FJRForum Official 2015 Iron Butt Rally Tracking/Analysis thread

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Is the Andrew Johnson National Historic Site, in Greenville, TN., a required checkpoint today?
Read the very first thread post for checkpoint information.
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Who's on the 03 fjr? With British accent?Looking like he's got a leak originating up by oil filter. He's believing a possible final drive. I saw oil originating from just behind oil filter. Bike was on side stand I saw plenty of oil in window
Sounds like it could be Chris McGaffin. ????

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Just got a message from Tony, 101stPathfinder. He's asking if anyone has a 550 or 590 in TN. That's ALL the message said. I'm thinking he's looking for a GPS because I know his was giving him trouble and he was depending on a borrowed one.

So anyone in TN have a GPS Tony can use??

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Who's on the 03 fjr? With British accent?Looking like he's got a leak originating up by oil filter. He's believing a possible final drive. I saw oil originating from just behind oil filter. Bike was on side stand I saw plenty of oil in window
Sounds like it could be Chris McGaffin. ????

Who's on the 03 fjr? With British accent?Looking like he's got a leak originating up by oil filter. He's believing a possible final drive. I saw oil originating from just behind oil filter. Bike was on side stand I saw plenty of oil in window
Sounds like it could be Chris McGaffin. ????

**IGGY is that Rick Martin's FJR that the gun toting foreigner is on???? If so, it's the fastest FJR I've been on, -including my two. If that's rick's bike holds the record from Gerlach to Empire.

Just got a message from Tony, 101stPathfinder. He's asking if anyone has a 550 or 590 in TN. That's ALL the message said. I'm thinking he's looking for a GPS because I know his was giving him trouble and he was depending on a borrowed one.
So anyone in TN have a GPS Tony can use??
I have a 550 that he's welcome to use. Haven't had any problems with it during the past 5 years and have late 2014 maps on it. If he needs it, contact me at six one four 3 - 3 - 8 nine 8 two 5. I'm at the hotel in Kingsport.

Shemp and Uncle Lumpy, I sent your info to Tony. I'm waiting to hear back. UL, I gave him your number. Shemp, I told him you'd be there.

His number is: Five 6 one 8 four three seven 0 three 8.

Again - the efforts of this community to support our fella's in the hunt are truly amazing! If I was closer, Tony would be welcome to my Zumo...

Yes, that's McGaffin. His spot stopped spotting near Memphis and I was starting to worry. But I think the guy who saw him was in NC? So that makes me feel a little better. Not sure if my aforementioned buddy can help (Yes, Bob, same George, he's a great guy), but I will let them know he's coming in.

Sorry to hear he's having an issue. I'm sure Rick already knows. Rick is quite the wrench himself and I'm sure will be ready to go on the issue. He's probably planning his attack as I type. Hi Rick!

It's a different 03 Mario found...with some 05 parts from one of my bed Kees.

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What about the guy outside of Memphis? He needs to kick it or is he out? I haven't been watching for awhile.

That is Chris McGaffin in the picture, however he has not contacted me yet so I ASSume there is no problem_? On a side note, there is a FD and shaft in my truck along with a stator and voltage regulator.
And yes Iggy my FJR is fast ask RJ.

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A reminder to everyone that, while the IBR is running, the activity of the forum skyrockets. As a result there are lags in response times. Do a REFRESH of your browser if you think your post didn't go through. DO NOT do another save/post as this will create a duplicate.

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That is Chris McGaffin in the picture, however he has not contacted me yet so I ASSume there is no problem_? On a side note, there is a FD and shaft in my truck along with a stator and voltage regulator.And yes Iggy my FJR is fast ask RJ.
I'll save him having to ask. Faster than any of my FJRs. The fastest FJR i've ever seen. I set the record from Gerlach to Empire on that bike. I was too scared to take it any further.

***Rick I'm confused if that's the same bike?

I wish mamayama would go back to making fast FJR's instead of more obese and more slow by the year.

I wish mamayama would go back to making fast FJR's instead of more obese and more slow by the year.
They might, if Honda would update the ST1300 and give them competition.

Meanwhile, most seem to be making their way steadily to the Checkpoint and a few need to hurry :)

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Timmer" data-cid="1242825" data-time="1436113176"><p>

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="powderhound5" data-cid="1242821" data-time="1436111089"><p><br />

As per usual it takes my till the second checkpoint to remember how to sign on to the Forum.<br />

<br />

Hi Iggy!!<br />

<br />

I fly to ABQ Friday for scoring duties and banquet festivities.</p></blockquote>

I REALLY like what you are posting over on your AdvRider thread! Keep sharing the insight.</p></blockquote>

Can you post a link to the thread or describe where to find it on Advrider ?

Here is my IBR stalker pic. It's and FJR, so there may be a chance someone here might recognize the rider.


This guy was heading east on US54 in Liberal KS at 2:00pm CDT on July 3rd. He was about 1/2 hour behind a Silver ST1300 with a guy in a hi-vis roadcrafter. and 2 hours ahead of a BMW with yellow/red reflective stickers on the bags. I was checking the spot on my cell phone while traveling west to my wife's high school reunion, and I just happened to cross paths with a few riders that may have been heading to Larned/KC/Etc...

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