Our ignition switches are different to yours.
Do the US models have immobilisers fitted?
If not then that may explain why the Aussie & Canadian are different, they do.
Aussie logic;
Why would the Aussie switch be different than the Canadian one?
Canadian bikes have the same immobiliser that Aussie bikes do. Canadian bikes have been recalled. You're saying that Aussie bikes have not been (and what of the rest of the world?) Maybe the Aussie government doesn't think you guys are worth saving.
Nothing to do with Aussie logic.
As I keep on saying, the Aussie bikes do have a different ignition switch according to Yamaha Australia and are not in the recall.
The UK bikes must be the same or similar to ours, they are not in the recall either.
And what makes you think that Canadian bikes have the same immobiliser that Aussie bikes do?
The ECU problems were also yours only, no effect on our bikes due to a different ECU.