FJR1300AE Delivery

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Long Beach, CA
Where is it? The wait is killing me :( If I knew everyone was going to be showing off with the A version, i would have bought it instead. :blink:

Our time will come...patience is a virtue (smoking helps). I checked in with my dealer in Colorado...all looks good for July Delivery of my 06 AE.


Where is it?  The wait is killing me :(   If I knew everyone was going to be showing off with the A version, i would have bought it instead.  :blink:
Uhhhh, well, if you'd bought where I had, you'd still be waiting because the dealership hasn't seen one "A" yet. The Mothership isn't showing them any love. Good luck on that "AE" delivery, I'm sure you'll get your bike exactly when you're supposed to... :lol: ;)

Um...that's best regards to you, shane.....that ship sunk and they are working on building new 06 models as we speak. Didn't you see the pics? Someone show shane.

Our time will come...patience is a virtue (smoking helps).    I checked in with my dealer in Colorado...all looks good for July Delivery of my 06 AE.
That's exactly why i need the bike! These cigars are getting expensive. I just smoked away my new corbin seat and i'm on to the cruise control. :dribble:

Um...that's best regards to you, shane.....that ship sunk and they are working on building new 06 models as we speak. Didn't you see the pics? Someone show shane.

I can WAIT (been waiting since September 28) :blink: :blink: !

Best Regards,


I called the dealer today and he's telling me the FJR1300AE aren't scheduled to be delivered until August? Say it ain't so.

I tried to get him to let me weasel my way into the FJR1300A instead and he said they were all spoken for.

I asked what about the April/May delivery that he originally promised and is listed on the yamaha web site. He said if they come sooner, they come sooner. Anyone else get a delivery estimate for the AE?

I told him I'm dying. I may be dead by then. :dribble:

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I spoke with Yamaha HQ today, and the person said my PDP number was estimated for a May 06 delivery. It will come in from Japan to Cypress CA and then to my dealer in Rancho Cucamonga CA after that. I don't have a warm feeling that the AE will be delivered in May however. Have heard some discussions of the AEs being shipped after all A model are shipped. That unfortunately makes sense as they probably have only on assembly line in their factory for FJR 1300s for USA.


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Our time will come...patience is a virtue (smoking helps). I checked in with my dealer in Colorado...all looks good for July Delivery of my 06 AE.

DFP here, I'm the guy that has been bitchin' and moanin' bout my dealer in Eugene. I went in today around noon and they looked at the computer. Said that my bike would be delivered on Friday for sure and that they would either have it ready for Friday afternoon, (five hour set up) or Saturday morning. I'm ecstatic! I get back to the office and at 2:30 he calls me and says, " I'm out in the back and am looking at your FJR." I said, "yeah right, it's probably someone else's. " He says, " nope, this one has your VIN on it". Long story short, I can pick it up tomorrow around 1 or 2. Oh my gosh, I can't believe it! By the way, I have a really good friend who is a former OSP, you know Dave? :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Hope your wait is over soon. Let me know when it gets here and we'll compare notes...

Our time will come...patience is a virtue (smoking helps). I checked in with my dealer in Colorado...all looks good for July Delivery of my 06 AE.


DFP here, I'm the guy that has been bitchin' and moanin' bout my dealer in Eugene. I went in today around noon and they looked at the computer. Said that my bike would be delivered on Friday for sure and that they would either have it ready for Friday afternoon, (five hour set up) or Saturday morning. I'm ecstatic! I get back to the office and at 2:30 he calls me and says, " I'm out in the back and am looking at your FJR." I said, "yeah right, it's probably someone else's. " He says, " nope, this one has your VIN on it". Long story short, I can pick it up tomorrow around 1 or 2. Oh my gosh, I can't believe it! By the way, I have a really good friend who is a former OSP, you know Dave? :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Hope your wait is over soon. Let me know when it gets here and we'll compare notes...
DSP, I hope your dealer know the difference between an AE and an A model?? Please confirm with a return notice here and if possible a picture of your 06 AE. It will be good news to a lot of AE waiters!! thanks

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Our time will come...patience is a virtue (smoking helps). I checked in with my dealer in Colorado...all looks good for July Delivery of my 06 AE.


DFP here, I'm the guy that has been bitchin' and moanin' bout my dealer in Eugene. I went in today around noon and they looked at the computer. Said that my bike would be delivered on Friday for sure and that they would either have it ready for Friday afternoon, (five hour set up) or Saturday morning. I'm ecstatic! I get back to the office and at 2:30 he calls me and says, " I'm out in the back and am looking at your FJR." I said, "yeah right, it's probably someone else's. " He says, " nope, this one has your VIN on it". Long story short, I can pick it up tomorrow around 1 or 2. Oh my gosh, I can't believe it! By the way, I have a really good friend who is a former OSP, you know Dave? :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Hope your wait is over soon. Let me know when it gets here and we'll compare notes...
Turbo Dave!

Not an AE, just an A, sorry to have been misleading. I hope that your AE comes in soon! I am thinking about Reno are you goin"? :wacko: :cowboy: :crazy: :headbonk:

Our time will come...patience is a virtue (smoking helps). I checked in with my dealer in Colorado...all looks good for July Delivery of my 06 AE.


DFP here, I'm the guy that has been bitchin' and moanin' bout my dealer in Eugene. I went in today around noon and they looked at the computer. Said that my bike would be delivered on Friday for sure and that they would either have it ready for Friday afternoon, (five hour set up) or Saturday morning. I'm ecstatic! I get back to the office and at 2:30 he calls me and says, " I'm out in the back and am looking at your FJR." I said, "yeah right, it's probably someone else's. " He says, " nope, this one has your VIN on it". Long story short, I can pick it up tomorrow around 1 or 2. Oh my gosh, I can't believe it! By the way, I have a really good friend who is a former OSP, you know Dave? :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Hope your wait is over soon. Let me know when it gets here and we'll compare notes...
Turbo Dave!

Not an AE, just an A, sorry to have been misleading. I hope that your AE comes in soon! I am thinking about Reno are you goin"? :wacko: :cowboy: :crazy: :headbonk:
DFP, congrats on the A model. You will like it a lot. thanks for the return notice.

Any news on the AE? Posts list delays till August, and also list deliveries in May.... anyone got the straight poop?

Hey turbodave -- you're showing at the top of the heap at what is your claim number if ya don't mind sharing? (I'm 196432 on YDS 10/21)

P.S. looks like numerous people don't respond to that site to update when they get theirs... just based on the dates of orders...

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I am right next to you with a claim #196434. I have'nt called in a couple months but the last I heard from HQ was a June delivery. My guess is it will be later than that.

I had a very nice chat w/ Yamaha this AM and was told that there was some A orders in May that were postponed for two weeks but as far as AE's, the deliveries were still on schedule. My dealer is expecting a June delivery. OK, I'm dying here but I sure haven't waited as long as some of you. I shall remain patient & in control ! @#$%^& :assassin:

Any news on the AE? Posts list delays till August, and also list deliveries in May.... anyone got the straight poop?
Hey turbodave -- you're showing at the top of the heap at what is your claim number if ya don't mind sharing? (I'm 196432 on YDS 10/21)

P.S. looks like numerous people don't respond to that site to update when they get theirs... just based on the dates of orders...
Rick, I am PDP 195582, 09/28/05.
