FJR1300AE - A year in the saddle.

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Yep, the AE is one sweet bike! I'd like to try one of the Honda VFRs with the DCT and full-auto shifting. For most of us, who aren't trying to drag a knee around a corner and would rather think about riding than about shifting the AE and Honda's DC auto transmissions are the cat's meow.

I have four motorcycles, and the AE has spoiled me. A bike without an auto clutch or DCT would take a lot of convincing for me to consider it.


I'm thinking about trading in my FJR. Do they make a Busa with an auto clutch?
Monty I am a 71 year old recovering stroke victum along with 3 major surgeries since 2006 when I bought my 2006 AE FJR 1300. I rode the AE during periods after recovery from the surgeries. It was possible for me to continue riding the AE ONLY because of it electronic shifting setup. Then after the stroke in June 2010 I did not ride it at all as my balance was not good. After 4 months of rehab, I felt safe enuf to ride it. I am still riding it along with several other of my numerous bikes.

Congrats on your riding at age 75. I hope I make that also.

Don't let any asshole talk BS about you having the AE,

I don't usually get this critical about what other owners say, but this complaining about the AE by those that probably have never ridden an AE is just not necessary, NUFF SAID!!
God bless, Dave. Hang in there. I'll meet you somewhere in between when we reach 80.
Monty FYI I went through USAF flight school at James Connelly AFB 1963-1964.. Lived ina brand new furnished air-conditioned apartment on Bosque Blvd and paid $75 per month including electricity. I was newly married and loved living in good ole Waco, especially like the cricket invasions that we experienced. Gas war was on there in Waco so gas sold for 17.9 per gallon the year I was there. Now live in southern CA. Stay in touch and be gentle with the AE.

Kudos to McAtrophy and Monty for blazing the trail! Gives a youngster like me (at 60) real optimism for more butt-numbing miles!!

LOVE rolling out my '09 AE on the highway, and right behind that has been the joy of customizing her with farkles to make the fit just right. It's gonna be a long and happy relationship, as our role models testify.

Invested in the off-season in new, on-sale, Tourmaster all-weather riding duds and a new helmet, to go with the new Corbin saddle, already broken them in with some short rides before the temperature dropped here in Boston. Looking forward to next early Spring.

Roll on,


I came around a big curve and over a hill awhile back doing about 85mph. Looked up and there was a Texas Hiway Patrolman with his lights on. I pulled over and he turned around and came up behind me. Looked at my driver's license and asked what an old guy like me was gong so fast. I told him I was just out having some fun til he showed up. He was already writing.

I came around a big curve and over a hill awhile back doing about 85mph. Looked up and there was a Texas Hiway Patrolman with his lights on. I pulled over and he turned around and came up behind me. Looked at my driver's license and asked what an old guy like me was gong so fast. I told him I was just out having some fun til he showed up. He was already writing. :rolleyes:
I bow to you, sir!

Best story I've read in months.

You're my hero.

The AE is truly special. There is nothing else like it available from any manufacturer. I have faster bikes that give a bigger thrill, and I have bikes that handle better in off camber switchbacks, and I've even got a bike that carries more and is more comfortable, but I've got no other bikes, and never have had any other bikes, that do everything so well in concert as the AE. I love it too. I sure wish the US market had supported their continued importation.
Interesting comment, what is the bike that carries more and is more comfortable?


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The AE is truly special. There is nothing else like it available from any manufacturer. I have faster bikes that give a bigger thrill, and I have bikes that handle better in off camber switchbacks, and I've even got a bike that carries more and is more comfortable, but I've got no other bikes, and never have had any other bikes, that do everything so well in concert as the AE. I love it too. I sure wish the US market had supported their continued importation.
Interesting comment, what is the bike that carries more and is more comfortable?

Comfort is subjective and depends on your geometry, so there could be a lot of answers to this question, but for me, its my Rocket III Touring. The riding posture on the R3T is what I've always called SBRP (standard British riding position). It really works for me for touring (not the same as sport touring).

I can get more stuff into and onto that bike too, so it carries more ... although for my purposes, both bikes carry plenty. I don't take a pillion, likening it to ordering a decaf at Starbucks, aka "what's the point." I've been happily married to the same gal for 38 years. I don't mess with her gardening, and she don't mess with my motorcycling. It works for us.

If I did carry a pillion, I'd probably think about a Victory Vision or a Gold Wing. Those both have incredible storage space. I'm not a fan of either for other reasons, but to each his own.

I moved over to the GTL and it the one option I wish I could have had on my Beemer. I miss my AE.

I to was in physical rehab for a month from a broken femur. Five places. A part of my therapy was throwing my leg over the seat and back again. Wasn't long I was back riding. So see! The FJR is more than just something to ride...
