FJRForum Official 2015 Iron Butt Rally Tracking/Analysis thread

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If I recall correctly, there are 13 Parks and Sites in Texas that are in the Park Passport and therefore eligible for the Master Traveler Award. I wonder if #158's plan is to get all of them, plus one or two in New Mexico and/or Colorado?


If I recall correctly, there are 13 Parks and Sites in Texas that are in the Park Passport and therefore eligible for the Master Traveler Award. I wonder if #158's plan is to get all of them, plus one or two in New Mexico and/or Colorado?
His ride for me is like a train wreck....I can't quit watching him/her! Whatever that rider sees, he appears to be the only one, I don't think anyone else has set foot in Texas. This is all very awesome to watch!

If I recall correctly, there are 13 Parks and Sites in Texas that are in the Park Passport and therefore eligible for the Master Traveler Award. I wonder if #158's plan is to get all of them, plus one or two in New Mexico and/or Colorado?
His ride for me is like a train wreck....I can't quit watching him/her! Whatever that rider sees, he appears to be the only one, I don't think anyone else has set foot in Texas. This is all very awesome to watch!
Now #170, I think the numbers have been jumbled again. I have no clue what this person is thinking. I wonder if he or she will hit the 3 other boardering states on the way back. It would only make sense. It will be a nail bighter back to the barn for #170 on Thurseday.


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Well, I can't seem to paste into this little box easily. S'okay. The instructions for the bonus say "Your flag must be visible in the photo" Now, taken literally, both flags are visible. The guy behind 67 has part of his number showing, though I can't tell what it is. The guy behind him, can't see the number at all. As a rider, I would take that statement to mean that my NUMBER needs to be visible. It is certainly not my call, just something I would have been worried about posing for the photo, making sure my NUMBER is visible in the photo. And, I'm very grateful it isn't my call.

I had a kind of similar situation in 09. At one of the bonuses -a bar near Pittsburgh I believe - my flag was backwards. There was some discussion, but it was decided that though backwards, it was obvious that was the case and the NUMBER could be clearly identified, so bonus awarded. Whew. It's very unpleasant to do the work for the bonus, but have a little flub like that. It's OBVIOUS you were there, but... I think the IBR has been a bit gentler on these cases recently, so hope they both get the points, of course.

If I recall correctly, there are 13 Parks and Sites in Texas that are in the Park Passport and therefore eligible for the Master Traveler Award. I wonder if #158's plan is to get all of them, plus one or two in New Mexico and/or Colorado?
His ride for me is like a train wreck....I can't quit watching him/her! Whatever that rider sees, he appears to be the only one, I don't think anyone else has set foot in Texas. This is all very awesome to watch!
+1 - it's been excruciating watching the rider in TX.

Whatever that rider is thinking, it doesn't seem to be the right choice.....

#113 and the rest of the PNW riders are in for a barn burner back also. Me thinks some will not make it in time.


I've been away all morning. Did the guy in Oregon make it as far as Astoria/ Fort Clatsop??

If I recall correctly, there are 13 Parks and Sites in Texas that are in the Park Passport and therefore eligible for the Master Traveler Award. I wonder if #158's plan is to get all of them, plus one or two in New Mexico and/or Colorado?
His ride for me is like a train wreck....I can't quit watching him/her! Whatever that rider sees, he appears to be the only one, I don't think anyone else has set foot in Texas. This is all very awesome to watch!
+1 - it's been excruciating watching the rider in TX.

Whatever that rider is thinking, it doesn't seem to be the right choice.....
His (#154/#170) Spot says his time zone is set to 'Isle of Mann'. Which is GMT. Which sounds like something a pilot would do. Are there any pilots in this years IBR?

His (#154/#170) Spot says his time zone is set to 'Isle of Mann'. Which is GMT. Which sounds like something a pilot would do. Are there any pilots in this years IBR?

Isn't the Hoka Hey rider "Will" a pilot?

#113 and the rest of the PNW riders are in for a barn burner back also. Me thinks some will not make it in time.
As of this post the guy near Wallace, ID has 1250 miles to get back on a direct route to ABQ with a little over 30 hours before penalty points accrue. That's a sub Saddle Sore pace in a field that knock them and more extreme rides out regularly. The PNW folks (nor anybody else) are close to being in jeopardy IMO. Riders can cover a LOT OF GROUND in 30 hours.

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Spot says his time zone is set to 'Isle of Mann'. Which is GMT. Which sounds like something a pilot would do. Are there any pilots in this years IBR?
Yes, Mountain is a pilot, as is Owen, Barclay and Monroe. Those are the ones that I'm aware of that fly professionally, there may be others and/or private pilots.

Edit: The time zone can be set to anything, most often riders set it to their local time zone really has no bearing on anything here.

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I believe Will Barclay is a pilot, but the daily report had him heading east yesterday.

His (#154/#170) Spot says his time zone is set to 'Isle of Mann'. Which is GMT. Which sounds like something a pilot would do. Are there any pilots in this years IBR?
Isn't the Hoka Hey rider "Will" a pilot?
This has to do with where the rider calls their home timezone and setup their SPOT. I think you spotted one of the three or four Europeans riding in this event, but I don't believe it has anything to do with whether they're a pilot or not.

This was noted yesterday somewhere, and one could narrow down riders a bit by SPOT broadcast of timezone (e.g. Device TZone = America/Los Angeles is going to be a West Coast person..or more probably more accurately a West Coast registered SPOT unit)

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The guy in Texas is not a pilot. He knows what he's doing. He's a veteran (finisher) of at least the last 2 IBRs that I know of, and numerous events in Europe.

I know you folks have never seen me post here before. True confession, I'm only here because of the great IBR coverage. But I do have some good riding friends that have FJR's, and I'd love to have one myself. I'm very active on the FZ1oa board, and will be showing up at the finish on my 02 FZ1. :)

If any of you are bored while waiting for the riders to get in, check out these videos:

If you are interested in the background, see this thread on the FZ1oa.

If you look through all that, you'll take note that there was some discussion about such simulation software not really being fully adequate for a task like the IBR. I get that. But I thought it was pretty cool that the results were close to what one of the Big Dogs came up with to win that leg in 2013.

In case you are wondering, I have not shared the software with anyone, and none of the IBR riders has ever asked me for it. It was much more an exercise in curiosity than anything. If I do the IBR one day, maybe I'll put some more effort into it.

Loving the IBR and this thread. Thanks for letting me tag along.

Iggy, where am I confused? Leg 1 check point is July 2nd 8-10PM, right? That's more than 48 hours from now, no?

#113 and the rest of the PNW riders are in for a barn burner back also. Me thinks some will not make it in time.
As of this post the guy near Wallace, ID has 1250 miles to get back on a direct route to ABQ with a little over 30 hours before penalty points accrue. That's a sub Saddle Sore pace in a field that knock them and more extreme rides out regularly. The PNW folks (nor anybody else) are close to being in jeopardy IMO. Riders can cover a LOT OF GROUND in 30 hours.
They do have to sleep sometime don't they. Considering some traffic and stops I still think there cutting it close but what do I know. I am just a benchwarmer.


Now, taken literally, both flags are visible. The guy behind 67 has part of his number showing, though I can't tell what it is. The guy behind him, can't see the number at all.
I'm having a hard time seeing what you're seeing Nancy...I can see all flags and read all numbers on those flags. Here's the photo posted by IBA Magazine: (I've circled the three couples who are riding 2-up and therefore have only one rally flag between the two of them)


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I'm having a hard time seeing Mr. 50something's number in the second row behind a head...will that be an issue?

Not for me....but for him. ;-)

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