Thanks. We're fine on funds at this point. We have special FJR friends that donate bandwidth and server resources.I LOVE THIS SITE AND COMMUNITY PLEASE NOTIFY WHEREA DONATION CAN BE SENT.
Enjoy the coverage.
The Management
Thanks. We're fine on funds at this point. We have special FJR friends that donate bandwidth and server resources.I LOVE THIS SITE AND COMMUNITY PLEASE NOTIFY WHEREA DONATION CAN BE SENT.
After your assignment is complete, and with IBR staff's ok, I for one would love to hear about your task!Lisa has me working an assignment that may not be all that popular with a few riders, but someone has to do it.
I followed the IB Rally thread in 2013. It got me started in LD riding. I have 12 IBA certificates so far and many more planned. Good luck to all the riders this year. I'll be following the daily reports and looking forward to the pictures and stories.The daily report is a great read. I must admit that before last week, I couldn't really understand the concept of L/D riding, let alone even fathom the idea of trying it. But this thread has been eye opening. I'm not ready for a serving of kool-aid just yet, but I would enjoy a ride to a checkpoint.
General First Rider Out The Gate (FROTG) Rules:------------------------------------------------------------------------1) $2 to enter the contest - this is your hair dye fee. Sign up at the Tech Inspection table on Saturday.2) Contest begins on SUNDAY at 10am near the Tech Inspection table.3) Contestants must have finished their complete IBR Check In process *BEFORE* participating in the hair-dying exercise. 4) Entrants have no say as to color(s), placement or amount of dye used.The FROTG Team (Eric & Cletha) make this call.5) Hair Dye will be something like "Jerome Russell B Wild" hair dye - easily washable after the contest.6) Bald riders are still encouraged to enter the contest. We'll have special coloring methodology for you. Heh.7) As in 2013, the winner is chosen by their riding peers at the Sunday night banquet via a highly-tuned applause-o-meter. This will occur after dinner and immediately prior to getting down to business with rally packs.8) Winner must be on the Start Line Monday morning sporting their complete dye job. If a touch-up is need for photo opportunities, Eric & Cletha are happy to perform this task. 9) The FROTG Winner will be the first bike released Monday morning, followed by the remaining Top 10 FROTG contestants (the latter selected by the FROTG Team at the banquet).10) In the event of a tie - the "Don Moses Rule" takes effect: winner is determined by 3 hands of "Rock,Paper, Scissors".
While he is not riding his FJR in the IBR it seems our friend 'Zilla is destined to be this forum's hero anyway. It seems to me he will need a Man Sized measuring device.Okay...I'm not home right now to measure myself.
Colin is indeed out. And man does it suck. A career change in the last year combined with a dodgy first couple of jobs has meant that I was not able to make the run this year.Colin is out.I think Colin is in.
All I know is that if someone figures it out and posts it, Jason will scramble the numbers!
ExcellentNew pictures up from late yesterday and today, including the fun with hair. Just keep scrolling down to find more pics.