as you stated before your an attorney - so I know how well loved you are big mouth.

So 'they left you'? So what exactly are you --- never mind, I think I know. Sorry, I wasn't aware I had a 'protologist' -- WTF is a 'protologist' anyway? Maybe a republican who's party left them behind by turning right instead of left? PS - not problem one with the Hog, havent needed to return to the dealer, but I do enjoy your diatribe.
Just wondering -- are you as much of an arrogant prick in person as you appear to be here?

You'd have to make that judgement - but as you stated before your an attorney - so I know how well loved you are big mouth.

Ah, come on now. You already called him an attoney. It's not fair to kick a guy when he's down.

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So as I expected, Give me your best shot! Cause my bikes are good (st1100 & Valk) but I don't know if they are better than any or your bikes. I just happen to like them. ( I also like the FJR and HDs) going to get an FJR , if I'm not put on a black list.
What? Almost 200 posts and you don't even have an FJR?? WTF! Fraud!! I'll bet you're not really even Clark Kent or Superman!!!

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I don't know how Cycle World's reliability is, but according to the 11/04 issue

0-60_____ V-rod 3.6 secs.-----------------------------FJR 2.8 secs.

1/4 mile_____ V-rod 11.86 secs@ 115.19mph---- FJR 10.97secs@ 123.08mph

Top Speed_____ V-Rod 131mph----------------------FJR 154mph

I don't know how Cycle World's reliability is, but according to the 11/04 issue
0-60_____ V-rod 3.6 secs.-----------------------------FJR 2.8 secs.

1/4 mile_____ V-rod 11.86 secs@ 115.19mph---- FJR 10.97secs@ 123.08mph

Top Speed_____ V-Rod 131mph----------------------FJR 154mph
Your facts have no power over HD riders.

It's a matter of taste. One of the guys I ride with has a V-Rod. He has no shot at keeping up. He gets just as much joy out of riding as the rest of us. We tease each other, but it never breaks down like this thread has.

So as I expected, Give me your best shot! Cause my bikes are good (st1100 & Valk) but I don't know if they are better than any or your bikes. I just happen to like them. ( I also like the FJR and HDs) going to get an FJR , if I'm not put on a black list.
What? Almost 200 posts and you don't even have an FJR?? WTF! Fraud!! I'll bet you're not really even Clark Kent or Superman!!!

I'm trying to be nice here. Remember who I am. If I rode an FJR I would think it was like a kiddy peddle bike. I think all human bikes are like that.

I'm very happy with the ST1100 and the Valk.

I think I posted that I finaly got to ride the ST1300 and the FJR. I felt (as far as humans go) the FJR was much more Sport and the St was much more Touring. and the FJR was a much better bike for Me.

I think that is what this topic turned into. Me vs. You (You being any 3rd party). What works for ME may not work for YOU. "To each his own" etc.

But let there be no mistake. I am the man of Steel. Hell I can run faster than any bike on this planet.

You should have seen the bike my dad rode on krypton!

I understand that when he was talking to someone on his "lightspeed phone" (250th generation cell phone to you) If he were talking to you from NYC and you were in LA. He could get on his lightspeed bike and be in LA before your phone began to ring!

It was made of liquid. No matter how you sat on it, it was perfect. I think they had the paddle shifter bikes in the museum as one of the original bikes designated for kids under 3 months of age.

Well, enough about the OLD bikes of Krypton. I'll let you get back to your Earth, state of the art sutff.

As you Earthlings say "later"


So 'they left you'? So what exactly are you --- never mind, I think I know. Sorry, I wasn't aware I had a 'protologist' -- WTF is a 'protologist' anyway? Maybe a republican who's party left them behind by turning right instead of left? PS - not problem one with the Hog, havent needed to return to the dealer, but I do enjoy your diatribe.
Just wondering -- are you as much of an arrogant prick in person as you appear to be here?

You'd have to make that judgement - but as you stated before your an attorney - so I know how well loved you are big mouth.
That's about what I expected, including the spelling error. :rolleyes: On your invitation and the evidence you present, then, apparently it is a fair judgment (note the correct spelling) that you're an arrogant prick wherever your sorry ass is encountered.

Funny how someone who admits he didn't make it past the first year of law school feels a false superiority to those who made it through all 3 years and passed the bar exam. :****:

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