FJRF013 - Transmission Recall for Second Gear (DE, UK, CA, & US) (2016-2020)

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As of this morning, assuming the site has been updated, my VIN (JYARP29E1#########) still does not come up as recalled - which is how it has been since I started looking at this about a week ago. Hopefully it is because the understanding is correct - my VIN falls BEFORE the first range of VINs listed. Wouldn't that be nice...?

Just an observation... it occurred to me to check the 10 start and end VIN ranges from the listed in the notification using the Yamaha site.

> Some VINs do not come up as recalled at all - nothing found

> Some VINs have other recalls such as side stand switch and air hose re-route - of which some show completed and others not.

> No VINs show this recall listed.

I think Id take this as the site not being updated....

Update - 01/13/2021

Just passing along what I found out today regardless of accuracy. I spoke with Yamaha again just now, they answered pretty quickly. I gathered the following information according to the agent I spoke to.

> The notifications and final ranges are not officially out yet.

> Agent said that the website is NOT the official Yamaha recall website, thus in cannot be used for an official reference. I take it that this is used by dealers for a quick check, but not necessarily for official recalls. I say this because after he said that I looked it up, and domain registrar '' shows Yamaha as the owners. So tit belongs to them, just not official for this purpose.

> The information in the NHTS was a preliminary communication from Yamaha which still requires final validation.

> This is an internal document:

> This is another place where recalls are posted:

>> However the new FJR campaign is still not listed in either one..

> For the internal purposes of Yamaha, he said the the only parts that matter in the serial number are: 4, 5, 6 and 7th digits, and the last 6 digits. They don't use the rest for recalls.

>> So like this: aaa aa## a#aa ######. (a=Alpha, #=digits) And based on that, mine appears to be in at this point.

> There is no additional validation that the dealer needs to do. Once its on the list, its in.

So we continue to wait ...

Looking to see if anyone has had any luck with the Yamaha recall page.

If any of you have now found your bike listed and it was not being listed before, it would be good to know. Its a way for others to know that the list has been updated. Otherwise for those of us who are still not getting anything and possibly not affected, we would never know that it has changed.

^If my bike was on the list I'd almost be tempted to ride to Ontario.
And have to pay cash?  A U.S. bike is NOT going to be covered or serviced in Canada under warranty...unless they bought it in Canada.

I'd suggest an alternative though is if Yankees are concerned about the seeming holes in VIN databases and soft or slow roll-out of the recall.  Call to Cypress in the the CA that's a state and not a country.   This forum engaged in a polite but constant pressure for resolution during the great ticker debacle of 2003-2005...with some good outcomes.  Attacking the problem over attacking Yamaha was particularly helpful.   ;)

I get a "some fields may contain errors".  I tripled checked my VIN.

Doh.  Forgot to check that I am not a robot.

And....I'm a winner. 😒 At least the original owner had the sidestand switch recall done.

Plugging my VIN to the Yamaha web page has become something like playing the game Battleship.  It was all miss until today.  Now it is hit and sunk!  The logo of the Tuning Fork is tarnished.  This is disappointing.


Well I plugged about every VIN I could find on cycletrader tonight looking for one to buy outside the recall and did not find one excluded. Looks like a 2021 for me or something else. 

My dealer called me to confirm my appt, and also told (advised) me to be prepared for a 30~60 day turnaround! F***!! They told me they are very busy and they are a small shop so no guarantee that my bike would be worked on 'regularly'. Yamaha has this recall as a 14 hr job by the book. 
So today I'll be looking into other Yamaha certified dealers to see what kind of timeline I'm told.
Mine also needs brake switch recall completed. I think most do....
^Best of luck to you finding another shop.  Being told it wouldn't be worked on regularly conjures up visions of parts being kicked around and various mechanics taking turns working on it.  At least they were honest enough to tell you.

At least they were honest enough to tell you.
Or lying because they don't want to do this sort of warranty work when they might be able to do stuff at full labor rates.  Once started, it should be finished - not like they are going to work on it a half hour at a time over a two month period.  I would complain to corporate and/or find a shop that gives a **** about their customers.

Bastards - find another shop.

I would also report them to Yamaha head office.  They should be bending over backwards to resolve this issue.

Not bending you over.

Canadian FJR
