FJRForum members help at the AMA Superbike Races

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Some call me... The STIG!
FJR Supporter
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
Some FJRForum memebers (djbill, Fairlaner, FJRBluesman, jefsantiago, and rmcobb, sorry no pix of rmcobb at the other end of the pits) participated in being AMA Pro Marshalls at the AMA Superbike races in Fontana at the AAA Autoclub Speedway on Friday March 20th. It was a lot of fun. We got a 3-day pass, had pretty much unlimited access to the track, pits, garages, AMA Tech garage, and hot pits, a AMA shirt, they fed us lunch, and we got two additional passes. We were in the sun all day from 8am until 3pm and we were tired. Walking up and down the hot pits looking at numbers and checking the bikes as the went onto the grid. But it was a blast! All the big names and teams were there, Yates, Bostrom, Mladin, Aquino, Yamaha, Suzuki, Jordan, etc. If you love racing and you get a chance to do this, I highly recommend it.


Local News link with Rick Lozano & Jason Pridmore. FJR members in background getting briefed on their tasks. We're the ones in white LS T-shirts looking lost.

Fox11 News at Fontana.


Here we are just arriving at about 7am at the AAA Autoclub Speedway.


Fairlaner is getting a new bike!


FJRBluesman is doing some bench racing on Fairlaner's future bike.


The AMA Tire Control Crew (from the forum)! From left to right standing: FJRBluesman, djbill, Fairlaner, kneeling jefsantiago.


This is pit row or the "Hot Pits". Our job was basically writing down the numbers of tires, mainly new ones, per the new AMA rules for all three classes, Super Sport, Daytona Superbike, American Superbike. We walked right down this side of the wall always looking over our shoulder to make sure we were safe.


Here we are right at Matt Mladin's pit, which was at the entrance to the hot pits, we were stationed there all day getting the numbers. We also roamed around looking for the teams changing tires to get the new numbers documented. I think djbill was the official stopper; Fairlaner was great at supervising; and FJRBluesman and jefsantiago were roaming the pits, and making sure djbill and fairlaner were working.


Lunch was really good. The wife of an AMA official made home made fajitas and beans with warm tortillas. It was Excellent just ask fairlaner.


The three musketeers, or three stooges or 3 somethun…. With Mladin's pit in the background.

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Added this link up top of local news covereage with FJR members in background.

Local News link with Rick Lozano & Jason Pridmore. FJR members in background getting briefed on their tasks. We're the ones in white LS T-shirts looking lost.

Fox11 News at Fontana.

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Yep, had a good time. Always interesting to meet individuals from a Forum and place personalities to their web version. I brought two friends with me so they paired us up, and paired Bluesman, Fairlaner, DJ, and Jeff together to cover the 2 main entrances to the track side of pit wall.

The wife and I rode the FJR back down on Saturday (475 mile day) to watch from pit side. Very cool. I posted these pics in the Road Atlanta thread, just a couple from Race day.

Jamie Hacking just before heading to his bike for the Daytona Supersport race.


The Dunlop guys conferring before the race. They were checking track temps and monitoring tire wear throughout the day on Friday. I was talking with a couple of them and it was interesting all the data they were collecting won't be used until next years tire formulation. This year, the tires won't change in makeup or structure throughout the season.


Danny Eslick with his trophy for winning the Daytona Supersport race. We got out of there right after this as we didn't want to get doused with champagne.



