FJRForum Official 2015 Iron Butt Rally Tracking/Analysis thread

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I can't believe this passed tech. Ram Mounts? Hose Clamps on the subframe? Unless something else is holding up the front of that tank, it's going to flop onto the seat pretty fast. Not a good load path.
Looks like it's from IBPete's Maple Farkles. I can't speak to this installation, but overall his mounting system has been accepted.

BTW, I'm a S10 rider who drops in here every other year to listen in on the show... Thanks for letting us guests hang out here.

If they are accepting properties administered by the NPS (parks, monuments, battlefields, historic sights) the count goes way up, but that also opens the list for some real sucker-bonuses. The Eugene O'Neill NHS is just off the interstate, but to get a pic of the house or garden they would have to ride a shuttle bus with a funky schedule. I'll bet there are a lot like that.

I only had an inkling of what the IBR was about in 2011 when I first followed it here on the FJR forum. Now watching all of the speculation after having lived through it, I just have to shake my head and smile a lot. Unless you are one of the chosen few who has seen an actual rally pack, and even then it wont mean CRAP if the Rally master decides to spice things up at the check points, then you are wasting more mental energy than the Energizer Bunny on speed.

Some great posts with pics and videos, thanks to all who have contributed to the fun.

Another detail to the National Parks theme before the rider communication black-out began I gleened from multiple sources....the baseline requirement for the rally is 50 national parks & 25 states in 11 days.
If Petroglyph was included (and I think jwhite518 is right) it would at least mean National Parks and the next tier of National Monuments are included in the possible bonus list. Whether other tiers like National Historic Parks or Sites would be included I'm not sure, but am sure that the west is littered with possible sites and a big loop from ABQ west and north is probably likely. Two main tracks seem to be developing with the Northern folks--possibly headed to Bandelier NM.

California has a ton of them by simple counting, but we'll see what point values they're worth after Leg 1 has been completed.
Saw somewhere that there were 300 possible bonus locations. They'd have to include more than just National Parks. And I have a few riders' individual spot tracks, they definitely stopped at Petroglyph.

Am guessing that they borrowed from 2011, and you just have to do the minimum for the IBA cert to be ranked as a finisher - in this case IBA National Parks Tour. 50 parks, 25 states. Butt in 11 days instead of 365.

But there will be points for specific sites, just like the state capitols. So Denali is probably worth more points than Petroglyph.

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Dale It looks like an Electra glide was first out of the gate. DId he win the haircut dye job contest? Who was it?

This link doesn't work for this posted on your own personal FB page? (where those of us not "friends" with you can't see it)
While I can't tell the validity or permissions of this specific link, for those that are users of Facebook adding or "liking" "Iron Butt Magazine" will likely yield another information source comparable to this forum.

This link doesn't work for this posted on your own personal FB page? (where those of us not "friends" with you can't see it)
While I can't tell the validity or permissions of this specific link, for those that are users of Facebook adding or "liking" "Iron Butt Magazine" will likely yield another information source comparable to this forum.
"Liking" Iron Butt Magazine on FB isn't the answer apparently, since I "liked" and have been following that FB page for quite a long while.

Blanket "LIKE" for every post on this thread, since I will run out of individual likes within 3 minutes each day.

(Although all y'all "visitors" are absolutely KILLING our bandwidth. No matter. The more the merrier and the bigger the party.)

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Voni Glaves shared the link on FB. If you 'like' her, you can see the link.
Thanks Tim. I have been friends with Voni for many, many years, both on and off of FB.
I think the issue was trying to share someone else's video from the FB onto this independent site.

I did find Ed Otto's video, since I am also friends with him on FB as well.

Voni Glaves shared the link on FB. If you 'like' her, you can see the link.
I don't see a link to it on her page...does ANYONE have a link that the general public can get to?
It sounds like the video was taken down because of quality problems. I bet it will be up later once the compression/quality problems have been solved.

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Voni Glaves shared the link on FB. If you 'like' her, you can see the link.
I don't see a link to it on her page...does ANYONE have a link that the general public can get to?
Agreed, Jay. I don't see a link on her page either, but I did find a video at Ed otto's page.
searched ED OTTO..checked 7 joy.

If you are on FB I can share it with you My name is Jeff Augustine You will have to friend me because of the way I have permissions set up.
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